The Last Piece

After resting up a little and freshening up, Art headed out of his room. His goal today was to get the final piece for his escape plan.

He needed to copy the attribute of a male student. His magic was very spectacular, and Art had doubts about whether he’d even be able to copy it now.

It was too bad that such wonderful magic ended up in the hands of a jerk.

Art spent the next forty minutes searching for him. He asked for directions from people who had last sighted him, which eventually led him to a boy seated alone on a bench, seemingly lost in thought.


The boy snapped out of his thoughts, turning to Art.

"How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Lance," Art replied, standing over him. "Do you know where he is by chance?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Well… you can say that he has something of mine," Art grinned slightly.

The boy’s eyes brightened. "That must mean you’re the boyfriend of the girl he took away earlier!" he exclaimed. ‘Why is he smiling, though?’