
Ariel was heading down the stairs to get breakfast while Jisoong was on his way to work. But not company work, mafia business and she didn't accompany him this time.

Time went by fast and it was noon, Ariel was practically lazing around in her room when she started to feel strange. To be honest, Jisoong had been in her thoughts since he made that statement to her. She wondered what he meant by those words. She tried not to dwell too much on what he told her but subconsciously, her mind still trailed back to him and as seconds passed by, it got worse. Her thoughts were slowly going wild. Normally she wasn't a girl who liked talking dirty or thinking dirty. She hardly even get turned on. She could admire a man for a long time but dirty thoughts hardly came to her mind because she preferred controlling those thoughts rather than letting them swarm her mind. But right now, she found herself thinking about naughty things.