Chapter Eight: Counterplay

The sun was busy and about to set, and the originally fiery sunset was not covered by the thick black smoke. The residents of Flame City went out to inspect and saw that Flame Hall was on fire. Subsequently, soldiers from other countries illegally entered and searched for fugitives.

Several guards wanted to resist, but the captain immediately stopped them, "General Paimon has orders not to interfere with Allied operations. They are conducting routine inspections of dangerous individuals. We just cooperate with them."

"How about the fire,they don't do anything?"

"Not sure."

"Hey, watch out. What's wrong with you?" The talking guard was suddenly knocked aside by a sprinting person. The man wore a mask and covered his face with a cloak.

"He smells really bad."

"Right, it feels like he's burnt."

The man ran wildly all the way, disregarding the surrounding crowd, and collided with one person after another. He turned back from time to time, his eyes showing fear. He ran aimlessly into an alley, pulled off his mask, and Kassifa gasped for breath.

Taking a break, Kassifa slightly poked half hiser head out of the alley. His pupils trembled and he immediately retreated to lean against the wall. Several hidden soldiers in the crowd chased after him.

Just as he tried to observe again, a huge hand covered his mouth and dragged him into the corner.

"Let me go...let me go..."

"Hush! It's me. Just be quiet."

" it you?"Kassifa calmed down, turned around, and Billet stood in front of him, soaked all over.

"It's you. It is really you!" Kassifa said excitedly, crying bitterly and holding Billet, wetting his previously wet clothes again.

"Sorry I am late. Are you okay? How's dad?" Billet asked.

"Dad...he...he is...kaka..." Kassifa had already burst into tears, stuttering and losing control of his emotions.

"Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy. Calm down. Tell me what's going on." Billet held Kassifa in his arms and gently patted his back.

Kassifa wiped away her tears and said, "Eligor killed father. The Hall has been taken by his army. And they're hunting me."

Billet remained silent, frowning with remorse. His teeth gritted his lips until he bled."I should have been more quick.I should!" Billet said.

"It's all my fault. I should never have trusted Eligor. I am supposed to listen to you. I caused dad's death. I am sorry."

"No, it's not your fault. You have done well. You succeeded to survive. Now we need to focus on the enemy behind us."

"Where can we go?The soldiers are around us.There is no way out."

"There is. Do you remember the Flame Mountain to the west? We need to cross that mountain. The power of a hidden soldier comes from shadows. They are afraid of the sun. Sunshine will weaken their strength. Now the sunlight is blocked by the mountains, and we can't handle them here. As long as they reach the other end of the mountain, they won't be able to catch up with us. The sun has two hours to set now, hurry up."

"Ahhh——"Kassifa moaned in pain and knelt down on the ground.

"What'wrong? You don't feel well?"

"I don't know...maybe poison. Eligor gave me tea and I drank it. It almost killed dad."

"That's not good. Let me check." Billet's eyes suddenly turned red, and he unleashed a powerful force. He pressed Kassifa's stomach with his hand, transmitting energy to him. At this point, Kassifa's pain decreased significantly, while Billet's face became embarrassed.

"What is this?"

"I am trying to cure you." Ten minutes later, Billet released his hand. He was sweating profusely and his lips turned purple. Kassifa touched himself, feeling much more comfortable, but still feeling a bit painful.

"It is an evil curse, and Eligor did indeed manipulate tea. I have already removed half of it for you. Now let's get out of here and find a place to treat you."

"Ok, let's go."

Billet took out the Soul Blade and wrapped it around Kassifa's face, revealing two holes in his nose. They walked out of the alley, pretending nothing had happened and were walking on the street. The passing soldiers completely ignored them.

Following the old method, Billet found a driver who was going up the mountain. Billet gave him some money and took Billet to the mountain. Kassifa, with the help of the blade, hid under the car.

When passing by the checkpoint, the soldiers were already waiting there. As Eligor did not know that Billet was still alive, he did not inform the soldier of Billet's appearance. The soldiers who were inspecting looked at Billet and casually asked some questions before letting them go. Soul Blade has powerful anti reconnaissance ability, and ordinary people cannot directly detect its existence. Billet and Kassifa easily cleared customs and drove up the mountain.

Flame Mountain was a dormant volcano. The mountain was covered with lava and Obsidian. It was hot all year round, and no grass grows. Previously, Flame Mountain was a mine. It contained abundant minerals. "Sir,we are here," the driver said.

"Thank you," Billet said.

After the coachman left, Billet waved his fingers, the blade returned, and Kassifa fell out of it.

"Ow——It feels like a roller coaster ride. The darkness inside is making me suffer from claustrophobia." Kassifa said, "Wow, look, it's the sun. We are almost here. Yes,we did it!"

Ahead was a long tunnel composed of two hills. At the end of the tunnel, they could vaguely see the golden sun. The warm sunshine filtered through the tunnel.

Kassifa opened her hands and let the sunlight fall on his chest. He felt happy for a long time and ignited hope for life. "It's so warm. I can see the sunset.How beautiful it is. Do you see bro?" Kassifa said.

"Yeah, it is beautiful. Although it will fall, it will rise again, bringing people hope. Perhaps it's the only beautiful thing in this dirty world," Billet said.

"If only Dad could see this..."

"He had. You are his sun. We live together well."

"Is it?" A dark voice echoed through the tunnel. Billet quickly took out his weapon and protected Kassifa behind his back.

"You two shall die here today, and will never see the sun of tomorrow again!" Sitri said.

The hillside, which was not illuminated by sunlight, suddenly became even darker. The fiery red lava lost its luster. The originally hot climate had become unusually cold. Cold enough to pierce through bones.

"Damn, it's him. Run away Kassifa.Leave me alone. You go ahead!" Billet said very loudly.


"I said go!" Billet retorted. Kassifa didn't say much anymore, he turned around and wanted to escape through the tunnel.

"Three Knife Style——" Billet's blade separated and turned into three blades. This was Billet's ultimate move. It could be attacked, defended, frightened like thunder, fast like lightning, and difficult to parry. Billet held a blade in each hand and a blade on his back. Billet waved his blades with both hands, and the trajectory of the blades like countless meteors falling. Its attack was like two huge whirlwinds.

Sitris extended his claws and released 6 purple sword auras. The charging Billets blocked each other and temporarily cut off the attack. Sitri seized the opportunity and quickly moved in front of Billet to engage in close combat. Sitri's claws hit, and Billet first counterattacked with his right hand blade, then pulled the object on the side with his left hand blade to open up. Sitri took aim at Billet and prepared to teleport again. Billet anticipated in advance and raised two blades to strike hard downwards, while Sitris teleported over. The attacking blade hit Sitri's paw exactly. Billet softened the blade and controlled Sitri's weapon.Then Billet did a backflip.He jumped to the back of Sitri.

The blade on Billet's back was pulled out, and Sitri had no time to react, and Billet was in his blind spot. Billet held his weapon in both hands and unleashed all his strength to stab Sitri, like a piercing arrow. "Ahhh——" Billet's whole body trembled, causing severe pain in his brain and loss of strength in his hands. This caused Billet's attack to miss Sitri's vital point, but rather his shoulder.

Sitri turned around and hit directly, chopping off Billet's entire left hand. "I see....You are so full, Billet. You absorb the general curse from Kassifa and bear it yourself. Thank that or you could almost hit my heart." Sitri said proudly, pointing a finger at Billet and mocking him.

"Not yet!" Billet let out a roar, stood up, retracted all the blades, and gathered them together. He fired fragments of the blade towards Sitri's head.

Due to injury and poisoning, Billet's slow movement was seen through by Sitri, and he turned his head slightly to avoid it."You missed,"Sitri said.

"No,you miss it." The fragments crossed Sitri's shoulders and hit the rock behind him. The rocks collapsed suddenly, and a few rays of sunlight appeared, shining on Sitri.

"Whoa——" Sitri was burning from head to toe under the sunlight, with thick smoke billowing out and his entire body burning. Billet took the opportunity to quickly run towards Sitri and kicked him down the hill. The burning Sitri rolled down. Until Billet can't see the smoke. Kassifa, who was hiding not far away, saw this scene and rushed back to help Billet.

"Why you...come back? I told you run..." Billet spoke on the verge of death.

"Shut up. You are bleeding. Come on, let me help you. How couldn't you beat Sitri?" Kassifa lifted Billet and placed one of Billet's hands on his shoulder.

"Nothing...he is too powerful,"Billet said.

"Anyway, you killed him."

"No, he is still alive...soon he will come back."

"How is it possible? He was burned by the sun and fell down."

"The sun couldn't kill him but only procrastinate."

"But we have been on the other side of the mountain. He and his army won't catch us."

"I have heard that the Shadow Clan has a divine skill that can summon the Ultimate Shadow. Only by practicing to the highest level can one obtain this skill. If successful in cultivation, one can obtain an immortal body and cast the world into shadow. Sitri will release it when in trouble. At that time, he will not be afraid of the sun."

"That's gotta suck, not good at all. How will we deal with it?"

"Do you know anyone who can help us?"

"Help us? I don't know...Oh, yes.There is a person who might help us.The ghost protector, hell archmage, Goodall Mavorkel.

"She? How?"

"Well,I met her once. She asked me to be her apprentice but I refused. Then she said that if I made a choice,come to her. She will help us. I just need to accept hers."

"Sounds good. Goodall has great power and everyone respects her. The army cannot enter her territory without her permission. As long as we get there, we'll be saved. This is our only hope."

On the hillside, the trunk of the tree was cut off by the waist, and the ground rolled out long and deep marks. Sitri struggled out of the bushes, his cloak torn and his body covered in leaves and soil. He leaned weakly against the tree, panting heavily, and the smoke still lingered on his body.

Sitri yanked off his cloak and removed his breastplate. He actually has a huge eye on his chest. The pupils of the eyes turn black, and then the entire eyeball turns dark. The eyes suddenly released countless shadows, which spread endlessly like a virus, until they spread to the entire mountain range. Sitri was gradually buried by the shadow, and he was completely integrated with the shadow, unable to see his facial features clearly.

On the street, the originally bright street suddenly darkened, and ghostly hands composed of shadows extinguished all the lights as if cutting off their lives. The sky shrouded in dark clouds became even darker, with shadows weaving through the clouds, covering the entire sky. The sun is gradually swallowed up by shadows until it completely disappears.

"This is my Darkest Hour!" Sitri said.