Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 593: Space God (5)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


. "When I'm competing, I need to be strong." – Ashley Wagner


? "You don't know anything about me."

Donny grinned grinningly, Senbai's teeth looked a bit oozing.

I don't know how many years later, the plot gems were finally completely exposed to the world again, and the black luster of the lasing swiftly wrapped around Downey, but the endless space and dimensions of the touch were strangely calm and stagnant.

Then, like the influence of inversion, all the chaotic and mixed thin lines seemed to come to life, quickly separated from Downey, floated into the distance, and returned to where they should have existed.

At the same time, countless little traces were swallowed by Downey little by little, and the only light bursting from him intensified, filling the entire universe.

The shocking light radiating to the entire multiverse became brighter and more dazzling, directly touching many universes and dimensions, leaving a breath that belongs to Downey in the most core area.

In front of the only one, the entire multiverse is only qualified to serve as a foil, and the weak world cannot stop the newly promoted gods.

"Damn it, what's the matter?!"

"What is that black stone, it has multiple terrifying powers... and how can this power be controlled by someone with Downey's strength?"

"I've lived for so many years, and haven't heard of this kind of thing... Why is this stone a bit like an infinite gem?"

"That is the infinite gem... it is a legendary plot gem, a prop with unique attributes."

The first time Mandrak saw the plot gem, his face turned blue, and his body trembled slightly, which was annoying.

Because he understood it all.

The gem of the plot, no wonder Downey can bear to be exposed until now, no wonder their editorial department knows nothing about Downey...

Everything, in front of the plot gems, is nothing at all. The vision of their editorial department is not enough to break through the strong barriers set by the plot gems.


Mandolak squeezed two words from his mouth, turned and left.

He didn't want to stay longer for a moment, and there were many thoughts in his mind, which was very precious information. Although he didn't know all of Downey's secrets, the revelation he had in his head was enough.

He was not sure about dealing with Downey, not to mention there are so many difficult guys around him staring at him. The best thing to do is to leave immediately, and then find a place to clear the vague information in his mind.

Then, a huge figure stopped him.

"Zatanos..." Mandrorak's face was ugly, and he roared, "You greedy demon, get out of here!"

"Go away? Okay, but I really want to know what's in your mind... in such a hurry, is there something coming about?"

Zatanos, the great demon from hell, said greedily.

Many beings also changed their expressions. They looked at Downey and then at Mandolak, seeming to hesitate.

After all, there is only one. Even if Downey dies and others become the only one, the related secrets will disappear from their minds forever.

But the little bit of "irrelevant" things Lenovo and deduced have, on the contrary, are more valuable.

Maybe the mystery of the one and only **** is hidden there.

The fierce battle broke out, and Manzorak bit the bullet and fought with Zatanos. Fortunately, neither of them were strong. Zatanos was a clone. Menzolak had just faded from his role as editor-in-chief and returned to being a monitor, with limited combat power.

More presence stayed on the sidelines, and continued to stare at Downey coldly, frowning at the mother box and the plot gems.

"The Gems of Infinity are closely related to the long-lost Nemesis. Isn't this gem of the plot..."

"The mother box is a treasure of the Apocalypse, but it was used skillfully by this person named Downey. I don't believe that Downey and Apocalypse didn't hook up everything."

"The Mobius chair under him is an artifact made by Mobius, the watcher of the antimatter universe. It is impossible to guarantee that Downey and Mobius are not connected."

"Emperor Weishan helped him, and I don't know how many people want to intervene. I can't afford it."

"Damn Mandolak, maybe it's good for us to ask Mandolak for the news. Isn't that what Zatanos did?"

"Zatanos is powerful. Although it is not the only god, it is also a quasi-only existence from hell. It is only slightly worse than the third house in the demons."

More gods stayed on the sidelines and watched.

They really couldn't figure it out, so they just waited to see some idiots first try. As a result, everyone was very clever. No one wanted to be the first one, and the scene froze.

Downey calmly allowed himself to be perfect, and used plot gems to forcibly smooth out various complicated temporal and spatial changes. Innumerable incomplete wills were calmly divided by Downey, and then continuously separated and copied under the blessing of plot gems to fill in some of the key points.的Node.

Others that were not filled were directly erased by Downey with super power.

The dangerous section was passed directly, giving Donny a chance to converge and improve himself.

The light gradually became brighter, and the fluctuations gradually eased.

It seems that everything is back to peace.

This is not a good sign, because Downey is about to succeed, and he finally made the last step.

Finally, someone couldn't help but scolded.

"This, this... is coming to an end? What about his dual bodies!! The only **** cannot have an independent dual body! But I haven't seen any of his dual bodies?!!!"

"This is not the only thing!!! Where are the duoes?"

"Isn't Downey not a diverse native, but someone from the realm of gods? Or else he can't see any of his dual bodies?"

A deity roared, looking at Downey, who was calmly and continuously optimized and quickly becoming stronger, his eyes reddened.

They watched Donny's breath gradually stabilized, and the supreme will spread, although it was very small, but the unstoppable nobleness completely crushed them.

No one in the room was a fool, and terrible thoughts appeared in their minds. Downey, the double body may have been quietly gathered long ago, the only foundation has been prepared long ago, and he is waiting to build the supreme myth on the foundation.

Finally, someone couldn't help but do it.

A huge portal opened, and a man in black hard armor stepped into the universe, holding a robot like a dead dog in his hand.

Behind him, UU reading www. At the other end of the portal of, the **** scene with a glimpse, burning flames, violent explosions, wailing slaves...It is the star of the apocalypse.

Steppenwolf originally had a cold expression. Seeing this **** like a **** walking out on the ancient battlefield, his brows were frowned, and he immediately let go, snorted coldly, did not say anything, just a flash of discomfort and disgust, no matter what. Can't hide it.

He was too lazy to cover up.

This statue comes from the apocalyptic star, is covered in airtight black heavy armor, and its face mask is tattooed with scarlet symbols. He twisted his head and looked around, even if it was Steppenwolf, he dangled in his line of sight, and he didn't pay attention to it at all.

With a bang, Ultron, the terrifying robot that had evolved to a very high degree, was thrown to the ground like trash. The thigh draped in black armor lifted up and stepped on Ultron's head with one foot. With a little force, Ultron's head burst into pieces.

He finally set his sights on Downey.

"As humble as you, not worthy of this nobleness, your humble life, I want it for Clark Kent!"