Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 566: Another **** died

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"I think death is equally terrible for everyone. Young people, old people, the good, the bad; it's always the same. It's rather fair in its treatment. There's no such thing as a particularly terrible death, that's why it's frightening." – Sunako | The Wallflower Wiki


The entire earth breathed a sigh of relief the moment Steppenwolf disappeared.

Although the demon-like army is very scary, there are examples of skills that can be seen anyway.

But Steppenwolf makes the earth's people feel only despair.

This is just a clone, and the entire earth can't breathe. Most of the superheroes on the bright side of the earth are assembled, but they are repeatedly blood-bathed by Steppenwolf.

Indeed, these superheroes are not all of the strength of the earth-such as Constantine and Ghost Rider, but silently attack demons everywhere, and did not directly challenge Steppenwolf.

Shazam the wizard sat silently in his fortress of eternity, observing the battle situation of the entire earth in a low-key manner, and was still struggling to find his heir.

Originally, Downey had the intention to get the Shazan inheritance before the bear boy of Captain Magic, but in the end, Downey gave up and accepted the Shazan inheritance, which was tantamount to placing his position on the secondary divine power chain. The disadvantages were too great.

Moreover, after the monster of Yuka Khan miraculously broke free from the shackles of the wall of origin, he would arbitrarily cleanse the six gods of the new Shazam and put his original gods into it.

At that time, the new Shazam will become a weapon in the hands of Yuga Khan.

"Fight back, at least we can eliminate these **** monsters!" Coleson said lightly, giving orders, "Remember to catch a few live ones. The technology contained in these monsters should be useful to the earth."

However, Coleson did not have much expectations, just to complete the tasks assigned by the Security Council.

How could the core secret of Apocalypse's strongest biological corps be thoroughly studied by the little earth? The leftovers that can be researched are already very remarkable.

The whole earth began to fight back, frantically encircling and suppressing these **** demon-like legions. The number of 300,000 fell sharply. After losing the steppe wolves and the blasted channel to transport new troops, the number of monsters continued to decrease.

Of course, the planet is constantly dying of more people.

As long as Downey can get rid of the steppe wolf's nearly suffocating god, the earth will be safe.

As for the possibility of Downey's defeat... there are, but very low.

Because Downey hasn't lost yet.

In the basement of Coulson, he was silent while watching hundreds of small screens flashing on the huge screen in front of him.

Based on his research and deduction on Downey, since Downey started, he at least has the certainty of winning. It is nothing more than a question of the odds of winning.

"May, how is it?" Coleson said calmly.

"They have exposed the fox tails." May said, "Some mysterious people have contacted Stryker, and they seem to be very interested in the sealed sentry robot."

"Very good... these reptiles in the dark!" Coulson gritted his teeth.

The entanglement between the snake and the shield has spanned more than half a century, and it is time to resolve it.


Dark dimension.

The tragic energy fluctuations directly destroy one planet after another. The dead planets densely scattered throughout the dark dimension are inherently fragile. In front of the two seventh-level combat powers, they are even weaker. An entire planet split silently.

Blocks of huge rocks turned into meteors and flew into the distance in the dark.

If placed on the earth, any meteor can cause a mass extinction of living things, but in the dark dimension, these densely shattered and bursting boulders are just insignificant particles.

The two powerful individuals collided, and the powerful energy wave tore the space apart. When they staggered again, white light flashed, and Steppenwolf's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

The huge hand grasped the giant axe tightly, and his gloomy expression brewed a grim murderous intent.

"You are lucky to get the Mobius chair." Steppenwolf looked grim.

"You are lucky, you can block my blow." Downey sneered.

Steppenwolf's face turned dark for three points again, scary black, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the strength of his palms tightened and tightened.

Whenever he saw the three mother boxes wrapped in the barrier made by the chair, his heart became even angrier.

He tried to use the high-level authority to call the mother box every time, but the mother box seldom ignored him, struggling at most, and followed Downey with peace of mind.

I have never heard of this kind of thing.

Three people can control the mother box, Jia Khan, Darkside, and his Steppenwolf.

Now there is one more person, there are four people, and the authority is higher than him, really hell.

"Why bother with this? I said it was just a lease. I will pay you the rent without reservation." Downey said lightly.

Steppenwolf's face was uncertain, and it took a long time before he slowly said, "Where did your news come from?"

"The Mobius chair told me," Downey said.

"It's ridiculous! This chair is the most ridiculous if it knows the news of the anti-life equation. To put it bluntly, it is just an upgraded version of the mother box, and it does not have that great ability."

Steppenwolf but his heart moved.

Mobius worked so hard to make this chair but then threw it away...The reason circulated to the outside world is that everyone who sits on this chair will become a slave of knowledge.

Although this seems a bit nonsense, there are countless examples of the Creator's inability to control his own creations. Mobius cannot completely control the Mobius chair, and it is not impossible.

But if Mobius got the anti-life equation...

Antimatter universe...

Steppenwolf's complexion changed.

Downey sneered and slammed into the chair directly, a huge white light soared into the sky, and then an explosion occurred.

"Steppenwolf, remember to report to your body after you die. We will meet soon. At that time, I will return the mother box to you and do what I say."

Downey gave a weird smile, mixed with a hint of sarcasm. He has no fear of the **** from the apocalypse.


The white light broke out again, and the huge white light gathered into a huge barrier, roaring and rushing toward the steppe wolf.

The entire chair began to tremble, pushing its power to the extreme.


A huge gap appeared on Steppenwolf, and he bleeds.

"Just because you want to kill me?" Wasteland grinned grimly.

"Just rely on me."

Downey sneered and then raised his hand, the white light skyrocketed and pressed down like a mountain, and the Steppenwolf roared, holding his axe against the white light curtain.

Then, golden sparks flickered, and a mage in a white robe stepped in.

Pure magic is gathering, the old mage is chanting spells, and the powerful magic wave illuminates the dark dimension.

The old mage opened his palm at the same time, and the orange soul gem was lying quietly in the palm of his hand.