Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 553: 1 heart is male Harrison

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"When someone tells me 'no,' it doesn't mean I can't do it. It just means I can't do it with them." —Karen E. Quinones Miller.


? Many people died, many comrades-in-arms died in the hands of Steppenwolf, no one expected this result.

When they assembled, they looked at the lineup of more than fifty superheroes around them, including Amazon warriors, Kunlun Mountains, and Kama Taj all coming out as support. They were full of confidence and felt that this was the power of the earth. An unprecedented collection, no enemy can resist this force.

After all, Steppenwolf have also been to the earth for thousands of years, and have been defeated by the earth's forces at that time, haven't they?

But Steppenwolf gave them a shoulder throw. One axe smashed a piece to death, and another axe emptied a large area. Those more than fifty superheroes scattered among thousands of people died on the spot more than half.

Many people still remember that the powerful Oriental Dragon named "Shou Lao" that flew from Kunlun Mountain successfully fought against the steppe wolf several times but was chopped down by an axe, and the dragon's body was cut off. More than half.

This kind of enemy beyond imagination is no longer understandable by the people on earth.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and sitting in a wheelchair said: "Don't blame yourself, Tony, at least you are still alive. Rhodes's will is looking at you in the sky, and he is waiting for you to avenge him."

The Flash respectfully pushed the wheelchair, pushing Dr. Harrison out of the crowd.

"Self-blame? No, I'm just...angry, I'm thinking about ways to defeat the enemy." Tony scratched his head, eyes red.

Harrison twitched his mouth and didn't say much. He didn't need to bother with the dead for hundreds of years.

"How is Superman's injury?" Harrison looked around and said seriously.

Diana hesitated for a moment, looked at the people around her, and said: "It's out of the dangerous period, and is hurrying to get some time in the sun. This is good for his injury."

"That's good... Superman is a powerful comrade-in-arms we can rely on, and it's fine." Harrison endured his nausea and began to pick up his old line-life mentor.

"We need more fighters to resist the attacks of those demon-like forces. I don't need to say any more about the strength of the demon-like army. Our Paradise Island has already given you relevant information." Diana said.

"Devil-like things are trivial. Although that kind of thing is troublesome, it can be defeated as long as it takes more time."

In the corner of the base, Batman leaned against the wall, and his entire body was enveloped in darkness. His throat was hoarse and his voice was as calm as ever: "We need to find a way to contain Steppenwolf. If we don't defeat Steppenwolf, there is no hope for the earth.

Tony said: "We can work together to make battle armor, well, I can call Richard again if he is still alive."

Batman glanced at him: "Time, we don't have enough time. To build that level of armor, not to mention how to get the raw materials, it takes several weeks for the development time alone. During this blank period, we take it. What to deal with Steppenwolf? He hasn't moved yet, but it's hard to say after a long time."

Robin scratched his head irritably and snarled, "Where's Downey? Isn't the Sky Eye always contacting him? Why isn't he coming yet?!"

Everyone turned to look at the young man with a complex expressions.

"Downey is not on Cybertron. Sky Eye will always work hard, but no one knows where Downey is going." The current Supreme Mage Steven said in a low voice, "I tried to directly locate Cybertron to create a portal, but Failed...I'm not that strong yet..."

"Donny is not obligated to rescue the earth, don't forget this," Batman said calmly.

"One day! In just over a day, we lost more than half of our superheroes, and a group of people were seriously injured!" Robin said decadently.

The more I think about it, the more despair.

A Steppenwolf forced them to be like this...

If Downey is here...

"If Downey is here, I bet a dollar, Steppenwolf will be strangled alive as soon as it reaches the earth!" Tony suddenly laughed.

Everyone stopped talking.

Tony's words may be a bit exaggerated, after all, killing and expelling are two concepts, but no one thinks that Downey will lose.

"Dommam, Mephisto, Doom, Sannomiya... This is just what I know, Downey has helped the earth to solve too many powerful enemies. Any one of these enemies, I feel that it is no better than Steppenwolf Weak. Oh, you don't even know who Doomsday and Sannomiya are? To be honest, I don't know, I just know that they are very, very scary."

Tony ridiculed and seemed to laugh at himself again, unconsciously spreading his hands, the pain from the wound came, making his face crumple uncomfortably.

Dr. Harrison looked at these heroes who suddenly fell into silence, a little bored and headache.

He, a man of the future from the 25th century, has learned from the past and the present and knows the characters of the heroes here.

Similarly, as a pseudo-speeder, he also knows something about the terrifying existence of Steppenwolf, the Megatron multiverse-this is a monster that is powerful enough to make countless universes in the multiverse fear and praise.

To be honest, when Steppenwolf appeared on the earth, he was almost frightened to death. The first reaction was to leave everything and immediately travel through time and space to escape.

He would rather run to another unfamiliar timeline to start from the beginning than face Steppenwolf!

But... he collected not enough speed and power! Even if he could barely open the space-time tunnel, the ghost knew what era he would stay in when the supernatural power suddenly ran out.

"If I were more courageous, I would just go to Australia with Barry...Three thousand times the speed of sound, I will steal a little bit, enough to return to the future."

Harrison thought silently and subconsciously glanced at the lightning sign on the Flash's chest, where he secretly installed a device to steal Kesisko created a new uniform for Barry to put on. Now, he hasn't had time to do tricks.

Moreover, with the existence of Steppenwolf suppressing the timeline, does he have a chance to travel through time?

A huge haze flashed in Harrison's eyes. He pushed his wheelchair to the table and knocked on the table to attract everyone's attention. He said solemnly: "Everyone, I think before we find a way to fight the enemy, I have to explain to you the origin of the enemy."

"I know that many of you regard the Apocalypse as an enemy similar to the Qitarians, but you just think that this planet called the Apocalypse is much stronger than the Qitarians."

"But in fact, Apocalypse comes from a super planet outside of the multiverse, a planet that can be compared with the mythological and legendary worlds like **** and heaven... We are extremely honored to be at war with the ancient gods, wasteland. The history of the wolf as a **** can be traced back to before the formation of the multiverse."

Dr. Harrison took off his glasses, endured his disgust, took out a wise and rational doctor style, and popularized science to this group of zombies who had been dead for hundreds of years.