Chapter 2

When Gwendolyn covered herself and Gerald with the cloak, they disappeared or more like telepathy, and appeared in front of a cottage on a hill. Gerald was at a loss for words to express his thought so he just turned around to take in his present environment.

Below the hill was the town he could spot after the forest they had just telepathy from. This place was strange for he thought places like this only existed in movies.

He could see the city walls and gate, the kind of buildings that existed in this new world he was now in were cottages and far beyond the city but still within the city walls was a very big castle which he guessed would be the abode of the king.

But this cottage was outside the city walls on a hill, beautiful flowers were around the cottage and it helped beautify the surrounding. All of a sudden Gwendolyn appeared from nowhere and grabbed his hands.

“ Let's go, mother, is inside waiting for us, “ Gwendolyn said and they went into the cottage. wooden chairs were what was in the parlor, a segment to light fire when it was cold and he couldn't wait to see the room they would give him to sleep in. This was like an adventure and dream that he wished he would wake up from.

When they got into the cottage, the chairs gracing the room were made of wood and it adhered to the entire ambiance of the room, giving it an old eerie feeling but it was still okay for the kind of people inhabiting it.

There was a woman with long red hair sitting on one of the wooden chairs backing them, she turned immediately she heard the sound of the door closing and immediately walked over to Gerald placing her both hands on each of his shoulders as she looked at Gerald with her eyes becoming watery.

“ The color of your eyes is just like the prophecy foretold, you are indeed the last Guardian of our sacred but lost stone, “ the woman with the red hair said sadly, she looked young due to her appearance and physique, but by mere looking at her grey hair, one could tell that she wasn't young at all.

“ Look you got me mixed up with the person you're searching for, I'm not from this world I don't even know where I am. A portal appeared and I unintentionally drove in here, I'm no guardian of any lost stone you got the wrong person. This isn't even how I look, I'm ugly fat, chubby, and short. I don't know why I look like this now so please send me back home “ Gerald said, relieved that he could finally let out what was on his mind all this while since he arrived here.

The red-haired woman smiled because if what he said and felt it was only natural that he felt scared and was in a hurry to go back.

So she took his hand and led him to one of the wooden chairs where a wooden table was situated in the middle of the chairs and they all sat down.

“ I am Calanthe of Bashkor, leader of the supreme ladies of the light and we have to protect any guardian of our sacred stone. We fought alongside the other dead guardians against the forces of the darkness. You and I being the last of our kind, you were entrusted to me before your parents died on the battlefield “ Calanthe said and paused before continuing her explanation.

“ I tried to keep you safe, but king Nebeus who usurped the throne through his dark powers and armies kept sending his witches to track me, so I decided to use all my powers to send to another world in a disguised form so that even Nebeus witches won't get a hold of you for they can only recognize you by the color of your eyes which is said to be the color of our Sacred stone “ Calanthe finished explaining and looked at Gerald who looked like he had more questions to ask.

Calanthe nodded her head for him to go on with his questions. All this while Gwendolyn just sat there relaxed on her chair in a carefree manner waiting for the chit chat to be over so they would discuss the next course of their plan.

“ What is this sacred stone and why I'm I the last guardian of this stone you are talking about? Gerald asked Calanthe who just smiled in return.

“ It is said that the Sacred stone is like an emerald which is green and helped extinguish the darkness in this world, it also helped in uniting the Gorkazur Empire. For it is said that only the guardians know how to use the sacred stone to unite the seven kingdoms of this empire and vanish the dark lord. You are the last guardian and true king because your father used to be the king of this kingdom but King Nebeus came unaware one night and massacred many which lead to war “ Calanthe said and paused before continuing.

“ Your parents died in that battle. After the battle, a prophecy was given that the last guardian of our sacred stone would kill King Nebeus and unite all the seven kingdoms once more and since then king Nebeus and his witches have been searching for you to kill you Gerald “ Calanthe completed.

“ So I'm the last guardian? “ Gerald asked again to be sure although he had no reason to trust these women they looked harmless to him.

“ Yes, you wield stronger powers than this world can comprehend all you need now is to learn how to control and use your powers, I have already lost my powers by portaling you here, “ Calanthe said and Gwendolyn immediately jerked up from her chair in shock.

“ Mother you what? but when I asked before you summoned him you told him it wouldn't cost you your power! You assured me, “ Gwendolyn said angrily as she looked at Calanthe.

Gerald just sat and watched the whole scene unfolding before his eyes, he began to feel guilty knowing that it was because of Calanthe bringing him here, that she lost her powers.

All of a sudden while Gwendolyn was still brooding over her Mom's lost powers,the door of the cottage was blasted open by a powerful wind that pushed Gerald, Gwendolyn and Calanthe off their chairs.

When they all looked up to see who it was, Gerald recognized that it was the woman with the black lipstick. Calanthe rolled her eyes when she saw Ophelia walking in with the guards of king Nebeus.

“ Well, well, well!! Calanthe! I should have known you were the one from the beginning,because you are always fraternizing with the enemy “ Ophelia said as she looked at Calanthe, Gwendolyn, and Gerald with disdain.

“ It depends on who you think is the enemy because the last time I checked you and your king are the enemies “ Calanthe retorted as she and Gwendolyn stood in front of Gerald ready to fight if Ophelia and the guards attacked.

Ophelia let out a wicked laugh and shook her head,as she took a step forward,so did calanthe and Gwendolyn take a step backward while sneering at Ophelia and her entourage that she called guards.

“ I can recognize the last guardian even by the aura that emits from him but this girl, “ Ophelia said as she paused and pointed at Gwendolyn “I don't know her who is she, “ Ophelia asked Calanthe who in return glared at Ophelia, and didn't answer.

“ She is my mother. Do you have a problem with that? “ Gwendolyn said with both hands rolled into a fist as she tried to look intimidating. But Ophelias again let out wicked laughter.

“ Is this a joke or what, a leader of the supreme ladies of the light bears a child? “ Ophelia said, letting out another laughter and this alarmed Gwendolyn as she turned to Calanthe who looked calm and not bothered about what Ophelia was saying.

Gwendolyn was now having mixed feelings because she was confused,she didn't know if she should believe what Ophelia was saying or not.

“ If that is what Calanthe told you she lied to you. Before any lady joins the supreme ladies of the light, her womb is taken out as a sign of loyalty to the noble course. So there is no way Calanthe can bear a child “ Ophelia explained with an evil smirk.

Gwendolyn's eyes widened after hearing that and looked puzzled like she was weighing her options if she should believe Ophelia or not, but Calanthe remained calm and unphased by what Ophelia said.

“ And how do you know all this? “ Gwendolyn asked Ophelia, not sounding confident like she had when she told Ophelia that Calanthe is her mother.

“ Because I was once a supreme lady of the light and… “ Ophelia wanted to continue talking but Gerald, who had been silent since and observing them all, interrupted Ophelia because he was tired of Ophelia trying to play with Gwendolyn’s emotions.

“ Enough!!!! “ Gerald yelled out of anger as he walked to stand in front of Calanthe and Gwendolyn. When he yelled a strong wave of energy emitted from him and pushed Ophelia and all her guards down.

They all were surprised, including Calanthe and Gwendolyn. All their jaws dropped in surprise as to the kind of power he wielded, if he could do this without even knowing how to use his powers or awakening his powers yet, then that means he is as strong as a God.

When Gerald raised his head after yelling they were surprised at what they saw.