Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 609: Red Skull's Bill

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child." -Sophia Loren


One minute later, the ground collapsed, the ground cracked, and the smoke boiled.

Ares's beaten nose was bruised and swollen, and he looked at Clark dumbfounded.

"How can you be so strong!!!" Ares tried to widen his eyes, but his swollen eyelids made him funny.

Clark pinched Ares by the neck and didn't know who he learned this habit from, and he flew up with the little chicken.

Clark, who was injected with Destroyer Cells and successfully adapted, had already soared in combat power, and he was not at the same level as before.

Destroying Sun Cells with advanced Krypton Genes, as long as they don't die, they will burst out with amazing potential.

Clark already possessed such a slight level of 7th-level combat power, although it was still quite a bit short, but there was already such a slight possibility.

Don't forget, the Code of Life has existed in Clark's body for more than 20 years, and it will have a profound impact on Clark's genetic chain.

And the destruction of the solar cell is to thoroughly dig out this effect.

"Where should he be sent? Is Arkham in Gotham? Circus prison in New York City?" Diana asked.

Clark pointed to the top of his head, "First put it to Tony. He has a special prison. After the construction of our space base is completed, we will prepare all such powerful criminals to be locked in the space base."

Ares still wanted to open her mouth and yell, Diana slammed it up, causing him to close it tightly.

Diana looked at Ares' helmet and moved in her heart. Regardless of Ares's panic and angry expression, she took off the helmet, hesitated for a moment, and didn't immediately put it on her head.

"What's wrong? Is there anything special about this helmet?"

"No, nothing..."


Ares' defeat was not because he was unable to do so, but because he met a superman who had soared in strength and was completely abused.

This can be considered a very important victory as long as no one saves Ares again. The mercenary violent wolf from the universe was caught once but was rescued again.

Rob, the violent cosmic mercenary, is an animal lover. He is very fascinated by the "cosmic dolphins". He spends most of his life searching for cosmic dolphins in the universe, but unfortunately, he encountered the Red Skull and was fooled onto the Earth.

There is indeed an innocent cosmic dolphin haunting the earth, and the red skull did not lie to him.

But something more unfortunate happened. The cosmic dolphins played in the ocean until they curiously swam around Japan and were slaughtered as a rare species by Japanese whaling ships.

The corpses of the universe elves were dismembered and sent to the dining tables of the dignitaries.

It is said to have sold at sky-high prices.

The demigod violent wolf was mad at that time, slaying on the island of Japan with red eyes, killing people madly, and killing all living creatures within sight.

The Red Skull effortlessly pulled a demigod into his hands, causing great trouble to the Fulian and Zhenglian. Really, the Red Skull was shocked by himself. He hadn't had time to attack the Universe Dolphin, but Japan People gave him divine assistance intimately.

"My great leader, Ares is defeated. Superman is too powerful. No one on our side can stop him." A computer suddenly turned on and an avatar appeared on the screen.

"You don't need to stop him. In my plan, I never personally killed Superman."

The Red Skull stood quietly, the expression on his face did not change at all, and no one knew what the Hydra leader was thinking.

"What do you mean?" The face on the computer was confused.

The Red Skull turned around and looked at him with a smile, "Zola, it seems that you who merged your consciousness with the computer, your mind has not changed much."

"Of course, your humble servant dare not compare with the great leader you." Zola was flattery when he went up, and he didn't know if he really didn't understand or pretended to be confused.

But this is not important.

"Is there any movement of the Transformers over there in the cemetery?" Red Skull asked.

"No, I control the monitors in that area, they still keep the form of the vehicle motionless, and their bodies have long been covered with dust."

"That's good, it seems that their duties don't include the affairs of interfering with the earth... Then it's easy to handle, and the biggest problem is solved." Red Skull smiled coldly, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

His brain twitched before he went to provoke those steel bumps.

"Batman and Captain America are entangled with the Winter Soldier; Mandarin and Tony have the upper hand; powerful sentry robots dragged down difficult characters such as the Flash, and Stryker really did not disappoint me. Coulson is now Organizing the remaining forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. to attack my outer base..."

The conspiracy was brewing in Red Skull's sulky eyes, "Then only the captured Tomb Demon is left. Arrow and Black Widow are taking in the Tomb Demon. This is the biggest opportunity. A punch of the innocent fellow ."

Dogleg Zola reminded: "My leader, we still have a death knell. He is at war with the Deadpool hired by Fulian."

"...Don't mention these brothers to me..." The muscles at the corners of the red skull's eyebrows trembled fiercely.

Death Knell and Deadpool, these two goods are soy sauce, holding a lot of rewards, but they hang out all day long, and then regularly go to public places to play pretending to be They are working hard...

The death knell still has a bit of professional ethics, but it was also broken by the dead waiter of the hob meat, whichever pays more, whichever is the boss. In terms of currency ability, how many in this world can compare to Iron Man and Batman?

The Red Skull smashed money so hard that the two scumbags remained neutral, and the province was drawn to the other side.

But this is enough.

"Send our staff to contact Pierce, the former head of S.H.I.E.L.D., an idiot with little actual accomplishment, and it's time to dedicate his last bit of value to Hydra." Red Skull said indifferently.

"Cut off one head and grow two heads, long live the Hydra!" Zola shouted the slogan, snapped, and the computer shut down.

The Red Skull stood in the shadow, his figure blurred.

"Fu Lian kills people, Zheng Lian does not kill, huh, an opposite stupid concept."

The Red Skull picked up a glass of red wine, the scarlet color flickering.

This is a very interesting situation. Zhenglian does not know what consensus has been reached within Zhenglian. It tends to choose to arrest and imprison the enemy alive, and then use the law to judge...

You must know that the laws of the earth do not have the ability to judge demigods and higher levels unless the person who enforces the law has the ability to overwhelm demigods.

Without a strong enough violent agency as a backing, any law is a dead letter.

Both Fulian and Zhenglian assumed the role of violent organs, but they did not accept the government's command at all, but a cooperative relationship.

Suddenly, Red Skull put down the wine glass in his hand and said with a weird look: "The name of the new law is the "Superhero Registration Act."

"Your wisdom is amazing, my leader."

The computer suddenly lights up and then shuts down again.