Chapter 9: The tribe

The three wore their clothes and prepared to leave. It was only then did Alexander notice that he has never been outside till now.

And now that he thought of it further, he didn't even know where he was. The place he had woken up in was wooden all over. The place was a circular room that was expertly crafted. It was made with wood that seemed to spiral to the sky. Forming a dome right at the top. From inside, it seemed like the place was bullet shaped. As the floor was made of wooden planks.

Alexander wondered what made these wooden planks, as from the women's clothing, they seemed to be from the tribal era. Back then, nobody could make planks as smooth as these. But since this is a magical world, it seems like it checks out.

But although this place was weirdly built, they was something else that confused him. at the top of the building, there was cluster or what seem like roots. there roots constantly dripped down green water from above to the ground.

The water droplets would then fall to the pool of water, which was held up by a small wooden wall. The pool of water was situated at the center of the building, directly where the droplets would fall.

After the three were done getting dressed, they headed for the door. Which was by the way just a large and triangular opening. There was a cloth which covered the opening. becaue the cloth was a bit thin, light still passed through. Thus shedding more light in other than the one brought by the bright lamps.

When the three finally left the building, Alexander was finally able to see for what it truly was.

A giant tree.

It's trunk was not singular like how trees usually were. It instead looked like a group of trees that came together and spiraled upwards to form one entity. Alexander finally then understood how the spiral wall were made. Or rather they weren't made at all. The were just how the giant tree was.

At the top, the multiple trunks somewhat converged, though only to spread out and form branches that covers the sky. The next few meter from the tree was thus covered in the shade.

But although the grass and a few other were unable to get the benefits of sunlight, they still grew around the tree. As if growing around it was honour itself.

Alexander was unable to look at such a novel thing for long. As he was soon pulled by Azuri. She was anxious to get to the said healer the two kept speaking about. Hoping that maybe his memories would come back if they arrived earlier.

Alexander who was not even half as strong as her, could only be dragged as pulled further from the tree.

But he was not complaining as further from the tree was something else although not equally novel as the giant tree, it was still a wonder.

It was a group of houses made of mud and clay were scattered in front of him. Most of the house were one or two roomed. The houses had white roofs that were inclined to one side. The end of these roofs were bent slightly. From the looks of it, it was made such that rain would slide off the roof and fall directly from two bent sides. A bucket or whatever would then be put on the two sides. Thus collecting the rain water.

But these houses weren't what got his attention. It was instead the women.

Like both Azuri and Myuri, these women mostly wore loincloths and a few cloths just on their chests. Of course, that was not all there was for them to wear. As some wore skies that covered their legs. These skirts had long slits that came up their thighs. Ending with two straps to keep the skirt up.

And what Alexander found quite interesting was their disregard of shame. True they wore clothes, but most of them were so scantily clad that it would be better if they didn't wear any at all. in fact, they was one woman who wasn't even covering her breast. She just let them be as she passed through the streets.

Alexander who was shown such a nove sight for the first time felt his loincloth begin to bulge. The whole scene was very stimulating for Alex. As most of these women were beautiful, and those that couldn't be considered beautiful would at least be considered average.

While Alexander was still following the bare breasted woman with his eyes, they finally reached their destination.

Unlike most houses in the tribe. This house was quite large. It was four roomed and was made of bricks rather than mud. Like most houses, there was no proper door to keep people out. only a cloth was hung from inside to stop people from seeing within.
