Broken Liberia

Elizabeth's POV.

I still remember the day I gave birth to Angel. I thank God everyday for that day. I felt like the proudest mother in the World. I knew where ever Anthony was he is very pleased.

After Angel traveled to London, I felt sick and when to the hospital. The doctor told me, I had low blood pressure. I couldn't tell Angel about that because I never wanted her to get distracted or worry. She had too much on her plate to handle, I didn't want to add to her worry.

As the years when bye, the sickness became worst. I was also diagnosed with, leukemia. That made me worry, and scare. I knew I didn't have much time on Earth, anymore. I was happy even though, I was about to die. I was excited to meet Anthony because Angel have achieve what we haven't.

I knew even if I, died. Angel wouldn't be left alone because she had Sister Agnes' support.

Angel's POV.

I was sad when I heard all those things about my, country. That made me to study harder. I knew that my country had to be redeemed because she was the oldest in Africa.

I knew my country should have been an example in Africa and West Africa, but instead of that she looked up to the babies(the youngest African country).

I Am Liberia

I am Liberia!

When I think about myself

I sit and mourn

With great pains, sorrows and remorse

I have lost all of myself respect and dignity

I have sacrifice a lot so that the brutality of the white could excuse my people

But their rude behaviors have sent me to the bottomless pit of an ocean

My people ungrateful behavior which they have failed to acknowledge have lead me to a state of depression and self-pity

Who Was I?

I was there first Country in Africa and West Africa to gain Independence

I was known as mama Liberia, a country that people looked up to

I was depended upon

I was the first African country to have her own president

I was the first to export the best iron ore

I was the first fi export kolanuts and rubber

But….( Take in deep breath. Sigh heavily)

Now I am, Nobody ( sounds sad)

I am no longer the best exporter ( sounds remorseful)

I am known as one of the most corrupt nations in West Africa

My name have been dragged in the mud

Saying I have the worst educational system

My subordinates look down on me

I am now called the poorest

The underdeveloped

And uneducated

Huh! ( Inhales sharply)

I am broken!

The people I look up to now to help me

99% of them are drugs victims and teenage mothers

They have destroyed me with 14 years of senseless war

I asked myself will I ever be redeemed ( she cries)

Huh! (Breath out)

I am no longer the sweet land if Liberty

Now my people called me and think of me as hell on Earth

They day I am the bitter land of Liberty ( she cries)

They have turned to spectators in their own country

My resources are been taken away by other nations

Who am I ? ( She sounds remorseful)

I am now a broken Liberia

I wrote a poem in my diary as I cried my heart out in my room.

Eight years later!

It was two days to my graduation. I was about to graduation with my P.H.D in sociology. I received a shocking news, mommy was dead!!!

She had died of low blood pressure and leukemia. She could have survive, but the hospital didn't accept her because they said the was no bed.

I cried, why didn't she tell me????