Penelope Aubrey raced through traffic like a freak, muttering apologies to other drivers who were cussing and swearing behind her. It was a dumb gesture anyway as it's obvious they could never hear her. Regardless, she kept her feet steady on the gas pedal until she arrived at Oakland Community College, then she slowed down; glancing sideways as she sought a perfect spot to park. Checking that task off her list, she ran inside the campus, while struggling to tie her swaying dark brown hair into a bun; and at the same time rendering her apologies to the other students in the hallway for her reckless behavior. She was a sight to behold (especially her messy bun), but all her recklessness ended the moment she met with her History classroom's door. She exhaled loudly, trying to keep herself calm before she opened the door to a dimly lit auditorium classroom, and muttered some apologies once more, as she made her way to her seat.
"You're late, AGAIN. " a male shadowy figure spoke to her as soon as she took her place beside him.
"Topher, traffic was horrible!" She replied in a hush as she fumbled through her bag for her books.
"Maybe, if you woke up earlier, you wouldn't have been caught up in traffic"
"N-no Christopher." She chuckled nervously. "I mean, I did plan to make it to class on time today, but mom delayed me. She said they found another dead body in the woods."
"Strange things always happen in Bloomfield Hills"
"I know right? They said it was an animal attack, maybe a coyote or wolf. But I don't think it is either of the two"
"But there are no wolves in Bloomfield hills and coyotes rarely attack people" Christopher muttered, suddenly getting interested in the conversation.
"Exactly! I went through the reports and studied the victim's body closely. Sure there were claw wounds on the victim's body, but they were too deep to belong to any animal I know. And he was decapitated." She shrugged at her statement. "As far I know, no animal can do that! I studied his neck region to be sure and the marks around it, it didn't look like it was gnawed off, and it wasn't a blade either, rather there were strains around his neck. So I'm guessing his head was pulled off. But humans don't have that kind of superpower! So what creature could do this?"
"Penny, what are you trying to say?"
"I think it's a werewolf!" Penelope whispered
"That's ludicrous!" Christopher said as he erupted into laughter. "Penny your hypothesis sounds cool, but werewolves don't exist. Maybe this is just some homicide and the mastermind used a dog to make it look like an animal attack!"
"Ms. Aubrey! Mr. Peterson!" The lecturer handling the history class called out to them sternly. He didn't seem happy about them discussing in his class. Penelope and Christopher mouthed their apologies and went silent till the end of the class.
The 'Druid's Tower' gloomed in darkness, save for the flickering torches that barely lit it. And housed at the center of a rotunda in the Druid's Tower, was a very large wooden grey table known as 'The Council' (with the alphas of the different packs in Michigan seated about it). It was called the 'Druid's Tower' because The Council had always been headed by one or two druids. This was so because the werewolves respected the druids very much for their wiseness and knowledge. For generations, serious matters had been brought and settled before The Council. But was it the case of this present matter?
Bale sat back on his seat with one hand on his one-week-stubbled short-boxed beard and the other toying with his black hair, as he waited for the druids along with the rest of the other alphas. His beautiful blue eyes studied the body language of everyone around him intently, noting how tense some of them were as they waited together in silence. The Council wasn't a child's play gathering. It was only called to tackle crucial matters. The cases had to be very serious that the last time The Council was called was nearly a decade ago. And after that, there had been peace and calm. But all that was about to be changed in a few seconds. Bale sighed to himself in exasperation then rose to his feet with the other alphas as soon as they saw the druids coming.
"No need for that. Please seat." one of the druids (a middle aged man with caramel brown skin and blazing grey eyes) said as they took their seats among the werewolves; and after everyone had settled down, he rose to his feet to address The Council.
"I presume you all must've heard about the incident." Hendell, the officiating druid spoke, staring intently at the alphas for any sign of opposition. "The laws permit a death duel between werewolves only when the title of the alpha is in line. Specifically, this brawl should be between the alpha and any other lower werewolf in the pack. An exception to this law is strictly restricted to territorial disputes between alphas. We must keep these laws as it is the only thing that separates us from ordinary animals and makes us superior over any creature on planet earth!" He paused, waiting for the lot to follow. "Now the matter at hand. Someone we don't know yet has killed, not one, not two, but three alphas. Certainly, it's a werewolf behind these gruesome murders, but we don't know his motives. We don't know if he kills for sport either. But we're afraid what he might decide to do with so much power!"