Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 599: Disaster of destruction

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


What is important is to know fear and yet take a step forward – Rosette Christopher from the anime Chrono Crusade


? "This is his god's name?"

"It should be true, but I have never heard of this name...what is Cybertron?"

"Pay attention to your words, even if you hate him, at least you have to respect him."

"Yes, before he dies, there should be the respect he deserves."

"When he enters the realm of gods, I will punch him to death and all problems will be solved."

"Then you have to start quickly. Many realms are very willing to recruit him and recruit a ready-made god, which is more cost-effective than cultivating one by yourself."

A deity communicated, the tone was either cold or cruel.

But Downey's name was also remembered by them. They secretly chewed on the unfamiliar title of "The God of Cybertron", and made up their minds to wait for the supernatural power to calm down before sending the clone to the multiverse. At least this Find out what "Cybotan" is.

Then, the majestic and **** voice came again.

"You can call me by my name or my god's name. Besides the **** of Cybertron, I have more **** names."

"The **** of technology is me."

"Mechanical emperor is me."

"The butcher is still me."

"As you like."

After speaking, the breath converged back to the multiverse, leaving behind a group of stunned gods looking at each other.

For a long time, someone touched his chin and squeezed out a sentence: "What's this special? Isn't the name of the **** related to the origin of his god? A unique **** has only one orthodox name, why is he so many?"

"Unless he holds a lot of power..."

Many gods looked at each other and were speechless. After a long time, a few people scattered one after another and simply returned to their respective realms. Most people are still waiting for the wall of superpower to calm down so that they can sneak in.

When the strong man of the endless clan also left expressionlessly, a huge demon finally came to the edge of the speed wall with six blood-red eyes staring fiercely.

"Damn boy, don't think I'll let you go!" Sannomiya roared.

The hatred between him and Downey was not small. The daughter he loved so much, the raven who had hoped to become the number one warrior in his hand, was also abducted by Downey.

Sannomiya had countless reasons to kill Downey, if it wasn't for the endless clan people who were suddenly sent out to make him afraid to move, he would have killed him.

Fortunately, now, Downey was promoted successfully and became the only **** who is essentially the same level as him.

This caused Sannomiya to vomit blood.

"The Sannomiya is here."

"He looks very angry, stay away from him."

Many gods gave way slightly, freeing up a large space, waiting for the opportunity.

What about the new god? Noble status, and unlimited potential, do not mean that the combat power is truly invincible. Before the new **** grows up, he quickly kills and quickly hides after obtaining the secret.

While they were waiting, a huge light group suddenly appeared, and a powerful channel that could penetrate the wall of superpower was slowly opened. This incident made many beings subconsciously startled.

"This is... the blasted channel? Is the new **** about to enter the realm of the gods now?" Someone swayed excitedly like a chicken's blood.

More gods were also extremely excited, waiting with their eyes wide open.

The passage was formed and stable, and a dark figure walked out across the passage and came up with a roar, and the voice was full of tyrannical and murderous intent.

The bone spurs and sticky **** all over the body shuddered the first time they stepped into the realm of the gods, and they began to evolve under the gaze of many gods...

"Day of destruction?!" someone said dryly.

Before the words were over, more days of destruction crossed the passage, rushing out very violently.

In terms of quantity, there is a steady stream. One thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, one hundred million, one billion, ten billion...there are all countless.

"My grass..."

The eyes of many gods were round, almost protruding, watching the destruction day of the many crazy and angry models, and they were speechless for a while.

Ho Ho Ho!!!

The roar sounded, and countless monsters that had been hidden by Downey long ago using plot gems were stuffed into the realm of gods, which was regarded as revenge for these restless guys.

"Damn!! I'm going to kill him!!!"

"This scene seems to have been seen somewhere... I remembered that this is how the Ancient Destruction Day entered the realm of the gods! How many small and medium-sized realms have been harmed during this time!"

"This, this...there are too many!!"

The gods were frightened and scolded Downey for being cruel and shameless, looking at the hordes of whining monsters with gloomy faces.

Some of the aura from Doomsday made them feel shocked.

When the first Doomsday killed the gods, an extremely tragic war broke out, and Doomsday with super-evolutionary capabilities swarmed into the realm of the gods, bringing huge disasters to these guys.

It is foreseeable that countless gods will be unlucky and have to bite the bullet to encircle the day of destruction. These billions of days of destruction are destined not to be completely wiped out. There will always be clever, cunning, and powerful individuals who will survive, looking for opportunities in the boundless realm of gods, and slaughtering the gods or patrons.

This was the disaster of destruction, and Downey gave them a big gift.


Downey raised his arms in the multiverse and closed the blasted channel, sending away the last day of destruction.

The power of violent growth began to burst, and the essence of the gods projected by the gods even exceeded the limit that the Nirvana universe could contain.

The last ray of light was condensed by Downey back into his body, and all his strength and energy began to gather, resulting in a qualitative change, one after another, turning into the core source.

This source is something unique to the only god, a collection of all rules, will, power, and information. It can have many names. In many myths, legends, and fictions of the universe, it is called godhead, golden core, or small universe...

In essence, they are the "source" of the only god.

"This is my god..."

Downey felt the core of his body like a rotating black hole, and it was slowly taking shape at this time, thoughtfully.

"Source" this kind of thing, in fact, the frequency of mentioning in DC is not low, a lot of tragic divine battles throughout the ages, and the gods are fighting for this thing.

When this power becomes an energy source that only a specific sole **** can control and use, it will be an extremely terrifying driving core.

Moreover, the core will sometimes be broken.

Take Darkside as an example, it is the ontology that now sits on the apocalypse star, but the ontology does not mean that it is the complete body.

Many years ago was attacked by the Dark Walkers. The godhead was smashed to pieces and collapsed. Most of the power is reunited into the body that sits on the Apocalypse, and a small part is dispersed into the multiverse. Become a large number of clones.

Therefore, the full-body Daxide will be stronger, at least stronger than the body on the Apocalypse.

At this time, Downey, standing high on the barrier of the mother box, thundered and thundered all over his body, and the wind and clouds changed. Countless times and space flowed rapidly around him, and the violent blood energy roared and boiled.

Countless corpse mountains and seas of blood have paved the way for Downey's stalwart, and the billowing blood witnessed the birth of the new god.

The remaining guys hid and looked at Downey, who looked indifferent with fear and trembled slightly, watching most of the swept group, crying without tears.

Dead, all dead.

All were swallowed by this demon in one bite! They acted as a tonic for this demon impact level, and they were completely consumed!

This is a rookie, it is clearly a beast waiting for them to come!