Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 604: Surrender or die

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


People's lives don't end when they die, it ends when they lose faith. – Itachi Uchiha from the anime Naruto


? The cancerous universe is a rare form of the universe.

The probability of birth of this kind of universe is extremely low, and likewise, it is extremely acceptable.

When the constants and parameters of a universe are distorted due to unreasonable external forces, the entire universe will develop in an unpredictable direction. Perhaps it will slowly recover after many years, but it may also be destroyed.

The cancerous universe, a kind of universe that has gotten cancer, is that the constants and parameters have been horribly destroyed and distorted, leading to the complete failure of the repair mechanism of the universe itself, and finally the madness slid to the end-in this case, the universe was born. Consciousness, trying to extend one's life.

In order to survive, in order to obtain more life spans, even if it is only one minute and one second, the cancerous universe will give it all away, launch a frenzied attack on other universes, and swallow them one by one.

The instinctive desire to survive and the pan-conscious ignorance and unwilling mentality have pushed the cancerous universe to madness step by step.

Each cancerous universe is equivalent to a new life in the universe, and it is born with hatred, jealousy, and killing intent towards other healthy universes.

"The Nirvana universe... unexpectedly pan-consciousness is taking shape..."

Downey sat on the chair of Mobius, underneath his feet was a mother box that traversed the world, holding in his hand the only story gem of level eight, the only light was amazing, sacred and noble.

After a **** battle, Downey got everything he wanted. Similarly, his hands were covered with the blood of more than two thousand gods.

"Is it the reason for the death of too many cosmic powerhouses? Or it was influenced by me." Downey's eyes penetrated every corner of the Nirvana universe. The collapsed physical system and the completely collapsed barriers of the universe poured in unscrupulously. The energy of the blood domain pushes the Nirvana universe towards death.

Downey saw every gap and every particle in his eyes. Downey watched thoughtfully, and finally opened his arms.

"I got a new life here, and in return, I will give you a new life."

Downey talked to himself solemnly, very seriously, with a trace of unconcealable fatigue and relaxation on his face.

With his left hand spread out, the black plot gem was quietly lying on the palm of Downey's palm, and a crack on it was very eye-catching. This was the price for the birth of the only god.

The powerful plot correction force gushes out and hits the entire Nirvana universe. That ignorant and resentful pan-consciousness, or "Gaia Consciousness", is gestating and born with great unwillingness.

The silky black luster rushed to the edge of the universe, repaired the barrier, and prevented the blood domain energy from further destroying the Nirvana universe.

Then, the physical system and energy system of the Nirvana universe began to be rebuilt, and Downey traced the traces of the past and restored the basic framework of the Nirvana universe.

In the end, when Downey cast his gaze on pan-consciousness, he was rejected.

Gaia's consciousness didn't trust Downey because it had already put all hope on a certain creature on earth.

Red light Hulk.

Long before Downey came to the Nirvana universe, Red Lantern Hulk had already ruled the universe. He was the son of the plane, the son of the universe, the strongest individual in the universe, and a native-born native.

Nirvana Universe certainly doesn't trust Downey, it trusts Red Lantern Hulk even more.

The growth potential of Hulk, which is a combination of angry red light + green shame, cannot be estimated at all. With the red light ring in hand, as long as there is anger, this Hulk can become infinitely stronger in the true sense, but Green Shang Hulk is the least What's missing is anger.

"Red Lantern Hulk has become the thug and hope of the Nirvana universe..."

Allowing the birth of the cancerous universe is absolutely a wrong move. The cancerous universe will drive countless lives within it into madness, attacking other universes unreasonably and devouring them.

The scary thing about the cancerous universe is not only the powerful aggressiveness and offensiveness of the universe itself, but also the almost endless self-violence ability. Everything inside it revolves around the creation of more and stronger slave armies, which is so convenient. The cancerous universe destroys other universes.

And Downey has already put the four Doomsday viruses he painstakingly researched and developed into the Nirvana universe...

If the Nirvana universe is allowed to become cancerous, the ghost will know what terrible things will happen in the future. Maybe the Nirvana universe can be one step ahead of Downey and create a new type of ancient destruction day of energy production.

This probability is really not low, a self-aware, crazy will who knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, can mobilize all computing power to deduce the genetic template of the ancient ruin day, plus the previous experiments collected by the orangutan generals and the invincible dragon The data is probably remembered by the Nirvana universe long ago...

By then, it would be over. The multiverse had to kneel. Downey could only escape with Cybertron in an embarrassment and venture into the Dragon Lake Lair in the realm of gods.

Without the eighth level of combat power and the bottom card of the box, rashly breaking into the realm of the gods is sending death.

The plot gems are overwhelmed, and the mother box Donnie can't keep it. The fire source is not enough to fight against the eighth-level and ninth-level gods in the sky...

He has to continue to be meticulous and wretched in the multiverse, protected by a wall of superb power, and Downey is relatively safe in a short period of time.

"We can only kill or enslaves Red Lantern Hulk first, otherwise as long as this nail is still alive, I won't be able to take over the Nirvana universe at all."

After hesitating for a while, Downey sullenly drove the chair to the dying earth.

Before, when Downey threw countless days of destruction into the realm of gods to attack the gods, he also thought about throwing the red light Hulk over, but considering the red light ring in Hulk's hand, he didn't do anything.

Unlike infinite gems, the emotional spectrum is everywhere, not to mention the multiverse, even the realm of gods has an emotional spectrum.

Where there is life, there is an emotional spectrum.

So If Downey gets the red light ring, he can use it freely when he takes it back to the main universe, so Downey has the yellow and red ring in his hand.

The earth, the continents are destroyed, the ocean is roaring, a scene of apocalypse. The core of the earth also caused riots, and destruction is only a matter of time.

Hulk still sat on Mount Everest indifferently, watching the end of the earth indifferently.

Those earthlings who were left behind by him died wailing and painful in the disaster, and he did not move the slightest amount.

He didn't even pay attention to the fierce battle that broke out in the depths of the universe, let alone the slightest interest. From beginning to end, he sat quietly, like a dead man.

His body is not dead, but his heart is dead long ago.

Until Downey's arrival broke the tranquility.

Head down, look up, and face each other. This is the stare of the true **** and the mortal.

"Hulk, surrender to me, or die, choose." Downey said flatly.