The Hidden City

They stood in silence, gazing over the abandoned city that lay sprawled before them. From this vantage, they could see much of its extent, although the far edges vanished into a distant haze.

The dominant colors were a muted gray, from the stone structures and green, where nature had reclaimed ground.

Art’s mind quickly went to the possibility of an escape.

‘Sunlight from above? Maybe there’s a way out up there.’

But there were two obvious issues: the cracks letting in light were too high, and, if this was a war shelter, leaving it open from above wouldn’t make sense.

To test his theory, Art conjured a towering rock spear, infused with a hefty amount of mana. With a gesture, it was sent flying upwards. Shooting straight for minutes until it collided with something invisible and disintegrated instantly, without even leaving a trace of dust. He realized, ‘It’s different from the barrier at the entrance.’