Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 622: Heartache in the 3rd house

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. You reap what you sow." – Mahesh Sharma


The troublemaker is as usual.

"You are faster than I thought. I thought you wouldn't show up until the last minute."

Downey slashed his head with a sword, took a breath and said.

The troublemaker took a sip of cigar-the taste of cigar is not the taste of cigar. As long as the troublemaker wants to, he can turn cigar into countless flavors at any time.

At least Downey could smell the cream, and God knows what the rascal did to the cigar.

"You see me, aren't you excited at all?" The troublemaker turned around Downey twice, seeming a little dissatisfied.

"What's the excitement?" Downey grinned, "I have such a big disturbance with Sannomiya, I don't know how many eyes are staring at it. Moreover, the hatred between me and Sannomiya was settled very early, which is no secret at all. "

"If I didn't show up from beginning to end, and no one else would show up, what would you do?" The troublemaker straightened the gentleman's hat and asked with interest.

"Run inside the mother box barrier and never come out." Downey pointed to the main universe surrounded by the mother box barrier.

He really planned it this way. If he really wanted to fight to that point, it would be too uneconomical to be locked up by the super power, and he would lose everything. It's better to hide and wait for when it's up to the level of the Sannomiya, and then come out again.

The troublemaker murmured, seemingly unhappy not to see Downey's expression of surprise and gratitude.

The Santou Sannomiya stood in the void with a gloomy expression, staring at the troublemaker, carefully looking at the other five-dimensional people that might be lurking around, while looking at the troublemaker with anger and hatred.

"Why are you a five-dimensional person intervening in my affairs?!" San Gong growled.

The troublemaker took a sip of the cigar, this time the mustard smell came out, "I'll help my old acquaintance, is there a problem?"

The problem is big!

The Santou Sannomiya looked around vigilantly, filled with an indescribable sense of wimps.

The fifth dimension is a very troublesome realm. The five-dimensional people in it are uniquely endowed by nature. The most terrifying thing about the various multiverse levels is their number. There are more than 100 official residents and countless reserve residents...

In the multiverse world, no one should offend the fifth dimension—less than the ninth-level almighty level, the five-dimensional beings in the fifth dimension are simply incomprehensible.

Unless the battlefield is pulled into the realm of the immortal gods of time and space, the fighting power of the five-dimensional people at the same level can be called the bottom, and the Sannomiya can torture and kill any five-dimensional person.

But in the multiverse, they are the true gods, and the levels brought by dimensional crushing are enough to make the only gods feel tricky.

Unless the only body in the ancient times comes, relying solely on the clone, it is restricted by the five-dimensional people in the multiverse.

"Does the Fifth Dimension want to declare war on me?" Sannomiya showed sharp teeth, and the tyrannical aura flashed.

The troublemaker pouted, "If you think too much, you are not qualified at all. You two, stop the war, and then go home, this matter will be resolved."

Sannomiya agreed: "Yes, let him hand over my daughter."

Downey also agreed: "Yes, let him commit suicide."

"Then there is no way... the old man asked me to solve the problem, but he didn't allow me to offend both of you at the same time."

The troublemaker sighed, raised his hand, and blasted a powerful magical beam at Sannomiya.

The disc-shaped power exuded ripples, blasted towards the Sannomiya Demon, and the fierce battle broke out again.

Downey quickly grabbed a long sword and slashed towards the most injured Sannomiya, and the other two Sannomiya demons were easily blocked by the troublemaker.

Two to three, the situation reversed.

Downey kept cutting and bleeding from the wounded three houses. No matter how the opponent roared, his movements remained fierce. From body to soul to will, he slaughtered the cosmic three houses crazily. It was only a matter of time before winning.

On the other side, the troublemaker also pressed the two Sannomiya demons to violently beat them, and horrible rays broke out in their hands, involving dimensional strikes. The power of the entire fifth-dimensional world was taken away by the troublemakers, and he himself had a lot of power. The battle strength of the two Sannomiya soon was scarred and screamed constantly.

Trickster, this ordinary resident of the fifth dimension, is the true **** in the multiverse realm.

Destroying diversity with one thought and creating diversity with one thought is too easy for a troublemaker. This is his instinctive ability.

Similarly, hitting the Sannomiya clone is like hitting a son, beating violently throughout the whole process.

Sannomiya couldn't help letting out a screaming roar, his eyes were red, blood was filled, and flowed slowly, every drop of blood could crush the galaxy.

With two bangs, the Demon of the Sannomiya burst into pieces and died.

"Donny, there's no end to this!!" A Sannomiya eye was cracking, his mouth was full of blood, and his sharp teeth were stained red.

Downey hit the head of the third house with a fist, but the tiny ant fist smashed the huge body of the third house: "The raven doesn't like you, why bother to force it? Following me is no better than following you, the ghost father. ?"

Sannomiya said angrily: "You don't know anything about demons!"

"I am not interested in learning about creatures like you. Half of the blood flowing on the raven is human, and I only pay attention to this half."

Downey pierced the head of the Sannomiya with a and kicked it up, swiping it horizontally again, cutting off the head of the Sannomiya.

"You are even more ignorant of the potential of the raven! She should be a queen from birth, she should be born to dominate the demons, and she should be high above and in charge of the life and death of countless universes!" San Gong was very unwilling.

He has never seen a heir like the Transition Crow, the potential is amazingly huge, as long as he is trained carefully, he is absolutely qualified to become the number one fighter under his command.

At least much better than his three idiot sons.

But the raven was snatched by the new god, and it still depends on not paying it could Sannomiya bear this breath? !

"She is my daughter!"

"Forget it, you don't have a daughter."

"Your uncle!!!"


Downey brandished his sword light, and completely smashed the Three House Devil into scum from the level of will particles, and he couldn't die anymore.

Hell, some demon fortress.

The San Palace, who had just returned to the bedroom, received the news of the three clones, roared violently, and hit the wall with a punch. The bedroom, which was built with an area of ​​100,000 light-years and spent countless treasures, collapsed on the spot.

"Asshole! Asshole! Damn new god!!!"

Sannomiya is caught in a huge rage and jealousy of being cut off by others who are about to succeed.

There is also the heartache of losing three clones in one breath.

He is not a Darkside and does not have the Omega Effect, a powerful artifact shared by the body and the clone. For Darkside, the eighth-level clone is a mass-produced thing, and it doesn't hurt to die.

But Sannomiya couldn't do it. He was quasi-ninth-level, creating an eighth-level clone, which was also a process of hemorrhage, not to mention losing three in one breath this time.

The ghost knew when he could get over this breath.