007: Mei Lin

Ling looked at Cao Zhao with complexion, when his father caressed his shoulder.

"Certainly, mother-in-law. I shall not forget your generosity in the past." says Cao Zhao.

"Very well…" Kwan Xi Yin approached Ling, kneeling before him to level their sight. 

To their surprise, Kwan Xi Yin, the lady that was renowned for her Ice Cold Heart, hugged Ling tightly, wearing a warm smile as she caressed the back of his hair.

Unbeknownst to anybody in the room, Kwan Xi Yin slipped an amulet in Ling's pocket.

"This is my gift for you. Keep it safe, and it will protect you from any harm."

Ling was curious, why would she give such an important gift in secret?

"I think that's all from me. I will go back to the Ice Cold Mountain since I have another business that needs my attention. Farewell, everyone."

Kwan Xi Yin disappeared into thin air and only left a mark of a teleportation array on the floor.

Ling could have asked what was the agreement that his father had made with Ice Cold Sect, but he chose not to complicate the problem.

"Father… I think I need some fresh air. Grandmother's residual Qi is too strong for this little body of mine." Ling says after he sensed Cao Zhao's mind was distraught.

"Right… let's move to the pond while we enjoy the remaining day that we have right now."

With that said, the guests moved to the courtyard where the pond that was filled with hundreds of Koi fish was situated.

Mingling, drinking and eating to the fullest of their belly while enjoying the afternoon sun.

Ling, however, chose to take his time and lay down his head on Xiao Wu's lap under the shade of the willow tree, away from the crowds.

"Young master, is it okay for you to be here? Are you not supposed to be right there and socializing with the guests?"

"Further engagement with those people will only make me exhausted. Now hush, I need to concentrate to absorb the Qi from the surroundings."

"If you say so…" Xiao Wu gently caresses his forehead. Unbeknownst to Ling, Xiao Wu made the Tao Symbol on his forehead, allowing the Qi from the surroundings to enter his body more easily.

"Did you do something to my forehead?" Ling reacted as the flow of the Qi changed significantly.

"Not in particular… Now hush and concentrate. You need to create the baseline of your cultivation after all. If you are able to create the dantian inside your body, only then you'll be able to cultivate and reach the higher realm."

Ling closed his eyes, heightened his senses to the limit. Soonly enough, he was able to sense his surroundings upto ten meter radius.

He could feel the grass, every falling leaf and even a colony of ants carrying their food beneath the soil.

He was almost entering a trance state as his body felt so relaxed. Until suddenly, his concentration was abrupted by a loud shouting voice not so far from his location.

"Help!!! Please help! I can't swim!"

"For goodness sake! Now what?!" Ling quickly stood, his eyes fixed on Mei Lin who had already half drowned in the pool.


Ling reacted quickly, he ran to the small dock, reaching out his hands to grab her hand.

She tried her best to reach the small dock with her short hands. With her elaborate gowns, Ling was aware that she would be drowned within a minute due to the additional weight of her party gown.

Xiao Wu reacted quickly and safe both of them, she lifted Ling together with Mei Lin and embrace them tightly.

If only Ling's body was bigger and stronger, he would have plunged himself into the pool to save her.

The commotion attracted the attention of the guests, they were still confused about what was happening since they all were already drunk enough.

"Is that- Oh no! It's Mei Lin! She's drowning!"

"Mei Lin!"

Wang Yi jumped from his position and reached her daughter in a matter of seconds.

"What are you doing! You put young master Ling in danger because of your clumsiness! Bad girl!"

Mei Lin cried out loud, she was shocked upon being scolded by her father.

"Calm down brother Wang Yi. It's just an unfortunate accident. Let's bring her inside and check up if she's wounded." said Cao Zhao, tapping Wang Yi's shoulder.

On the other hand, Ling couldn't help but shake his head.

After that incident, the mood became bland and the birthday party was ended prematurely.

Mei Lin was asleep soundly after Xiao Wu administrate a sleeping medicine that she usually used to Ling when he was having problem with his sleep.

Likewise, Ling was alseep by Mei Lin's side. They were like a siblings when they dozing off side by side.

"I can't thank you enough for helping my daughter, Xiao Wu. If it wasn't for you and young master Ling, Mei Lin was already gone by now."

Xiao Wu smiled, "No need to mention it, Master Wang Yi. I'm just being helpful for young master's sake. He's a genius kid, however, he's but a child after all."

Before long, Cao Zhao came in to check up on his son and his niece. He let out a relieved sigh upon seeing both of them was okay.

"First Brother!" Wang Yi kowtowed before him. "On behalf of my daughter, I apologize for her. Please give me a befitting punishment to make amends for her mistake and put the young master in danger!"

Cao Zhao was touched by Wang Yi's sincerity. As the Sect Leader, he must give an example for the other sect members. Otherwise, they would see him as an incompetent leader.

"Very well… I will punish your daughter by serving the young master for indefinite time of her life. And you are prohibited to see her until I lift up her punishment!"

"Understood, Sect Leader. My daughter will be young master's loyal servant from today's onward."
