Chapter 40

On the agreed day of the meeting, Hendell sat behind a desk in his study, smoking a cigar as he waited patiently for Stephan. This man who was once his friend (as he’d severed all ties with him) was a punctual person, so he knew he didn’t have to wait for long before he arrived. But while he waited, Hendell took this opportunity to reminisce about a few things and nothing in particular. He allowed his eyes to glance lazily over the furniture in his study as his thoughts wandered off as well, and just then, he had a sudden realization of how his study had a great semblance to the one he had in the Druid’s Tower; from the opulently furnished chairs to the rugs, to the paintings, and the antiques — not that it mattered anyway. He allowed these little things to preoccupy his mind, till Stephan finally arrived. He was still seated there behind his desk when Stephan entered — of course, he knew every nook and cranny of this house like it was his own.