Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 619: 1 more

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"It's Okay To Cut Toxic Family Members Out Of Your Life, Blood Isn't Thicker Than Peace Of Mind."


The two demon-like figures collided together, bursting into a huge wave of disintegration of the universe.

The unbridled and cruel confrontation directly led to the blood riots in the multiverse. The violent and boiling viscous energy hit the barriers of the multiverse one after another. Some new or aging universes were overwhelmed by the barriers, and they were destroyed on the spot. Bring the disaster of destruction to the living body inside.

If you are lucky enough to have a universe guarded by a powerful guardian, you can at least try to block the surging sea of ​​energy. If the strong are scarce in a universe where science and technology are outdated, that is the blood mold, and can only wait to die, hoping that the blood domain will stabilize as soon as possible.

The blood domain is a dangerous zone that even weak seven-level existences must carefully touch, not to mention the danger and lethality of the high-latitude viscous energy in the blood domain.

Downey and Sannomiya fought fiercely in the blood domain. It was still a brutal way of fighting face-to-face. Every bombardment and collision was multiverse. Large areas were bombarded into a long-lasting blank. Numerous neighboring universes directly originated. The earth exploded and turned into tragic dust in the endless blood.

Another sword light slashed down, and Sannomiya stretched out a thick arm that was hundreds of millions of light-years long to stop it but was split by a long sword like a tofu block, revealing a **** wound.

The screams sounded, and Sannomiya was even angrier. In fright, his mouth opened wide, the power of the devil burst out, and the blood-red light beam hit Downey.

Downey was hit by a beam of light that could cover tens of thousands of light-years, and the brutal demon force tore him, trying to crush him, but the mother box armed firmly protected Downey's body and soul.

The microscopic attacks that surpassed the quark level were successively blocked by countless mother box weapons inside and outside of Downey's body. With the powerful demon power from the Sannomiya demon, countless demon particles hit Downny's body, and the effect was surprisingly poor.

Although there was some discomfort, there was no injury.

The destruction dissipated, revealing Downey's tiny black figure, and the armor on his body was unscathed.

Seeing this scene, Sannomiya was really sitting on the wax, and his heart was already extremely annoyed.

"How did you do it!" Sannomiya roared, staring with blood-red eyes, "Darkside can't give the secret of the mother box to an outsider! How did you do it!!!"

Downey brandished a long sword, a halo around him, like a flying spirit. Downey was more like a **** than the wicked Three-House Demon.

Bright, holy, stalwart, punishing evil.

At least compared with the scourge of Sannomiya, Downey is more like a god.

what? What do you say about the universe destroyed by the aftermath of the battle and the universe that was indirectly broken by the energy of the blood domain?

When the shepherd slaughtered the lamb, did he consult the lamb?

The gods are not the Virgin!

Downey glanced at Sannomiya and sneered: "Do you know what my god's name is?"

Sannomiya frowned, his scarred body was healing at the speed of a tortoise, the unknown energy severely weakened him, and this bad feeling made him very annoyed.

"The **** of technology..." Sannomiya's eyes were cold, and the blood-colored pupils exuding high temperature suddenly dropped by hundreds of millions of degrees.

Sannomiya's face was ugly: "I thought you were the **** of Cybertron, and you were talking nonsense for the next few gods."

"Now you know it's true."

Downey held the long sword in one hand, raised the palm of the other, and placed his index finger on the long sword lightly, rubbing it carefully, feeling a warm touch.

The mother box weapon is like a part of his body, accepting his control.

But Downey knew it was an illusion.

Everything is based on his control of 50% of the mother box. Without spying on the X energy and coveting the original power, the mother box can accept Downey's control.

All connections are based on the source of the fire.

The fire seed source is the absolute nemesis of all technological creations. All technological creations that dare to jump, as long as they face the fire seed source, they will definitely be unlucky and become Donnie's playthings.

Including the horrible mother box with unknown origin and abilities, it must also be controlled by the fire source.

Although only about 50% of the authority, it is already very amazing.

Downey can use the mother box skillfully with the power of the fire source and can obtain more advanced permissions than Steppenwolf.

Without the fire source, Downey's original artifact, all of them have to be played, and there is still a fart. Anyway, the plot gem is overwhelmed, and it is estimated to be completely shattered after another use.

Sannomiya was also aware of the terrible state of the plot gems, so he was murderous and approached Downey to settle accounts. He is the ancient sole god. He is too aware of the cost of becoming a god. Although the plot gem is strong, it is bound to suffer irreversible damage in the birth of Downey into a god.

He knew this too well because Sannomiya himself had some similar experiences.

Sannomiya has a legendary growth history. He is the aggregate of all the sinful powers of countless worlds. He was artificially collected and put into a woman's body, and then Sannomiya was born as a baby.

The six-year-old third house has already completed the feat of exterminating the home planet, and he has not let go of even a living cell.

But what really changed the destiny of the Sannomiya was the wicked organization of divine envoys that was determined to eradicate evil.

After the death of the first firmament, the multiverse was able to take advantage of the scattered corpses of the first firmament to be born little by little. Many, he was finally spotted and captured alive by the Divine Envoy Organization and cast into the heart of darkness that they had collected for countless years.

They want to use the power of sin and the power of the dark heart to grind to death the third house.

Sannomiya successfully swallowed the Heart of Darkness, and the Heart of Darkness was shattered and completely reduced to a part of his body.

Sannomiya was able to become the only god.

He is the embodiment of all the power of sin inside and outside the universe, inside and outside the realm of God, and the third house is the ultimate sin itself.

To express gratitude, Sannomiya slapped the magical envoys with a slap.

To throw a life born from sin into sin and be wiped out is how stupid a person can do this kind of thing.

No one knows the cost of becoming a **** better than Sannomiya. Even the Heart of Darkness, which had gathered countless years and the destruction of countless worlds, was barely formed, in order to promote Sannomiya to become a god, it collapsed directly.

He didn't think the story gem could be stronger than the Heart of Darkness.

"The **** of technology is your real secret... the core mystery that you can be the only god..."

Sannomiya licked his **** fingers, showing a penetrating smile.

Downey nodded blankly. There was no need to conceal this indifferent information, nor could it be concealed.

"It turned out to be like this... Downey, the **** of science and technology, ha ha ha, this kind of **** in charge of science and technology has never existed before, but it seems to be there today... It's a pity that he will die soon!"

Sannomiya laughed and his voice was deafening. He opened his hands and suddenly tore open a large area of ​​time and space, bringing a distant existence closer.


The hole burst open, and another Sannomiya came from inside.