Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 544: Nirvana-Universe · Day of Destruction

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." —Leonardo da Vinci.


? The predator's spacecraft quickly traveled to many galaxies and began to drop this terrible virus by the established goals.

This is a very simple process, you just need to arrive at the predetermined location, then slam the test tube down, and then leave the spacecraft.

Moreover, this universe is extremely narrow, slowly collapsing, and it will collapse to the extreme and eventually collapse after several hundred million years.

Taking the main universe as an example, the main universe is 13.8 billion years old, with a diameter of 92 billion light years, and it is expanding at a speed faster than the speed of light at all times.

But the universe selected by Downey was only half the size of the main universe, and it was in a state of collapse.

"Boss, what exactly do you think this employer wants to do? I always feel uncomfortable looking at the red things." One of his subordinates said uncomfortably.

Yongdu glanced at him, then turned his attention to the test tube in his hand again. The scarlet liquid shook slightly, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

"It has nothing to do with us, as long as we have money, it is enough. Even if it is the poison of extinction, it can't stop us from taking money!" Yongdu grinned and carefully put the test tube into the suitcase.

The speed of the spacecraft accelerated again, rushing to the next target.

Thirty-nine test tubes were sneakily dropped by the predators on several notorious planets in the universe. They either pretended to be merchants to enter, or sent a suicide squad to drop them carefully, or they flew in, dropped the test tubes, and left.

The one that was thrown into war world was that Yongdu found a substitute for the dead ghost and threw it into the war world and broke it.

There are successes and failures, but the Doomsday Virus has indeed begun to spread.

When Yongdu returned to the Land of Nothingness and got a lot of money, he took out the last test tube, sneered, and before the spacecraft door closed, he slammed it hard and hit the ground of Nothingness Land.

A brisk whistle was blown, Yongdu sneered, and hurriedly flew away with his men, silently observing the changes in the situation.

All the forty seemingly inconspicuous test tubes were thrown out, and even Yongdu himself did not expect what a terrible demon he released.

In the first hour, there was no significant change.

In the second hour, someone had a weird face and a slight discomfort on the body. Things like age spots began to appear on the surface of the skin.

But the cells that drifted freely with the air had already entered the depths of the bodies of these beings, frantically modifying their genetic codes, twisting them irreversibly from the foundation, and turning them into deformed creatures of half-Kryptonian blood.

When the time came to the third hour, the obvious change in physical appearance finally shocked the entire void.

"What is this?"

"I...what's wrong with me??"

Screams and anger sounded one after another. They infected the cells and finally produced irreversible and violent distortions.

The most obvious is that their physical characteristics swelled in a circle. The thin individuals became stronger, and the strong ones became more burly. No matter what the skin color, they began to change toward a deep dark black.

The screaming screams continued, and collectively terrible mutations began to appear in the entire void!

Suddenly inflated bodies, bloodthirsty blood-colored pupils, and unrecognizable gene chains turned them into terrifying monsters!

It is still a monster that can continue to grow in strength!

Ho Ho Ho!!!

An incomplete version of the Day of Doom took shape first. He was two meters tall, his muscles exploded, his sharp teeth tore his lips, and the blood rolled down, but he was immediately greedily licked by the Day of Doom. , Swallow.

He felt a steady stream of terrifying power in his body, the power transmitted from the most fundamentally forcibly modified gene, his crazy emotions constantly impacted his thinking, and his violent personality gradually overwhelmed his original nature.


This monster who was the first to complete the change grabbed the teammate who was struggling to change shape next to him, and there was some reason left to tell him that this guy was on the same team as himself, and was his teammate.

But... what about this!

Anyway, they are all wanted criminals on many planets, a group of scumbags who do no evil! As long as the price is in place, even your father can sell it!

A tyrannical look filled his eyes. He opened his mouth wide and bit the head of his former teammate with a slap.

The mixture of white brain plasma and red blood, coupled with the dark unknown liquid, made this ruinous sun as sweet as it was, squinting and gnawing at it, as if tasting some delicacy.

Similar things have happened repeatedly in the entire void. This evil star has become a **** slaughterhouse, frantic killings continue to take place, and scenes of tragedies occur one after another.

"This, this...what the **** is it!!!"

Sitting in front of the screen, Yongdu's hands and feet were cold, and he stared at the scene in the void in amazement.

The men behind him were also frightened and trembling, and some even couldn't help but slump on the ground.

No one laughed, because everyone's expressions were extremely green.

They watched the Void Land become completely unrecognizable in just a few hours, the fire blazed into the sky, and a series of terrible auras quickly appeared, and they were still climbing at an alarming speed, and no one knew the end.

The cruel killings and blood fights turned the Void Land into a veritable slaughterhouse. Every monster is a butcher, but also a pig and sheep to be slaughtered.

As for who slaughtered who, it depends on their respective circumstances.

For example, if you are lucky, you miraculously excavated the potential of Destroyer Cells with a weak body, and climbed to the sky in one step; for example, those with strong adaptability completed the assimilation of Destroyer Cells in a very short time, and then immediately treated the same kind around them. Start the killing.

There is also the kind of unlucky one who has evolved first but was surrounded and killed by a group of weak chickens.

All kinds of tragic scenes were staged, turning the whole nihil place into a human hell.

Yongdu swallowed and spit: " We seem to have accomplished the feat of destroying the world."

They are scumbags, everyone is good at killing people, but what's the scene in front of them...I watched the guys who had been drinking, drawing knives, and swearing together not long ago, one by one became monsters fighting each other... …

As if the end is coming.

A spacecraft passed by the spacecraft of the predators, that is the spacecraft Dawn of the Guardians of the Galaxy, which is now leisurely flying to the void.

"Hey, Yongdu, let's go one step ahead!" Xingjue Quill's mocking voice was transmitted into Yongdu's spacecraft.

Yongdu's face changed and he roared: "Boy, you get me back right away! Don't go!!!"

Xingjue's face moved, and he responded with a **** on the screen.

Ten seconds later, the spaceship that flew to the void land flew back hurriedly after seeing a ghost, and Xing Jue's furious voice sounded.

"What's going on? Has this place been captured by monsters!"