Sebastian: I'm so sorry, you must leave the orphanage...

I never expect to hear those words. After all, his plan was always to become strong so he could take the knight test and then pass it and become one so he could help the orphanage, as well as ensure a good life.

but now that plan had gone to waste ..... all because he was born without magic ..... maybe that's why his parents abandoned him ...




or at least he believed it was because of his lack of magic.....




Sebastian noticed the sad face of the boy, it was not for nothing that he had known him since he was a baby, it could be said that he considered him a son, since he saw him grow up and how he became what he is today.

Kuro knew that if Cold himself had sent his knights, it meant that he wanted him to do menial jobs or rather to continue humiliating him.

Sebastian: You know that I love you as if you were my son, right? That's why he wouldn't allow them to take you away. Do you remember Joseph?

Of course he remembered it perfectly, that man owns a very famous bar in the kingdom, but despite that he was not as proud as the other people, so every time he could he brought them food to the orphanage, but he had to I stopped going to the orphanage a few years ago since I didn't have the time to close the bar and go see them, but I still kept sending some food.

kuro: of course i remember

Sebastian: I told him about your problem and he decided to help, so you left the orphanage and started working in his bar.

Those words left Kuro surprised, since even putting his life at risk, Sebastian wanted the best for him ... without a doubt, he is the closest thing to a father for him.

Sebastian: I'm sorry I can't do more for you son

those words made him finish breaking so he could only lower his head as he began to cry making his sobs begin to sound in that room.

minutes passed and he still couldn't calm down so he began to feel a hand caress his head, so looking up he found sebastian, who is smiling at him.

sebastian: come on son stop crying and get up, you have to start packing your things to start your new life

He knew that he had to calm down to be able to pack his things, but above all to say goodbye properly.

So, wiping her tears and controlling herself a little, she stood up and then gave Mr. Sebastian a light hug. finishing the hug, she left his office and then went to his room and started packing the few things he had.

having everything ready I walk towards the door and before opening it I look back seeing that old room, the old bed, the old furniture. He knew that this is the best option he has, but even so it hurts him to have to leave that room where he has slept, studied and trained practically since he was born.




As he walked through the corridors of the orphanage towards the exit, several children approached him to say goodbye, since in his free time he helped take care of the little ones, in addition, some workers also came to say goodbye to that child they saw grow up and become what it is today.

when he got to the exit, sebastian and carmen, the two people his parents told, were waiting for him. without a doubt this is the most painful thing he will have to do in his life. leave the people that he considers his family, but it was the best, since that way he could help the orphanage with the money he earns in the bar, because this was his dream from the beginning. train until exhaustion and then take the tests to become a knight, being very sure of himself to pass them and then help the orphanage as a knight........ but that dream had been destroyed.... ....even so, he did not plan to give up since he wants to give back to the orphanage and especially to these two people whom he considers his parents for everything they have done for him.

Not for nothing did they take care of him since he was a baby, they taught him everything they could and also helped him during his training to fulfill his dream.

Approaching them, Carmen was the first to go with him, giving him a hug, unable to contain her sadness at seeing how that baby whom she cared for as his own son, is now leaving the orphanage starting to cry without being able to help it.

Kuro knew that this is also difficult for them, so he decided to be strong this time so as not to worry them, so he also hugged Carmen until she calmed down.

She managed to reassure her, so the woman broke the hug and then looked at the boy and brought her hands to his cheeks.

carmen: you have to take care of yourself wherever you go, eat a lot, don't hold back and above all work hard to achieve your dreams

those words of encouragement, of encouragement, but above all from a mother to his son, made him break so that without being able to avoid it some tears began to come out of his eyes going down his cheeks.

Carmen: don't cry son, remember that wherever you go I will always be there for you. now take this

The woman extended a box to Kuro, who, a little surprised, tried to reject it, but the woman made him accept it by opening the gift, being surprised since inside it there is a beautiful silver necklace with a beautiful water stone in the center. of this




magic has an infinite number of ways to be used, one of those ways is to gather magic and turn it into stone. This is mainly used in emergency cases, for example, if a magician runs out of energy to be able to attack or defend himself, he uses this stone as a last resort in which he can store a specific attack or simply a type of magic to use.

It is even used by knights who, although they are not very expert in magic, are explained that just by breaking the stone or taking it in your hand, they can use the magic or attack stored in said stone.




carmen: as you know i control water magic a little, so use it in case of emergency

Kuro took that necklace in his hands knowing the effort required to gather such amount of magic for which he was too grateful to Carmen, so he decided to put it on.

kuro: I swear I'll be worthy to wear this necklace

With a kiss on the cheek from Carmen and a last hug, the boy walked towards Sebastian, who was the last to say goodbye to him.

Sebastian: It's time for the bird to fly from the nest, isn't it? although I would have liked to do this in better circumstances and especially when you fulfill your dreams, but it is not time for regrets, you must continue forward despite adversity, so I wish you the best..... son

These are the words that a father would say to his son being proud of him and of course Kuro felt that way so he hugged Sebastian, who returned the hug.

Kuro felt how his man was beginning to get wet so he knew that Sebastian was crying.

Sebastian: There are bad people out there, so take good care of yourself, son, and if you have a problem or need to talk to someone, the doors of this place will always be open for you.

kuro: thank you very much sir sebastian.....I swear I'll take care of myself and not fall into the wrong path

sebastian: before you go take this...open it when you get there with joseph

The boy received a somewhat large box so he kept it with the other things and then gave Sebastian a hug, hoping that they would see each other again very soon.

With no more people to say goodbye to, Kuro took his things and then began to walk out of the orphanage stopping halfway down the street and looking back at all those people who were saying goodbye to him and that place that for 15 years he called home and those people whom he considers his family.

A few last tears ran down his cheeks and then he resumed his path.




As he walked through the streets of the empire he could feel the eyes of the people feeling like a criminal or the worst scum of the empire, besides now people started rumors about him and didn't even bother doing it behind his back anymore.





"Without a doubt, humans are the worst scum in this world, but they don't have much time left to be exterminated, they will suffer everything they have done. I hate them, I hate them, I HATE them"

those words were said to the wind, waiting for someone to hear them.




walking through the streets of the empire and receiving the looks of the people, kuro arrived at joseph's bar, this being a totally clean two-story place.

so kuro walked around the bar so he could walk down the alley behind it and knock on the door.

I wait a few minutes until the door finally opened...