The group advances without any problem through the forest, although Belder does not let go of his sister and Tamy along with Silvy did not separate from Kuro.

so the only one who is alert to avoid any problem is argos.




kuro: happy to return to your home tamy?

tamy: if you see it that way, of course I'm glad to finally return home

kuro: and why don't you look so happy

Tamy: I know it's your mission to take me to the kingdom...but what will happen next?

A silence fell on the team making everyone stop at Tamy's question.

kuro: you don't have to worry about me, since I remind you that I still have to find the cure for my problem with magic

silvy: come on tamy don't think about that now, besides you must be happy for the reunion with your family

The worries left Tamy's body so she gave the team a smile and then they continued on their way to the portal.

so the hours began to pass making the group begin to feel the fatigue of walking for hours.

Kuro: Wasn't the portal supposed to be nearby?

belder: that's right.....did they move it from place hilda?

hilda: not at all.....in fact I was close to him

kuro: could it be a trap?

belder: from whom, only the two of us know this place

kuro: tamy do you feel something strange in this forest?

tamy: the only weird thing is that it's full of magic

silvy: it may be an illusion

argos: but who would be so strong as to create a forest so dense and for so long

Kuro: I don't know, but now that we know it's a trap...the safest thing is that it will attack at any moment

When they finished talking, the team formed a circle leaving Tamy and Hilda inside it to protect them.

kuro: silvy don't you feel anything around?

silvy: no, the cursed is filling the forest with magic so it is impossible for me to track it

kuro: then we just have to wait for him to make his appearance

the tension could be felt in the environment, since at any moment the cause of that trap could appear.

kuro: stay tuned for any attack guys....guys?

The boy knew that something bad was happening, since from one moment to another there was a great silence and none of his classmates responded to his words.

so he slowly began to turn around ..... surprised by what he saw ... his companions are in the same place .... but they didn't make any noise. .... rather they didn't even move.

kuro: what is happening here?, how is it that no one can move or speak?

???: don't worry, they're fine...but I wouldn't say the same about you

Kuro then felt several cuts on his body so he immediately moved away from his friends and then put himself on guard and wait for the next attack.

kuro: what did you do to them?

???: I already told you that they are fine...let's just say that for them.....not better said for the whole world....time stopped

kuro: so i was always his target

???: I don't know what you mean.....I just know that a few days ago I felt that presence that I faced many years ago....and I just want to have fun with those times

Kuro: Well, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not who you think.

???: you don't...but that sword you're holding.....yes it is

The boy knows perfectly well that it is useless to fight against someone who has an advantage on the ground and also that he is much more powerful than him.

hinoken: "kuro, just close your eyes and trust your instincts"

at this moment nothing better occurred to him, so trusting in his sword again, the boy closed his eyes and began to calm down .... so he began to hear the small noises of the nature.

so as soon as he felt how the leaves around him began to move and to hear how they were footsteps he quickly attacked towards where the noise came from.

???: Wow, it seems that someone is training you while you fight, but you know one thing... that is of no use to someone who already knows your tricks

before being able to hear the blades move again, kuro only felt something cut his chest from one side to another more specifically from his left shoulder to his right waist making a large line from which too much blood began to come out.

kuro: "damn"

hinoken: (he's right, it's no use attacking him with movements that he already knows...so the only thing left to do is use "that" ).."boy listen to me very well, this enemy is much more powerful than all the ones you've faced, so we will make an attack in which we will use all our strength"

kuro: "we will"

hinoken: "that's right, this time i will help you so prepare yourself....i will unleash some of my power in your body, so i need you to focus everything on the sword"

Just as that being had said, Kuro began to feel his body something different as if from one moment to another he had too much energy, besides that he felt his body burn for what Following what that being had told him, he began to concentrate his energy on the sword, feeling how little by little it began to run out of force.

so he opened his eyes seeing how the sword began to have a red and orange aura.

hinoken: "this technique requires a lot of power so this time I will lend you part of mine so you can use it, so I hope you remember this in the future, besides it is also very powerful. now trust yourself and kill the enemy"

Kuro knew that now everything was his responsibility so he took his senses to the maximum. he would wait for the right moment to attack.

but despite doing everything he had learned this he could not locate his enemy, much less feel his presence.

???: What's up? don't you have more techniques to try with me?...in that case it's better to finish this once and for all

He knew that he didn't have to get carried away by the place where his enemy's voice came from, so he concentrated even better. feeling how all the magic of the forest began to concentrate in one place.

so he just took his sword with both hands and then raised it above his head.

kuro: this is your end.....SWORD OF THE DRAGON KING: INFERNAL COURT!

The boy's sword descended causing a great power to come out of it and begin to head towards the enemy.

???: "It seems that I finally taught him a good attack....but it's not enough to finish me off"

The attack hit his target directly making Kuro smile and then lower his sword and start trying to catch his breath as well as his energy.

to later see what his attack had done. watching with amazement how the trees affected by his attack were split in half while the lower part began to catch fire .... but that was not the only thing that surprised him.

since in the middle of all this is that guy who had attacked him ..... but without any scratch on his clothing which is just a trench coat which completely covers his body.

???: what a disappointment, I thought that having such a powerful being inside that sword would at least teach you some powerful attack or it may be that you are not what I expected at all.......it seems the fun is finally over

Without further ado, that subject simply disappeared from Kuro's sight, who was recovering energy after launching that attack.

so Kuro began to get nervous when he did not see his enemy, since he does not know what he is capable of doing.




but kuro was not at all prepared for what was about to happen ..... since in the blink of an eye .... his enemy was in front of him.

???: this is over ... if you really are the chosen one ..... I just hope you survive this ... to show me that you are his successor and a worthy rival

I could see something inside the cloak of that being... it was neither more nor less than a smile... a sinister smile equal to that of that man who destroyed his life and killed his beings loved ones...so he couldn't move a single muscle in his body.

kuro: but you...

The boy couldn't continue talking…because before words came out of his mouth…he spat out a large amount of blood.

kuro: how...

the scene could not be worse .... kuro looked down .... finding that his enemy's hand and a bit of his arm are crossing his chest wide in pair

kuro: i-it can't be

again he spit out a lot of blood....he didn't know what to do.....he started to feel very cold....his lip and body started to tremble .... and his vision began to blur.

???: I only hope that this is not the end..."It is seen that he still has a lot to learn, but with you as a teacher I have no doubt that he will become one of the most powerful beings of all, besides that he has great potential".....I just hope it doesn't happen like last time

As he finished speaking he pulled his hand and arm out of Kuro's chest too quickly causing a large amount of blood to come out along with his arm.

without being able to avoid it due to the great loss of energy, his injuries and the great loss of blood... little by little his eyes began to close although he did not want to... the last thing he saw it was that his enemy was moving away so he concentrated his gaze on tamy and silvy who are fine as far as he could see.

Kuro: "It seems this is the end.......I couldn't fulfill my revenge....but at least I was able to protect the last loved ones that I still have... ..I hope they live happily....and one day peace will return to the world"

With a smile kuro collapsed, falling like a log.......with life slipping away more and more from him.


