Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 607: New gods and demons

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


A dropout will beat a genius through hard work." – Rock Lee from the anime Naruto.


   Cybertron, in the vast purple forest, Downey is walking in the forest.

   The purple plants with vibrating elements that were brought from the earth back then have already been genetically modified by the Academy of Sciences and have more varieties.

  From flowers and plants to various trees, the purple of life and the dark silver of metal have become the main colors of Cybertron. Except for some metropolises, many vast areas are still exposed to metal structures.

  Because the place is very sparsely populated, and the climate is not suitable for the fragile purple plants to survive, it just left deserted.

   Every time Downey took a step, the whole planet seemed to be following in his footsteps, banging like a heart.

   At this moment, Cybertron seemed to be alive, and it should be in harmony with Downey's every subtle movement.

   Of course, at this time, Cybertron has no signs of life. It is not a living body, let alone a so-called heartbeat.

   "The next step is to completely condense the Cybertron Galaxy into a whole that can be attacked, retreated, and defended...a small universe that resides in a three-dimensional universe."

   Downey stroked a petite newborn plant. The only power leaked intentionally. In an instant, the plant grew wildly.

   "It seems that the dark dimension will be merged in a while."

   Downey looked at the plants, building a blueprint in his mind.

   For so many years, from the time when Donny wooed Gu Yi and Shazam, as well as the collective attack on the dark dimension by many combat forces, more than one battle broke out between him and Domam. If this battle didn't solve the problem, then it will come back after a while, and there will always be a time to win.

   After frequent fighting, Domam finally knelt in Downey's hands, even though he lost his whole body, and ran to Cybertron as the mascot.

   The most important thing is that the Dark Dimension was also taken away by Downey, and the core code of the Dimension was sealed by Downey, waiting only for today, just waiting for the present.

   Downey plans to smash the entire dimension into a huge space that is large enough to cover the Cybertronian galaxy, and then move the entire Cybertronian galaxy into it.

  A brand-new time and space, a brand-new world, easy to defend and difficult to attack, the entire small universe is the back garden of Cybertron. Even if the situation is really bad one day, whether it is closing the door, the residents hiding in the small universe to find a way, or Downey directly taking the small universe to escape to other large universes, it is extremely convenient.

   And kneading the dark dimension is just the first and easiest step to upgrading the Cybertron Galaxy.

   Don't forget, far away from the main universe hundreds of millions of astronomical units, the ignorant Nirvana Universe has just been born, and the Red Light Hulk sits in the Nirvana Universe, ready to kill all outsiders and protect the new Gaia consciousness.

   "A long way to go..."

   Downey grinned bitterly. Although he knew it was difficult, but he didn't know why, he always felt... joy?

   walked for a while, sat down under a big tree, and Downey slowly closed his eyes and slumbered.

   The breeze is blowing, the leaves are rustling, and occasionally a few strands of green leaves hang down gently on top of Downey's head.

   At this time, Downey can be alone for a while, without worrying about foreign enemies, without thinking about the future, he only needs to close his eyes to get a moment of peace.

   He hasn't really rested for a long, long time.

   Now, there is no such thing.

  The new **** was born, and Downey's name was destined to spread throughout the multiverse. The countless realms of the gods were shaking. Many ancient gods also opened their sleepy eyes, thinking about how to treat this new god.

   It has been too long for too long, and even a single **** was born, so long that many gods can't remember how long ago the last time the only **** was born.

   For life in the multiverse, decades or hundreds of years may be a lifetime, and the lifetime of the universe is unimaginable for tens of billions of years.

   But for the ancient gods, for the many realms in the realm of gods, what is time? What is the lifespan?

   The multiverse has restarted and I don't know how many times it has been, so many that it makes the gods feel numb.

If it weren't for the justice of the court of life in the realm of gods, or if the Flash created a wall of swift power to protect the multiverse, the fate of the multiverse would only be more miserable, and it would become a real hunting ground. Who is in a bad mood? At any time, you can slap the multiverse out of the universe.

Therefore, Downey can't rest yet. Even if he is a new god, his combat power is only a seventh-level single cosmic level. I really want to barely break his wrists with those monsters in the realm of gods. I don't have an eighth-level combat power. Don't even think about it.

   The difficulty of leaping from the single universe level to the multiverse level will only make people more desperate.

   Downey closed his eyes, but that doesn't mean he rested at ease, because someone didn't want him to rest.



   Red Skull attracted many thugs, strongly unified the hydra of their respective fights, and almost destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, and beat the superheroes out of their minds.

   Red Skull himself is not strong in combat, but his brain is so good, he is good at grasping people's hearts and is proficient in killing. He has been imprisoned in the soul gem for 80 years. He has not done anything else but has learned a lot of secrets and intelligence.

   Winter Soldier, Death Knell, Mandarin, Ares, Tomb Demon, Zola...

   Too many guys were drawn by the Red Skull for various reasons, at least they also maintained a cooperative relationship, and they really played well with Zhenglian and Fulian.

   Now the mutants on the earth are almost extinct, and no new mutants will be born anymore. It can only rely on the technological heroes and genetic mutant heroes to bite the bullet.

   In this bad situation in full swing, battlefields are all over the world.

   But in a dark corner, a magic circle slowly formed from scratch. With the sound of the spell and the injection of magic, this powerful magic array slowly lit up a palpable luster, and a summoning force that penetrated time and space was transmitted.

   Soon, an unknown entity responded to the call.

   The entire magic circle trembled faintly, seemed to be overwhelmed, and wailed in pain under the terrifying pressure of the unknown existence.

   The caster was already sweating profusely, and the magic in his body roared out uncontrollably and poured into the magic circle.

   The rich to extreme **** breath exudes an unpleasant sulphur smell, and the terrible high temperature on the face instantly melted the surrounding land.

  The huge figure gradually revealed, swallowing the sunlight, and looking at it, it was all dark.

  Only the slowly opened eyes showed a tingling light on the scalp.

   Six blood-red eyes, like bleeding, exuding the screams of countless lives, the sins that are exhausted to the extreme, can never be washed away.

   "I have heard of you."

   Sannomiya showed terrifying fangs, "Your name is... Constantine!"
