Season 3 Ch9

Just at the point when the portal appear, jaejin and freya both move their foot back to their house. With the fast hovering car they arrived in their house after an hour. There they saw their mansion being attacked. Luckily their butlers and maid already escaped. With his superhuman status as a player, he immediately dash towards the nearby beetle, and with his heavy 950 kg gauntlet, he squash the beetle in one go. Then he went up to to level 10. Then freya assisted him by slaying the other beetle with her holy sword. Then to jaejins surprised he levelled up to 20. Then jaejin was shocked of the events and started to attack another beetles and he levelled up by 10. An hour passed and he went up by another rebirth. Then an anouncement appear coming from the top rankers and both of them did not care about the happenings, instead they roamed into their mansion keeping the whole area safe. All of a sudden they were targeted by the large swarm of beetles. Luckily in the northern mountain a rank sss adventurer protected their sky. So jaejin and freya decided to move into another place, and slowly they descended to the mountain with both feet. Slowly giving an assistance to the battle, they feel great. To jaejins surprise, his levelling went smooth and another announcement appear, it was coming from the punk guy.

Jaejin then said "What did he say?" And freya answer "I dont know."

Then a massive boulder appear at the mouth of the portal, yet the couple did not care about it. Instead they went on slaying beetles into the ground floor. Then they did not care even for the events above the sky. Jaejin said " Dont mind whats happening at the sky, just keep on slaying beetles." To his mind "This is my opportunity, to level up and rebirth faster". Then freya without noticing jaejins leveling up she nodded in agreement. So the two of them, like a monster in disguise clears the whole road of the mountain. To their surprise, another robot cleared the mountain of corpse.

Into the ground, a scroll appear beneath him. He opened the scroll and the name is "Taichi Wave" then another scroll appear and it says "Dragons kick". So in the end he learned all of the skill. Luckily, freya is in front when he took the scroll. Then to their surprise a lightning storm surge appeared and they immediately went for a shelter. Freya said "Are you really afraid of lightning?" Then jaejin nodded "Im still a human, I still have something that I fear." Then freya said "I see." So the both of them went to the shelter and after an hour the huge storm disappeared. After the storm, another wave of monsters appeared and the two of them again cleaned the mountains path. By the time they reach their mansion using their foot jaejin rebirthed to 45. Then all of his stats went up. Then he adjusted his shining yellow gauntlets to 1000 kg. Though they look like an idiot, they easily cleaned the monsters into groundfloor of the northern mountain. Jaejin then thought about something. "Would I reach rebirth 100 because of this infinite swarm of beetles?." So he thought of something and called the old man using his smart watch. "Old man do you have a spare of mechanical wings?" Then the oldman in the auction house said "Yes". Then jaejin said to freya. ",Wait here and protect the mansion, I'll head to the auction house to pick the wings". So freya nodded in return. Unable to drive, jaejin runs using his feet and with his shadow clones he killed several beetles on his way. Another hour passed and finally afternoon arrive. Its almost sunset when he reached the auction house. The oldman then gave him the wings. "Thanks oldman" and the oldman nodded. They too were busy fighting the beetles with their guns.

The darkness of the night slowly covered the whole island of freasts. Yet the infinite barrage of insect still goes down. Luckily the city is covered with neon lights and several vertical light coming from the restaurants light tower. Unknown to the rankers, someone flew up in the air punching the beetles into pulp, killing them in one go. He then went directly inside the portal.

To his surprise there was an infinite number of monsters. Then he adjusted his gauntlet to 1100 kg and with both of his hands, he brawled with them in an instant. The insect targeted him and jaejin released his Shadow clone skill. Three of him appeared inside the dungeon, wearing same armor and set. All of them are like marbles glowing in yellow, while being covered by the millions of insect. Then the three jaejin released their new skill "taichi wave" and in coordination, they give a strong straight left punch and a shockwave appear due to the heavy gaunlet and their super fast punch kills what was infront of them.

Then the three jaejin jumped mid air with the use of their mechanical wings and gave out a strong dropped kick and a huge slash made of compressed air killing what was infront of them. Then jae jin then said "So thats the so called Dragons Kick". Then he released another skill into the ground and he said "Deadly seven".. at that moment, he started to release seven strong and heavy straight punches, killing the insects that were going towards them. Then he connected his next skill after deadly seven skill and it is called as heavy fist. Then with a strong left punch, several insects exploded because of the shockwave. In that moment, more than a dozens of beetles were slained. Yet those numbers are just a speck of dust in the infinite swarm.Then he immediately leveled up to 200, it was thanks to his shadow clone doing an infight with the other beetles. Then he adjusted his gauntlets oncemore and it became 1200 kg. To his surprise several beetles keeps on targeting them. Then he said "Good gracious, I will easily reach rebirth 50 with this kind of swarm. Then the three of them formed a triangle formation defending themselves from the giant insect. Jaejin and his clones then perform another "Taichi Wave and Several beetles were slained.

Meanwhile, the rest of the adventurers beneath the surface of freasts waited for a bit of time and none of the insects went out. Thus they waited and waited until the moon of the night rose up with dazzling white stars above. The cold temperature then covered the whole island.

Inside the portal at the top of the mountain of corpses, jaejin and his shadow clones kept their art of killing. Hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of exp runs through him then jaejin said "Heavenly Blessing" as he look above him while drenched in green blood. Then another wave of monster welcomed them. With his technologically enhanced gauntlets and with his clone beside him, he is comparable to a tower, an indestructible tower. They were swarmed by insects yet with the coordination of his brawler skills. "Taichi Wave", and a massive shockwave passed through several beetles killing them. Then when they reach near them, he would casually release the "Deadly Seven" skill, giving a barrage of seven straight heavy punches, killing everyone around them. Due to the system skill cooldown, sometimes he would use the Heavy Fist skill making the beetles around him explode into pieces. Then he would connect it with "Kick Punch Combo Skill" releasing two straight punches and one rotational kick. Then in a couple of hours, another piled mountain of corpse appear on both of their sides. Then the three went into the other portion of the portal and started creating havoc. The experience that the gamer jaejin received is comparable to nonstop pouring of rain. Then he said "I could probably reach 100 rebirths." Then he went back to level 0. Then he added another kg to his shining golden gauntlet. With his wings jaejin fought like a wild eagle, constantly killing several giant monsters above.

Meanwhile, below the massive portal, several adventurers were intrigued of the current happenings. They lost the broadcast so they could no longer see how jaejin fought inside the portal. Thus couple of hours passed and all of them took their dinner. Freya on the other hand is looking for her husband and she saw that the arrow in the gps isnt moving.

The mayor finally finished his code and checked the entire city of freasts expecting that it turns into ruins. Then he went into his vr gear and like a hollogram, he floated above its atmosphere. There he saw the damage of the sudden seige. Then he went into the auction house and have a small talk with the old man.

On the other hand, the idiot ranker starts to do something and started to do some codes. "The crazy scientist, said he will take care of the sky. Then lets do something crazy, before another wave of monsters appear."

The other top rank sss rankers were also preparing for another batch of monsters, deep in their hearts they know it would be a massive strike. Never did they know, that a single brawler with a shadow clone started to defend the huge portal by his own.

Millions and millions of insect then covered the three jaejin and none of the insects wereable to touch them. The three were suited with yellow like marble armour glowing in the darkness giving light around them. Though they swarmed them but they were untouchable. The three then starts giving a barrage of brawler skills. Taichi wave coming from a triangle formation. Then the beetles infront of them were killed by the shockwave. Then another beetles, went into their front and they released "Deadly Seven" and the three released a continuous seven strong punches, and another beetles laid down dead. The Heavy Fist was released once more and killed several beetles around them. Then another swarm went down in front of them. Luckily, because jaejin is a husband of a goddess, his stamina and health regeneration starts to activate on its own while he continue to fight nonstop.

Four hours later, jaejin is still fighting and finally as he guessed he reached rebirth 100. Then he gripped his fists and loud cracking sound appear.

Lvl 0. Jaejin Frostears

Title: Husband of a Goddess

Rebirth: 100x

STR:1000 INT: 1000

AGI:1000 EVA: 1000

VIT:1000 LUC: 1000

Hp: 10000


With his current status points. Jaejin then increased the gravitational pressure of his gauntlet and suddenly it adjusted itself, just to the point where in jaejin could lift and punch normally. Then the three clones did so. Then with their wings on their back. They no longer used skills and only used bare fists on killing the swarm of monsters. Then like a pouring rain, a huge rainstorm of green blood started to pour into the ground of the insects territory.

The commander in chief noticed the six mountain of corpse several kilometers ahead of them so he stood up and flew on the mountains location. The commander in chief is clearly in human form yet his skins are of the skin of a green beetle. He flew into the air and saw three human beings brutally killing his army with their foots and fists.

The commander in chief then estimated the situation and in an instant, he raised his hands and three portals appeared in the front of jaejin and his clone. Then he commanded the rest of the army of insect to proceed. Then insects move out of the portals mouth. With three opened portals jaejin and his clone is currently facing an infinite swarm of insects. Luckily, the portal is just fit on their height, and jaejin could see that it was an indigo portal. Then an idea appeared in his mind. Then the three of them entered the portal separately.

At that moment, freyas rings went into black. Then she checked her phone and saw jaejin is no longer around the city. Her heart starts to beat faster and she immediately run with her foot and started to run into the auction house.

Above the sky of the freasts, another swarm of insect pours down like a nonstop rain. Then the four top rankers went on their move again, as well as the other remaining adventurers. They defended the city with their arms. The mayor then see the upcoming surge of giant insects, then he activates his newly coded program and in an instant thousand of avatars like him appeared in the sky of the city of freasts. Then the insects starts to attack his hollogram then he grinned then he said."Just as I say, insects will be insect". The swarm of insect starts to attack the light and nothing was killed. Then several adventurers saw the magic of their mayors technology and they started to brutally murder the insects above them.

Freya looked for her husband and she never see him. Several hours later she reached the auction house and saw the oldman firing his gun above. Then she said "Old guy, where is jaejin?" Then the oldman answered her " He went up into the air and entered the portal. Then freya put her face up and starts to act on her own. A wing, appeared on her back and she flew up killing several giant beetles mid air, her main target is to enter that huge portal.

Inside the portal the three jaejins were slaughtering the insects hive and slowly getting progressive. Their levels went up and started to add another point into their gaming status. In some others eyes, jaejin is in dire situation, but for him. It is an opportunity, opportunity to make him even more stronger. Then unknown to him, inside the summoned portal. The time difference is different. A year of him inside his current portal was just a minute into the gods portal. Time passed by and hunger hits him. Luckily he opened his inventory and starts to eat the meat that he store on his inventory. While fighting the insects army inside the portal, he is also chewing the meat and with that he killed some insects doing multitasking. Swarm by the hovering insect, jaejin is unable to move out of them. Thus he continued to fight the swarm of insect inside the portal. The good thing is, his clone is not yet destroyed. So his exp went up and just like that, another rebirth appear. Jaejin did not sensed how long he was fighting the swarm of the insects and instead he focused himself on the level up thing. In his mind there is only one thing [Level Up]. Months passed by, unknown to jaejin and he no longer have the stock of meat thus, with out any other choice, he ate the corpse of the insects besides him. Jaejin then receives a notification.

[You are currently poisoned by the insects meat] luckily his auto regen helps him. Thus in another couple of week instead of getting poisoned he became accustomed to it and an announcement appear. [Congratulations, you are now immune to poison.] Then jaejins hands started to absorb the element of the poison and his gaunlet glows into green. Then every punches he gave into the wall of insects, gives a massive poison effect. Months passed by and another months passed and jaejin finally wipeout the wall of insects. Then he feels the same for his clone and then he said "Status Up."

Lvl 0. Jaejin Frostears

Title: Husband of a Goddess

Rebirth: 400x

STR:4000 INT: 4000

AGI:4000 EVA: 4000

VIT:4000 LUC: 4000

Hp: 40000


Then jaejin maxed his gravitational force and to his surprised, he was sent down sleeping into the ground. Luckily his clone is just standing inside the portal. Several hours later, jaejin woke up and struggled to adjust his gaunlet. He adjusted it to 4k kg. Then he was able to stood up. Then he roamed the entire portal and there he saw the portals boss. It was a humongous giant beetle in with hard shell in colour yellow. It has its own hands wielding a massive spear. Jaejin then dashed towards the boss, and with one flying kick, the boss was slained. It was a one sided match, the boss tried to defend yet jaejins foot killed him.

Then a portal exit appear and he went out of it. Then he commanded his other clones to defeat the boss and they did so. Just like him, it is a one sided match. They killed the boos with one attack. Then the clones went out of the portal. Then they vanished and jaejin become one. Then the portal summoned by the commander in chief vanished. Jeajin then asked himself "How long was I in there?" Then he looked at his smart watch and to his surprise, only a minute passed by. Then to his surprise he said once more "And how was that?" He then started to humiliate the insects that are around the gods portal. In just a minute he could kill 50 of them.

The commander in chief then saw another piling corpse of monster and he flew once more. To his surprise same three person where killing his army. So he sent them once more on a much more larger portal and like that "Woosh" the three of them were swallowed by the portal separately. Then jaejin said "Not again" however this time, jaejin and his clone, with his current player status, they easily humiliated the monsters inside the portal. A minute passed by, hours passed by and a mountain of monsters corpse appear behind him. His glowing yellow and green gauntlets was drenched with green blood. Then after 2 minutes in the gods portal the commander in chief then saw three persons out of the portal that he summoned. Jeajin, drenched with green blood, wiped his mouth clean. Then the portals behind the three closed. The commander in chief then said to himself "What in lokis hell is happening?" Then in a nutshell, he summoned another portal and then the three looked like a ball that was shot in the basket ball ring. The three of them then falls into a great height, luckily jaejins cloned did not vanished. Then after couple of minutes, jaejin and his mate went out of the portal. The commander in chief step his foot back. But this time a hole appear on his forehead. A stone killed the commander in chief in one shot. "Thats for you sending me to hell. Status up.".

Lvl 0. Jaejin Frostears

Title: Husband of a Goddess

Rebirth: 900x

STR:9000 INT: 9000

AGI:9000 EVA: 9000

VIT:9000 LUC: 9000

Hp: 90000


"Finally, i feel like a god." Said by jaejin when suddenly the three of them falls again inside an indigo portal. This time it is not the commander in chief but the god inside sitting on the throne himself that sends them into hell. Then the gods add another 6 layer of portal. So jaejin is inside the 6 portal right now. Then the god smiles and said "Puny humans, how was that?" Then he commanded the insects army by himself.

At that moment a winged woman appear inside the dungeon, her blonde hair moves along with the wind and her blade was covered in green she moves into portals ground and starts to slay insect by her own.