Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 596: God Slaughter

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


? The huge mother box was floating in the air, flashing and thundering, and the huge unknown energy instantly blasted the dark superman, as if it had knocked a piece of numb.

The full version of the mother box has terrifying abilities, and it has the authority that can be called the creator. Whether it is modifying time and space, or distorting the gravitational number, or manipulating machinery, or creating life, the full version of the mother box can do it.

It was the mother box in Downey's hands that was truly perfect, and his super abilities could be fully utilized.

In the horrified eyes of countless people, Downey held up the huge wall of the mother box, and a large number of strange dark black materials quickly changed and spliced ​​into terrifying weapons one after another.

"Kneel to me, you bastards, loyally pray for me to give you grace."

Downey got up, stepped on the Mobius chair, roared, looking at the gods in the sky. Senran's teeth gave people a crazy illusion, as if they were tinged with a **** smell that was so strong that it made people sick.


The huge lightning obscured the sky, and the pale scenery pierced the universe, swept through the blood domain, and caused violent turbulence in numerous time and space. At this moment, I don't know how many unformed parallel universes were destroyed on the spot.

The strongest creation ever made by Apocalypse Star [Mother Box], at this moment, it has completely become complete in the hands of Downey!

Crazy thunder and lightning that was enough to kill the gods agitated, and a tiny electric wire that occasionally spread out easily penetrated the planet and caused the planet to explode.

Countless sparks bloomed in the universe, and I don't know how many planets were destroyed by this force that even Downey couldn't control well.

"Don't you want to know my secret, don't you want to kill me and replace me?" Downey held up the barrier of the mother box, which was an unknown number of tens of thousands of meters, across the stars in the universe.

Steppenwolf's eyes were blood-red, and he glared brutally at the Dark Superman, and roared: "The mother box is something that only Darkside can control, so you can also use it? The power of the mother box is far stronger than your semi-finished **** A lot! You can never..."

As soon as the voice fell, there was already a powerful presence with a mixture of fright and anger, which seemed to trigger a chain effect, putting the last straw on the already delicate and tense situation.

One figure moved, and more figures moved.

The Nirvana universe, which is not so big, is filled with many hundreds of millions of meters high. Many of them can't even use the shallow unit of "meter", because some individuals are extremely scary and live on an infinite timeline.

"Kill him!"

"Too arrogant, just a small and diverse native!"

"How did he do it?"

"He can never control the mother box perfectly, because even I can't do it!"

"It always feels pitted by the Apocalypse Star, and the Dark Super, it is a model of cheating! No matter the outcome of this war, the name of the Dark Super will spread throughout countless worlds!"

"Stop him, we can't let the complete mother box work! We still have time!"

The blue electric arc erupted, and a speed person ran tens of thousands of times the speed of light. The black tights were attached to him, and his deep eyes were filled with death and urgency.

A speed person from an unknown timeline, crossing the distance of space in a flash, his arms trembling at high speed were aimed at Downey's head.

As long as he was stabbed by the high-frequency palm, he was sure to kill Downey, at least he could cause serious injuries.

But in the indescribable time gap, at an improbable moment, Downey stretched out his palm and firmly grasped the opponent's arm, then squeezed it hard, snapped it, and twisted it off.

"You are... speed? I know you, a madman determined to destroy the multiverse. But a pity, a generation of Flash lost the opportunity to kill you, because you will die in my hands!"

Regardless of the extreme shock and panic, Downey said such a sentence at the edge of time, and then bleeding bursts in his eyes. A jumping white lightning appeared on Downey's hand. Then, it was caught by **** of Downey and stabbed. Into the head of speed.

There was no need to see blood in this process, and Downey's head was wringed into a paste.

From the outside, Extreme Speed's head was intact, not even the tight-fitting suit was damaged at all, but his body fell weakly to the ground.

A larger lightning produced, faintly, Downey felt more strenuous, and the mother box seemed to be repelling his control.

The speed of death did not have any effect on other existences, but only a not-so-known speed person died.

The greedy eyes were unscrupulous, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made no secret of them, and they all blasted towards Downey.

"You must die at least half of you today!"

Downey roared, his face twisted, and his tight teeth began to bleed under tremendous pressure, and blood stains spurted out, dotted in the air, drawing a beautiful landscape.

Scenery with a strong smell of blood.

Downey's blood-red eyes suddenly began to change, the red faded, and an indescribable purity was born suddenly.

The intertwined touch of vitality and destruction rose from Donnie's body a little bit, like the beating of a heart, a blazing fire, after a long period of silence, let out a terrifying roar again.

Under the blessing of the only power that was being formed, the power of the fire source was exploded by unprecedented geometric multiples. In an instant, countless lives were produced, and countless lives came to an end.

This is the source of fire, with life-giving kindness, and at the same time the ultimate destination of all those who have passed away.

The source of fire symbolizes the beginning and the end.

The monstrous fire rises from the ground, there is no high temperature, no coldness, but it seems to burn all the space, time, dimension, and soul in the next second.

The mad tsunami whimpered and then screamed, violently stormy, with the power of a trembling god, violently poured into the huge mother box, eroding the control authority of the mother box at an alarming speed.

"41% authority enough to kill you!"

Downey laughed. Amidst the many horrified eyes, the barrier of the mother box suddenly expanded, and the endless lightning dormant on it produced a moment of silence.

Time seemed to stop, and the picture seemed to freeze.

Then, the mother box began to fall into hysterical unconsciousness, and began to bombard indiscriminately in all directions.

A series of lightning-like unknown energy aggregates turned into dragons that spread destruction, roaring constantly, breaking the barriers of time and space, and easily piercing endless various energies.

"How is this possible!!!"

"What the **** is the flame! It can actually affect the mother box!"

"Crazy man, you crazy man, do you dare to do something against us?! Do you want to declare war on the multiverse!!"

One **** after another was hit by the rugged light, and the sweet screams could not be contained. Their huge bodies began to crumble little by little, and they came to an end in the hands of Downey!