Transformers In Marvel Vol 2 Chapter 627: Divinity

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


The Academy of Sciences' research on the divine power system has been advancing steadily. Although it suffered a lot of setbacks, it was fortunately successful.

Thor, the evil **** Loki, and the Asgard protoss made great efforts.

"The bloodlines of the Asgard Protoss and the Frost Giants have given us a lot of inspiration. Coupled with the research on the incomplete gene fragments of the Celestial Group, the unique power of divine power has been almost resolved."

Shockwave handed Downey a document containing the latest research on the divine power system.

Downey went through it, remembering everything.

Compared with the magic system, the divine power system, which involves genes and cell inheritance, is easier to break. Of course, this so-called ease is based on the fact that Cybertron has a large amount of experimental materials.

Thor, the **** of thunder, was even transformed into the **** Thor by Downey, a man-made **** king.

"The artificial gods made out of nothing are very troublesome, they are incomplete." Downey talked about the sickle and flesh and blood he used to kill the steppe wolves in the Nirvana universe.

After the death of General Deadblade, he remained in the form of a sickle, hoping to get out of trouble one day, but he was regarded as the best experimental material by Downey.

A large piece of the god's flesh and blood was stuffed into him, and within a short time of throwing the sickle, the god's flesh and blood combined with General Deathblade's consciousness and ontology had undergone an extremely astonishing and unstable change.

Crazy squirming, changing various forms, but it is not a human form, but a transformation into the rough shape of a sickle.

"So divine weapons can only choose powerful individuals as carriers. It is too troublesome to rely on pure flesh and blood. This may be related to the genetic code of the Celestial Group, but we don't need to touch that secret... This will anger eternity and A powerful member of the Celestial Group." Downey said.

The Celestial Group is the eternally proudest biological weapon, and it is built based on the Dark Celestial Group made by the first firmament.

Similarly, the members of the Celestial Group became independent living entities, their potential and life index were also different, weak, and barely crossed the seven-level threshold. The powerful, such as the Sleeping God, could slap his creator eternity to death.

Anyone who wants to break through the genetic code of the heavenly gods will arouse the anger of these powerful beings. No one wants to reveal their genetic code. If one day a large group of biological weapons similar to one's own, how should they deal with it?

You know, inside and outside the multiverse, the most indispensable are monsters with amazing intelligence. Including the only gods, they have carefully sealed their unique essence and related information sets for fear of being known and made targeted deployments. .

Shockwave asked: "The experiment of the divine power system..."

"It's up to me to do it myself, so I'll be the experiment subject," Downey said.

"This is too dangerous."

"Don't worry, I will create a clone and make him the source of the divine power system."

Downey looked down at his palm and answered faintly.

Creating a clone is an urgent matter, always acting in the body, it is easy to die... His strength is not so strong that he can beat all dissatisfaction by relying solely on the body.

Even if he grows to a terrifying level one day in the future, he may encounter a crisis. Because the water in the realm of the gods is too deep, the ghost knows how many gods and lunatics who have fallen asleep many years ago, and maybe a dangerous guy will jump out and pit him severely.

The first firmament is an example. The majestic universe life, the first generation of eternal, extremely ancient existence, ended up being besieged and killed by many gods including the second generation of eternal.

With the experience of fusing the Gaia consciousness of the Nirvana universe, Downey is confident enough to complete the creation of the clone. In theory, only the only **** can create a real clone.

Connected with the will of the body, it has a growth limit slightly lower than that of the sole **** body. The most commendable thing is that the clone can be produced in many cases, as long as the body can support it and can bear the cost of creating a clone.

After everyone left, Downey slowly closed his eyes, his body, the only essential core area, the noble zone that transcended all existing time and space.


This is an extremely noble area. Nothing can touch it. This is the source and core of all Downey's abilities and information.

To create a clone is to split a small part of the godhead.

This is a very painful process. It is more painful than cutting flesh on a living person. The difficulty and cost of slashing directly at the origin of the gods can be imagined.

"Cut a part of the godhead, shape it into a brand-new self-individual, and then transplant the **** power gene from the beginning, build the source **** power system, reflect the **** body and gene with the only light, and pass it on to more individuals..."

The corners of Downey's mouth twitched, and he gritted his teeth in the end with extreme dissatisfaction and heartache. The powerful and indestructible noble will was launched, and the whole godhead changed drastically.

About one-tenth of the godheads are broken, divided into unknown substances, and are slowly converging at all It seems that these broken parts are being attracted by the main godhead, I want Back again.

Downey's breath was quietly weakened, and he cruelly stripped this deity and shaped it into a small deity.

The appearance is exactly the same as the main godhead, only the size is different.

"How did Darkside endure this kind of pain back then..."

Downey's face was pale, and he felt that a part of his body was suddenly vacant. Strength, information, self indicators, will, spirit, and soul were all divided along with the differentiation of the godhead.

This kind of bad feeling, this kind of action that directly collapses part of the godhead is the inevitable process of shaping the clone.

The more you experience, the more you can understand how painful it was when Darkside was smashed to pieces by the Dark Walker...

After a short breath, Downey silently observed the small piece of Godhead and sighed deeply.

Although it hurts, it must be done.

It is the best plan to use a clone to act as the **** king of the Cybertronian **** system and to serve as the source of the **** power system.

The godhead left the mysterious area in Downey's body and gently floated in Downey's palm. It is slowly taking shape, and the waves that it emits make everything around it tremble faintly, and there are signs of collapse.

Godhead, also called Yuan, Jindan, Small Universe, etc., is something that only God can possess. Just a small piece, the value of tying the multiverse together is not comparable to this Godhead.

Downey called the people from the Academy of Sciences and ordered the formal start of the construction of the divine power system.

The power of the godhead was deliberately curbed by Downey, so as not to cause damage to the surrounding time and space.

In the eyes of the people around, Downey's palm floated, clearly a ball of light.