tamy knows how delicate this situation is for kuro after all he will have his reasons for having hidden the information about the swords, but that argos has recriminated him so much and even hinted that he would no longer trust him must have affected him.

although it is also true that silvy and argos are fighting for their races and their future, but it was not necessary to go so far.

kuro: you must feel bad, right?

Tamy: why do you say that?

Kuro: I thought you would feel used, don't you think I didn't see your face when I said about the sword

Tamy: At first I felt that way, but then I understood that it was the perfect opportunity to bring this important sword to the elven kingdom.

kuro: I'm glad at least someone understood it

tamy: kuro the truth is that I do not blame them. after all, they have spent their entire lives fighting for the good of their races and that someone has in their possession two of the most important objects in history and the world is somewhat surprising

kuro: I know, but imagine that even I don't even know how to use the dark sword and the holy sword I haven't even touched it because of how important it is. also that the sword belonged to my late master so I didn't know anything about it until I had that dream and above all my problem of not being able to use magic remains

Tamy: calm down, I know everything will be fine

kuro: and how do you know?

tamy: because i will always be there for you

When she finished speaking, the elf approached Kuro and then hugged him, causing the boy to be surprised by the action, but he ended up responding to the hug.

Tamy: "I will never leave you alone"

kuro: "I will always protect you.... even if it costs me my life"

After this little talk between the two, they decided to return to their path in order to reach their destination.

On the other hand, in the distance, both Silvy and Argos had seen and heard a bit of the conversation.

argos: so that sword is very important to kuro for its sentimental value than anything else

silvy: now you feel more for judging him, isn't it ... "damn those two begin to have a relationship that is stronger and stronger. in the end I will have to share it with that elf ... and I hope that she be the only one"

That was how they returned to a quiet trip without any more problems.




A few hours later when the sun is at its fullest, Kuro could see a few structures in the distance.

kuro: it seems that we are finally arriving

Tamy: how do you know?

kuro: Later I can see a couple of structures. It may be the village of the blacksmiths or some checkpoint, so do not separate from me

Both continued walking until they reached that structure. which is a wall next to two watchtowers.

tamy: it doesn't seem like there's anyone

kuro: looks abandoned

???: well don't believe everything you see boy

Hearing those words, they both turned around to find who owns that thick voice, causing them both to be surprised to see a 2 meter tall man, with a beard and a very worked body, in addition to having big hands and looking very strong.

???: It seems that they are lost, is that so?

That man came a little closer to be able to better observe the visitors, surprised to see Tamy's ears.

???: but what a surprise, what is an elf doing outside of her village?

on the other hand she tamy couldn't answer being so surprised to see a "dwarf" for the first time.

Kuro: I-I have the mission to take her safe and sound to the kingdom of the elves, so we must go through her village to reach the destination

???: I know that perfectly, not for nothing I have lived here for decades, but tell me who assigned you this mission?

kuro: he was the father of the human kingdom

???: So that old man still lives. in that case come and put me on


When the "dwarf" finished speaking, he approached the great gates of the wall to later open them with his own force.

kuro: I didn't close them completely...behind us come 2 more companions

tammy: how...

Kuro: don't ask

That is how the three of them entered the walls to be able to go to one of the many houses there were, and Kuro and Tamy were surprised to see how in one part of the village there are forges, ovens and all kinds of tools to forge weapons. or armor.

so in the end they arrived at the house of the "dwarf" where they entered to make themselves comfortable and tell the "dwarf" everything.

???: Sorry I haven't introduced myself yet. my name is.....belder the best blacksmith today

the three are currently sitting at a table in the house with a cup of water for each.

kuro: belder...I have a very important question...why are you the only one here?

belder: that's easy to answer.....the village was attacked recently so the decision was made to move to the elf kingdom to be prepared for another attack, but there was a problem and that is if the village is empty there will be no one to guide the adventurers or people like you trying to get to the elf kingdom

Kuro: I see

belder: and well. explain to me what you do with an elf outside her kingdom

Kuro then explained to Belder about his mission to return Tamy to the elf kingdom.

belder: so that's the reason. by the way it is seen that the sword you have was made by a good blacksmith

kuro: actually you should know her and the creator of her too ..... it's the dark sword


kuro: that's right

belder: but what a surprise ... I could hold it to review it

kuro: sure

The boy stood up and then unsheathed his sword, placing it on the table next to the scabbard.

Belder immediately got up to be able to observe the sword, noticing the great work that its creator did.

belder: without a doubt it is a great masterpiece

To be able to observe it better belder took his hand to the handle of the sword to be able to take it.

but when he was about to take the sword it was set on fire to avoid being taken by belder.

belder: it seems that it is a self-defense mechanism so that only the wearer can use it

kuro: so it seems

belder: you can save it now, I'll go get my things so we can finally go to the kingdom of the elves

When he finished speaking, Belder left the house to go get his things.

belder: so you guys are what come after guys

silvy: let's just say we had a few misunderstandings

belder: that's what I see, by the way argos I don't see your ax what happened to him

argos: broke

belder: I'll make you a new one when we get to the kingdom