Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 539: Artificial God Thor

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." —Mark Twain.


"You are the only remaining king of Asgard. Whether to take this risk, you have the choice."

Downey looked at Thor quietly, with inexplicable emotions flashing in his eyes.

To be honest, Downey really didn't want to have a **** battle with Tianjin Wengxing. His friendship with Thor was not so good that it was not worth letting Downey risk his life.

Most importantly, the benefits are not that big.

Asgard's friendship? Odin was all dead, and Thor and others were left to flee with hundreds of thousands of civilians. Even if the fluke persisted, Asgard could not be slowed down for thousands of years.

The worst result was that Downey took the planet Cybertron to exile in the multiverse. Anyway, the people he cared about most were on Cybertron.

Thousands of thousands of universes, where are they not home?

"I'm here, my strength is not worse than Thor, and I will accept the life organization of the gods." Heimdall took a step forward.

"No, let me do it. I have the blood of a pure frost giant on my body. This is your purpose anyway, isn't it?" Rocky looked at Downey with a calm face, "I just hope that what you say is true, true. There is a possibility of success."

"You have no value worthy of my dignity and credibility to deceive." Downey said indifferently, "It's a bit ugly, but I don't have to deceive you. The risk is proportional to the reward."

Thor patted Downey on the shoulder again and nodded slowly: "Then I will accept the transformation. As long as I can get stronger strength, I am willing to give everything."

"Then start, Tianjin Wengxing will come to you at any time, and I will complete your transformation as soon as possible."

Downey said solemnly, then waved and opened the top floor of a metal pavilion.

Hearing the farewell of Thor and the others in his ears, Downey's face was always flat, with a vague expectation in his heart.

Artificial gods are an important part of mass production weapons, whether it is to face the universe gods group or to promote the research of the divine power system in the future, it is very important.

Does Thor want to gain power? Very well, Downey is willing to give it to him. As for whether he can succeed, I will say otherwise.

The level of the gods starts at the seventh level. As long as the transformation is successful, Thor will cross that threshold and become the seventh-level **** king, enough to fight Tianjin Wengxing.

It also saves Downey from being forced to fight Tianjin Wengxing in the future.

Heimdall's face was ugly, Loki looked uncertain, with great doubts, anxiety and anticipation, watching Thor who followed Downey to the top floor of the building.

Loki's face was sullen, and he separated a magical clone, and then the real body tried to follow it quietly, but powerful magic suddenly appeared and blocked him.

It contained the power that made Loki's heartbeat, no less than Odin's.

"How many powerhouses Downey has recruited..." Rocky's eyes showed deep fear.


The top laboratory is a little empty with a large number of artificial celestial test benches listed.

"Lie down, I will use the life organization of the gods to fuse your original life organization. As for whether you can survive, it depends on your own life."

Downey beckoned, and the mass of meat trapped in the trough was constantly twisting, like a large wriggling earthworm, making the scalp numb.

"How did you get this?" Thor took a deep breath.

"The Land of Nothingness, I destroyed it, and then analyzed the life code of the gods."

"Did you make it?"

"Failed, only a part of the analysis, but the initial copy and transformation have been able to be carried out, it is impossible to achieve man-made from beginning to end."

Downey replied.

He also didn't think that he could completely restore the manufacturing method of the gods, which is simply unrealistic.

The Universe Celestial Group is one of the five great gods, an eternal creation, and the mystery involved in the eighth level cannot be completely analyzed by the current Downey. Otherwise, where will the eternal face be placed?

And considering the terrifying aura that Downey had caused by throwing the inferior Sun Destruction Cells into the ashes of the gods before, Downey had a vague guess.

It should be the act of prying into the core mystery of the gods that angered eternity.

He can study and experiment, but only on the surface. If he wants to work on the most core life code, Eternal will not let him go.

"It can only be done in this way... Thor, I want to remind you that if you can't resist it, death is the best result, and becoming an unconscious monster is the worst. At that time, I will Find a way to kill you."

Downey said solemnly.

Inexplicably, when the palm of my hand itch, I can't help but want to get the three mother boxes...

It's really a good thing, what's bothering me, sigh, the white light flashes, the problem is solved...

Anyway, the Apocalypse is so huge, and sneaking something on it, Darkside shouldn't find anything... well, it must be so.

"If I really become a monster, I must kill myself as soon as possible. In addition, give my people a way to survive and Loki a way out."

Thor calmly said, and his low voice revealed the enlightenment to spare everything.

"Don't worry, I will not covet your population."

Downey raised his arm gently, and the disgusting mass of unconsciously squirming flesh fell into Downey's hands.

When the meatball comes into contact with temperature and energy, it will instinctively get in and swallow it, but Downey starts faster, crushing them into countless atomic-sized particles, controlling them to blend into Thor's body.

There was a depressed scream, and big beads of sweat flowed down.

This is a cruel process of deprivation. Using the dead life organization of the gods, the meat pieces cultivated by reverse inferences still contain the powerful life essence of the gods-at least higher than Thor's level.

As soon as they touched, the flesh eroded Thor's body frantically. Each atom was full of great aggressiveness, and instinctively wanted more life matter.

From the outside, Thor's body suddenly burst into dazzling light, and his shape began to change.

"Suppress them, Thor, what you desire is to control the power, not to be controlled by the power."

Downey shouted in a low voice, interfering with the movement of the consciousness-carrying atoms with difficulty, constantly infiltrating, making more subtle corrections to make them fit Thor's body.

Thor's body showed a large area of ​​necrosis, and the dead cells fell off in groups, but strangely, Thor's whole person kept swelling and shrinking, just like breathing.

As time passed, the suppressed screams became more and more stern, but they seemed to have reached a limit, and then Thor's voice immediately lowered, and his breath became weak.

But a powerful breath far beyond the past is climbing frantically, the throbbing of life is emerging, and a new creature is But whether it is Thor or not has become an urgent question.

"I hope you can succeed."

The three mother boxes appeared in Downey's hands, rubbing them, Downey inlaid the last atom, then closed his hands, quietly waiting for the final result.

This lump of meat is a piece that Downey has cultivated after gathering the top power and technology he has mastered, and it is full of primitive fury and aggression.

You can also think of this thing as a castrated version of the flesh and blood of the gods, lacking the vitality of the gods, and lacking some of the wills of the gods during his lifetime, but it still cannot conceal the specialty of this meat.

The essence of its life has been weakened, it is restored from the genes that have died long ago, and it is still a broken version in the strict sense.

The huge life fluctuations climbed rapidly and finally came to an end, the majestic pressure appeared, and the light became brighter.

"Let me see if it works or not." Downey waited quietly.