Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 611: Civil War (1)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"No matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal." – Monkey D Luffy


As Mandarin was defeated by Tony and Batman wearing brand new armor, ten rings were also deprived, this war finally saw the dawn of victory.

"Red Skull, you will be tried by the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity!" A group of people pressed Red Skull and walked out of the secret base, their eyes indifferent and expressions full of anger and resentment.

Red Skull's blood-red head lifted slightly, looking at the heavily armed symbiote soldiers and superheroes around, the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing deep sarcasm.

"Cut off one head and grow two heads. How can you be sure that the judge of the court is not mine?" Red Skull glanced at everyone sarcastically.

He didn't seem to panic at all.

The scarred Captain America said solemnly: "Every judge is carefully selected. You can't control all the judges in advance."

"Then how are you sure that the judges will sentence me to death? Are you sure that the politicians behind the court will sentence me to death? No, not only will they not, they will worship me well and try to get more from my mouth. Much knowledge, intelligence, and technology."

Red Skull tilted his head, "I have survived in a special form in the interstellar for eighty years... Eighty years, Steve! I know far more things than you! They are reluctant to kill me!"

"On the contrary, they will deal with me very closely...Of course, externally, they will declare that they have executed me, a criminal who is full of wickedness."

The red skull showed a deep sarcasm.

Very realistic, and the most likely fact.

After many criminals are caught, they will be officially thrown into ridiculous prisons in the name of refusing private law enforcement. However, some heroes who pursue justice believe it.

When the super criminals sum up their experiences and lessons and come up with new crime methods, they will immediately escape from prison.

Are you really stupid for an official agency? They can't kill the superpowered criminals in the prison, and can't kill the high-IQ criminals with weak combat effectiveness?

The truth is what Red Skull said, every super criminal is an alternative "wealth", and the official agency is reluctant to kill them.

The most important thing is that if you kill a supercriminal, who will deal with a superhero who refuses to accept their control?

This is the fact, and it is also a fact that some superheroes who respect the law have to accept, they can only be exhausted time and time again, catching and releasing, and having fun...

"Send you silly children a word, no matter what is connected with politics, right or wrong and emotion are not important, interests are the most important."

"And those who can deal with superheroes like you are a huge living benefit in themselves."

"You guys are far from the real ruthless character."

The red skull seemed to be smiling but not smiling. On his terrifying face, the muscles twitched. He lifted his chin slightly. Next to him, a computer suddenly turned on, and loud noises came from each machine.

"...After being identified, we firmly believe that the existence of superheroes is not only not beneficial to the society and the people, but will cause huge disasters... They do not accept our supervision and command, and they do everything by their own will. This is true in modern society. An incredible thing..."

A senior congressman talked eloquently to the camera, and then threw out his plan: "The Superhero Registration Act! Yes, this is the consensus of the Global Security Council. Every human with superpowers should do it. Personal information registration, including their abilities, real names, home addresses..."

The faces of all the heroes have changed, with different looks.

The Red Skull let out a creepy laugh, was escorted by the soldiers on the transport plane, and disappeared from the sight of everyone.

The heroes who remained on the scene looked at each other carefully, watching the completely different faces of their comrades.

"This congressman is also a remnant of Hydra," Batman said hoarsely.

"Perhaps, maybe not, but does it make sense?" Tony asked Jarvis to connect to the live broadcast, looking at the picture with a gloomy expression.

"Then we can't let the Red Skull succeed, this bill absolutely cannot pass," Batman said.

"Wow, man, you have to understand that even if this congressman is really a remnant of Hydra, he is just a pawn. This kind of major bill has been passed by the high level, and the point is this! They think we should accept everything. Directional supervision!"

Batman shook his cloak, his cheeks behind the mask were extremely cold: "Then find a way to overthrow this bill in a legal manner."

Many heroes have different faces, and after hesitating for a while, they dispersed.

Superman's huge cloak fluttered in the wind, his strong body over two meters motionless.

Diana hesitated and said, "Clark, what should we do?"

"This bill must never be passed, and I will never accept such unreasonable things." Superman looked serious.

"But Red Skull's words are very worrying, he knows the implementation of this bill..."

"At least we have defeated the Red Skull once again to guard the peace of the earth, as long as we closely monitor these criminals, everything is worth it. The issue of the bill requires the efforts of all of us. Once it is passed, Those of us who hide our identities will become illegal individuals."

Superman frowned tightly, a little worried, his super brain immediately thought about the terrible consequences of the implementation of this bill.

There will definitely be people who are inclined to accept the bill, such as Tony, who is already a public person, and this bill does not affect him.

But Superman is not good, if he makes his identity public, his adoptive mother Martha will be dead, and countless criminals will kill her.

Diana looked at Superman's back and opened her mouth, but in the end, she remained silent.

The heroes dispersed anxiously.

Soon, news related to the "Superhero Registration Act" continued to ferment, and at the same time, the remaining party of Hydra was being madly purged, and sporadic wars could no longer affect the overall situation.

The shadow of Hydra was gradually wiped out, but the influence of the bill was fermenting wildly.

The whole earth seems to have split public opinion overnight. Some people object this will have a huge impact on the private lives of the heroes. Some people support that they think that many heroes have already disclosed their identities, such as Iron Man, Ant-Man, US Team, Diana, and so on.

In seemingly innocuous discussions and controversies, a larger undercurrent is surging, and people with interest are quietly pushing it forward, trying to make the already delicate situation more clear.

It doesn't matter whether it gets better or worse.

When Iron Man stood up and publicly supported the bill, everything was different.

With Thor, the **** of thunder, once again descended on the earth, pushing the situation to another top.