Being an ordinary boy in a world of magic is not easy at all, since all his life he has been belittled and treated like garbage.

This is the story of...THE DRAGON KING.....

The human kingdom is known throughout the world for having been the only one to always be in conflict with the other races, but in recent years its reputation has changed and that is due to its new king.

which decided to leave this hatred behind and start living together with the other races that exist in the world.

The human kingdom has also been distinguished by its warriors as well as its magicians, since wars were sometimes inevitable, so there was always someone who stood out during them.

but there was only one human whom the other races feared, hated and admired at the same time.

Bahamut was a sorcerer who was able to master all possible magic and create some thanks to his wisdom, but above all to his control over magic.

his spells were powerful enough to kill entire armies.

for the same reason he was appointed as supreme sorcerer.




but one day bahamut simply disappeared to leave no trace.

Some believe that he died, others that he is still alive.

but these are only rumors or stories, since this happened centuries ago when the races still did not live in peace with each other.




In this world you can earn a living honestly, being a merchant, merchant, having your own business and best of all serving the kingdom as a knight or sorcerer.

If you choose to be a knight, the tests will be very hard since very few are chosen as knights and only a select number of these become the elite force of the kingdom.

On the other hand, there are the sorcerers who are usually chosen for their way of controlling magic, since some people are related to some elements.




in this world there are the basic elements: earth, water, fire, air, but thanks to bahamut more elements were discovered by combining the previous ones such as: ice, metal and many others, in addition to their variations such as fire, which has the ability to give certain attributes or abilities if you manage to master it.

finally there are the two most powerful magics ... light and darkness.

which are very feared because if you manage to control them your power will be as much as to give life or take it away ... at least that is what is said since so far no one has been able to control these magics nor are you born with them Since in the kingdom people are born with magic in their body, so if they train enough they can control it to have great power.







but there are also illegal ways to earn a living, being the worst scum that can exist in the world, because these jobs are usually as a murderer, bandit or the worst scum... slave seller.

Unfortunately, not all races can live in peace, since some are coveted for their beauty or rarity, being trapped by these scum and sold to the highest bidder or being used for some jobs.

the protagonist of our story is dark ... he does not know his full name since the only thing he knows is that he was left in the kingdom's orphanage when he was just a newborn and only had a role with that word.

Since he was a child he was always very restless because while the other children spent their time sleeping or playing, he ran away to be around the city and learn more about it, as he was always scolded and punished for going out without permission.

so he decided to behave himself and stay inside the orphanage where he started training to become a knight...not knowing what the future would bring.

But he knew that not everything was just training, so he also decided to study, reading all the books that the orphanage had and attending the classes that the orphanage gave.

Thus the years passed, reaching the age of 15, when he could almost be considered an adult. The boy decided to take his test for a knight, thus attending the city's coliseum where the knights trained and where year after year they took the tests to become one of them.

his physique was not very impressive, but he trusted his agility and above all his strategies, since reading all those books served him well, in addition to the fact that although nobody knew it, he had begun to study the history of other races, as well as the language of these . unknowingly becoming a genius.

there he was measuring 1 meter with 80 cm, black hair, black eyes, tanned skin and wearing humble clothes like slightly torn pants, a brown shirt and leather boots.

With that and his great confidence, I carry out the test ......




which happened without any problem and with some compliments from the gentleman who was doing the tests, since these are supervised by some gentlemen, a few elite and their captain, in addition to some magicians in case they used magic.

Very happy for having approved, he only had to wait for the other applicants to finish reviewing in order to be named a knight.

that's how he began to see the other tests realizing why it happened and was so praised since most only used their brute force and no strategy, except for a few who managed to stop, but could be counted on the fingers of the hands, in addition to having some magicians among them.

In the end, the tests ended, so the approved ones were placed in a single line to be named by the captain of knights as one of them, in addition to giving his approval to the magicians.

everything was going well, everyone passed by and the captain shook their hands, in addition to being in good time for having passed... but when his turn came... ....everything...everything!....finished.