Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 560: Sure enough, infinite gems suit me

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


? [All Lanterns in Sector 2814, please be aware that lethal force is allowed against the enemies of the Apocalypse. ]

[To repeat, lethal force is allowed against the enemies of the Apocalypse. ]

All over the earth, a thousand lantern men's rings came to understand the instruction to ban deadly attacks, and the entire Green Lantern Corps boiled.

One of the basic rules for the members of the Green Lantern Corps to use the lamp ring is: It is forbidden to use lethal attacks on any living body, the ring of the offender will be blocked, and the attack using the ring will also bypass the enemy. Afterward, waiting for the violators will be the trial of the guardians.

This is to prevent the Lanterns from overusing their power to slaughter and to consolidate the position of the Guardians, lest the Lanterns learn about their veiled past and rebel and kill them.


A huge green firearm appeared, and powerful energy blasted out of the firearm, blowing up several monsters. A demon-like who was lucky enough to not die, got up with difficulty, holding a gun in one hand, and wanted to shoot, but a huge sword was pressed down horizontally, slapped his weapon, and then slashed sideways to kill him.

Optimus Prime brazenly took the huge sword pulled up from his back, swung it again, and swept across the new demon that was coming forward, hacking many demons to death.

"Fear is the natural enemy of the will, but it is a pity that the Green Lantern Corps never fears fear."

The ring on Optimus Prime's right hand lit up, and more powerful willpower appeared. This time, dozens of lances and giant cannons were realized, making Optimus Prime look like a fort.

These muzzles glowed with dazzling white light, and suddenly fired at the monsters in front, clearing a large area.

The demons screamed at Optimus Prime, with anger and fear, the wings on their back flapped at a very fast frequency and flew around in the air.

"Optimus Prime, your new trick is pretty good."

A huge cannon blasted from not far away, and then Megatron's figure fell from the sky, and a sword smashed a demon into pieces.

The dark silver body became heavier, with swollen arms, sharp armor, more advanced shells, and more complete life forms. Megatron strode forward and swung the epee in his hand, killing several monsters.

These demons looked coldly, observed, and then made angry voices, but the absolute gap in strength could not be crossed at all, and they were killed one by one.

"You have become stronger, Megatron." Optimus Prime suddenly lifted his foot and smashed the demon that was sneaking from behind with his foot. With a loud bang, the demon stepped into the depths of the ground.

Optimus Prime raised his right hand and made a sharp blade to pierce this demon, and nailed him to the ground on the spot.

"I have never given up on improving my strength. From the energy limit, body strength, conduction efficiency, core computing power, physical toughness, neural reflex... I have developed to the limit I can reach now, and soon I will be able to surpass it. Threshold, become a powerful demigod."

Megatron let out a deep laugh, showing off in his scarlet eyes, glanced at the calm Optimus Prime, and swung the epee with one hand to slay more enemies.

"But you, you are playing with the ring..." Megatron seemed to be sarcastic.

"The power of the will has its merits. When the power of the will is brought into play, a weak individual can become a strong one. When the green light ring is placed in the hands of a stronger one, it can play a greater role."

Optimus Prime said in a deep voice, raised his hand, and emitted a green light at the hundreds of demons who swarmed in, instantly embodying a wall, and then pushed the wall into the demons.

At the moment when the green translucent wall touched the demon-like, countless instruments of torture protruded from the wall, fiercely pulling the demon-like and imprisoned on the spot.

Megatron rushed over and quickly killed all these demons.

More demons bypassed this wall, whistling and turning in other directions.

"Willpower will become, Optimus Prime. You build your strength on unreliable things. Sooner or later, the ring will betray you when you need strength the most." Megatron was full of malice.

"The ring will betray, but my own will will not." Optimus Prime slammed the great sword on his back again, earnestly said.

"you sure?"

"If I don't even believe my own will, what can I believe?"

Optimus Prime raised his arm and looked at the ring on his finger, as if responding to him, flashing green brilliance.

Megatron snorted coldly, glanced at the ring coldly, sneered, and looked up into the distance.

Standing with the ten-meter-high Megatron, the 8.5-meter Optimus Prime is undoubtedly a dwarf. Coupled with Optimus Prime's gentle temperament, he is not as aggressive and vicious as Megatron. In contrast, it adds three points of Affinity.

This kind of affinity, patience, calmness, and reliability allowed Optimus Prime to quickly establish his prestige and contacts in the Green Lantern Corps within a year.

This time, one thousand Green Lanterns could be brought in at one go. It was Optimus Prime who took the lead in finding the Guardian and requesting to lead the team.

At this time, neither Optimus Prime nor Megatron had the will to further discuss the topic of the lamp ring, because they knew very well that the person wearing the lamp ring was equivalent to being monitored by the guardian.

Optimus Prime, a person with a special position, is definitely the top priority for the guardians to monitor.

Optimus Prime rubbed the ring and was silent. This year's time has made his opponent's ring a sense of dependence. The feeling that he has his own strong will as a dependence no matter how bad the situation is, is enough to fascinate Optimus Prime.

But, just fascinated, Optimus Prime knew very well that as long as the guardian gave an order, the ring in his hand would abandon him decisively.

Downey also constantly warned him about the danger of the ring, and how fragile the Lantern, who relies solely on external forces to exert his combat power, is under its powerful appearance.

A bullet of a few cents can kill a great lantern man who has taken off his lamp ring.

But... if it can be used, why not use it deliberately?

"I will make this ring as great as its former user-Abin Su."

Optimus Prime said a word, then raised his right hand, his huge and heavy body quickly flew up, turned into a green light, flew to the distant battlefield, and fought with the demon.

Megatron looked coldly at the group of green light and the green light that could be seen on all battlefields across the earth, and finally, still showed a contemptuous expression.

"Green Lantern Ring is a power controlled by others, don't worry about UU reading But if you can kill the OA star and grab the central battery, the Lantern Ring will have more value."

Dangerous thoughts circulated in Megatron's head.

This was not his own thought, but Downey's thought. If given the opportunity, Downey would really be happy to kill the group of little blue men with no brains and occupy the central lamp.

A good hand was played poorly. This is what the little blue men did. Anyway, if Donnie didn't kill, Senisto would raise a butcher knife to kill the little blue men sooner or later.

Moreover, the seizure of the supreme control of the various lights and rings was originally a confidential plan unanimously approved by Cybertron.

Megatron understands this, and Optimus Prime understands this, but it is tacitly tacit.

"Compared to such unreliable things as lantern rings, infinite gemstones really suit my appetite."

Megatron looked down at his body and put various data on his retina, touching his chin like Downey, rubbing his skin with a huge metallic sound.