Elizabeth's POV.
I arrived home, at 6:30pm. I enter the house the place seem quite like ghost was around. I walked in the house and entered the room.
Angel was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed over each other (Indian style), her chain was cupped up in her hands. She was lost in thoughts smiling as she thought. She did not acknowledge my presence. I marveled what she was thinking about.
I tried to make sound to get Inna's attention, she didn't even glance at me. I strolled towards the table and sat my bag down. I called Angel, but she couldn't hear me. I waved I front of her, but she couldn't see me waving, either. I was shocked by this new attitude of hers.
""Did she see a ghost?" I wonder??. Was she thinking about her father Anthony).??
Narrator: Angel's father "Anthony Richardson" died of heart disease, when Angel was six years old.
Questions kept popping up in my head. I was confused. I prayed in my heart; "Heavenly father, I commit my daughter into your hands. Please keep her away from evil eyes. Amen!"
I don't know what to do, I have been here for almost thirty minutes and she hasn't even notice, me.
She was lost in thoughts. I have an idea! I should give her a slap on her shoulder. I slap her on the shoulder she immediately jumped coming out of her day's dream to notice me and greet me. She apologized for not paying attention to her surrounding.
She said, she was thinking deeply that's why she did not feel my presence. I sat down near her on the bed and asked her what was she thinking about? I needed to know to find rest in my heart and mind.
She told me everything I was so astonished. We decided to visit Sister Agnes, to tell her this amazing news.
Narrator: (Sister Agnes lived On Randall Street, at St. Teresa Convent. The Richardson lived on Camp Johnson Road).
An hour later!🕐
We arrived at Sister's house we were seated in the living room. Sister offered us a glass of juice. Angel told sister about her dream and ambition of becoming the second female president of Liberia. We prayed about it, and went home...