Hendrik's heart was racing as he flipped through the pages of the old, bloodcurdling book he had found in his grandfather's attic. He couldn't help but shudder as he read about the demons that lurked within the shadows. As he turned to the last page, his eyes widened in shock. There it was - the same symbol that he had seen on Naberius' left arm.
Hendrik's mind was racing with questions as he sought out Naberius. He found him sitting alone on a park bench, staring off into the distance. Hendrik couldn't help but notice the symbol on his left arm once again.
"Naberius, I need to know the truth," Hendrik said, his voice quivering. "Are you really one of the demons from this book?"
Naberius sighed and looked at Hendrik with a sad expression. "Yes, Hendrik. I am one of the demons that humans fear so much. But please understand, I am not like the others. I never meant to hurt anyone."
Hendrik's mind was spinning as he tried to process this new information. He had no idea what to do or how to feel. He had grown so close to Naberius over the past few weeks, and now he was faced with the reality that he was a demon.
As the sun began to set, they stood in silence, both lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Hendrik spoke up.
"I need to go," he said softly. "I need time to think about all of this."
Naberius nodded in understanding as Hendrik walked away. As he turned the corner, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in his heart. He had never felt so conflicted in his life. On one hand, he couldn't deny the feelings he had developed for Naberius. But on the other hand, he couldn't ignore the fact that he was a demon.
With a heavy heart, Hendrik walked away, unsure of what the future held for him and Naberius. The only thing he knew for sure was that his life would never be the same again.
Saat Hendrik berjalan melewati pintu rumahnya, dia langsung merasakan ada yang tidak beres. Udara kental dengan bau tidak sedap yang tidak bisa dia temukan. Dia mengikuti nalurinya dan berjalan ke kamar mandi, di mana dia berharap menemukan kelegaan dari bau busuk.
Saat dia melihat ke cermin, dia membeku ketakutan. Menatap ke arahnya adalah pemandangan yang aneh - kulitnya sendiri, tergeletak di atas meja seperti kemeja yang dibuang. Itu tertutup zat tebal berlendir yang membuat perutnya mual.
Pikiran Hendrik berpacu saat dia mencoba memahami apa yang dilihatnya. Bagaimana mungkin ini bisa terjadi? Apakah seseorang masuk ke rumahnya dan mempermainkannya?
Tetapi ketika dia mengulurkan tangan untuk menyentuh daging berlendir itu, dia merasakan sentakan rasa sakit yang tiba-tiba menjalar ke seluruh tubuhnya. Saat itulah dia menyadari dengan ngeri bahwa kulit yang dia lihat adalah miliknya.
Kepanikan muncul saat dia berjuang untuk memahami apa yang telah terjadi padanya. Bagaimana dia bisa melepaskan kulitnya sendiri seperti ular? Dan mengapa itu ditutupi dengan zat yang menjijikkan?
Hendrik tahu bahwa dia perlu segera mencari pertolongan medis, tetapi dia tidak tega meninggalkan kamar mandi. Pemandangan kulitnya sendiri, tergeletak di atas meja seperti benda yang dibuang, terlalu berat untuk ditanggungnya.
Saat dia duduk di tepi bak mandi, melamun, Hendrik tidak bisa tidak bertanya-tanya kengerian apa lagi yang menantinya di masa depan. Lagi pula, jika dia bisa melepaskan kulitnya sendiri seperti ini, apa lagi yang mungkin?