Chapter 4: Careless

"Oh my god! Please wake up!"

'...who the hell'

I winced as I heard a loud yell and feel someone's shaking . When I opened my eyes to see who it was, I saw a brown eyes which filled with panicked but now replaced with shock. And,


The woman blurted out, her short brown hair swayed as she moves closer and she stared to my eyes while her baby face with round chubby cheeks can be seen up close, 'just who...'. I winced once more at a splitting headache that was made worse by the yelling and shaking. he warned me, but I was still quite unprepared for it, I should take his words seriously next time.

"A-are you ok?!"

She apparently came to her senses when she saw me writhing in pain and voiced her concerns. As she prepared to reach out and touch me, I threw her a scowl.

"Do I -ugh!"

'Do I look ok to you?!'

I groan in pain as I feel like multiple needles are piercing through my head and held my head out of pain.She quickly stopped reaching out to me after noticing my irritation but gave me a sympathetic face as if she were seeing a kid suffer.

'....why is she looking at me like that'

I brushed her off and I took a long breath to ease my pain and annoyance. my eyes look around, I was laying on the floor but in the hospital same room i was in. I elevated my upper body, but a woman was kneeling next to me is now making a fuss.

"please be careful!" she said with a worry tone and immediately stood up as she panics and don't know what to do.

As I struggled to stand up from the ground feeling weak and dizzy as i stumbled off the side of the bed but got back to my footing and preventing me from falling, was transferring that power too much for my body?


before I could utter a word, She immediately approached as she saw me stumbled and held my waist with one hand while holding my hand with the other to preventing me from falling again. Her face was leaning in close to me, allowing me to see her facial expressions clearly. Her face was shocked and more anxious than before, but she was also staring into my eyes as if she could pierce through to my very soul.

"Um..." her touch sent goosebumps through my spine giving me more headache realizing how small my body is as she was much more taller than me despite she's already small making me look like I'm the girl here while in uncomfortable position.

"a-ah sorry!"

Her face grew red and panicked, but she gently helped me sit on the bed and let go of me. During our brief skin-to-skin contact, however, I stealthily utilized my butterflies to figure out what she is capable of because she was staring at me I assumed that she must have sensed something while I was using my butterflies but it turns out my butterflies are more impressive than I initially anticipated since she doesn't notice at all.

"I'll call the doc-" 

"Who are you?"

I cut her off as I examine her coldly, Despite being small and having appealing complexion, she is a A-rank hunter, her hesitant and stupid yet cheery demeanor puts me on edge. I know this is all a sham since there is no way she would treat me this way on our first meeting.

"Ah! I'm Ja Myung, a member of the Saja Guild, and I'll now be in charge of ensuring your safety!"

"....In charge of my safety?"

This girl named Ja Myung is a high rank hunter under the Saja guild and must be very experienced one as well, to think they would go to such lengths just to monitor me let me know how cautious they are to me. An A-Rank cannot be looked down upon as they are just below S ranks which is the highest rank of a hunter, A-rankers can also bring a calamity like power depending on their abilities.

"Yes ! and are you alright? You were laying unconscious to the floor when I came in...should I call the doctor?" the girl named Ja Myung asked with a worried tone as she has a innocent like behavior on her while she closely inspects my body.

"ah I'm fine , I just tried standing up but its seems that I was still too weak yet..." i immediately make a excuse and tried to hide the excruciating headache that I'm feeling.

"please don't push yourself!" she holds both of my hands as she leans her face at me while looking at me with her determined eyes making me cringe internally. She looks more relieved but still has a hint of worry on her face as she clicks her tongue and puts both of her hands in the sides of her waist as if urging me but is being nice about it.

"Yes, given that I had been laying here all this time, I was feeling a little stuffy." i hold into my head feeling the headache as i sigh trying to massage my temples to ease the pain

'I should play along for now..'

Even though my head is throbbing, I forced a smile at her and covered my nape as if embarrassed as it wouldn't be bad to play along with her for now and act friendly given she currently has the upper hand. they probably think that I'm innocent and could easily trust someone mostly if they are optimistic and kind making this girl name Ja Myung be sent to me as my bodyguard and their eyes.

"I see..." Ja Myung look at haru with a pitying expression 'Even though I don't know what happened to him, I could tell he'd been through a lot by the large scars all over his body....' Ja Myung thought to herself while looking at him with pity

"Don't worry, now that I'm here, we'll have lots of fun!" Ja Myung continued to cheerfully speak to me and started to tell multiple stories about herself.


When I heard what sounded like a multiple scissors cutting through a thin thread, my mind went blank as my stomach churned, it was definitely my other connections with my butterflies....Since the butterflies have been disconnected meaning they have been eliminated.

'...Did I get caught?' sweat formed at my forehead as i secretly catch my breath while looking coldly at the distracted Ja Myung 

Only high rank hunters can notice my butterflies since I tested it on Seo Shin which is a S-rank and ja myung an A-rank, therefore I knew it was certainly at least an A-Rank hunter or unfortunately even an S-Rank who found out my butterflies. Those damn butterflies undoubtedly ventured too far and were caught up while looking for information.

'damn.... who was it?...I wasn't cautious enough...'

As they have their own will and intelligence aside from the batch that was wiped out, it will be difficult to warn the other batch that I sent forth with them since our connection weakened because of the large gap in the location. I should have warned them not to go too far, it was definitely error in my part.

"Ah! Have you eaten yet?" Ja Myung gasp as she realized she was talking too much and asked as she saw haru who seems to be lost in thought and became more pale time by time raising her concern.

"not yet..." i trail of thinking about the culprit who eliminated my butterflies and how did they saw them.

'simmer down for a while!' , I already feel dizzy, have a bad headache and the batch of butterflies being ripped from my body at the same time so i cant handle a person like Ja Myung right now.

'I should send her off first!' Otherwise, this body of mine would be destroyed if the other batch also got destroyed, so I should send her off right away and alert the other group of my butterflies no matter what.

"What?.... The nurses should be here to deliver your food by now though."

She looks at me pitifully once again while scratching her head in confusion. 'Look at him, he is so frail and pale. He must be hungry and have hidden it. Why are these nurses not giving the patient food?'. the boy who was sitting in the bed looks like he's in his death bed and looks like someone was starving him for years.

"Don't worry I'll get you a food!" Ja Myung spoke with a determined expression 'I'm his bodyguard! ill take care of him' she thought and resolved to herself 

"...thank you" my eyes lit up as i heard her talk about leaving for a bit, She reassured me, with the 'Don't worry!' Look, even though she's clueless as the problem solved itself making me feel relief, At This time I should thank the staffs here for not being on time. She soon said to stay and rest here before swiftly hurried to the door and left.

'Now all I have to do is-'



I heard the door creak once more before it opened to reveal Seo shin with his tall and muscular body wearing his usual black suit, his full name is seo shin and a popular s rank hunter and should be busy by now with guild duties but why is this bastard always present?


I slowly called out to him while I'm sweating bullets as he just stood at the door his brows furrowed and glaring at me, was he the one who caught my butterflies?, should I flee with all my power while its still early? As I calculate on how to escape he soon opens his mouth

"Are you eating properly? You're worse than before I saw you." he grumbles while staring at my body up and down


I was dumbfounded once again as I scoffed inwardly at his bluntness and warily observed every move he made as he closed the door behind him, wondering whether he was the reason why my butterflies had died.

"What happened here?"

He saw the grapes all over the floor and making his brows furrowed more, it seems like he doesn't like seeing messy things, since Ja Myung is here and witnessed my unconscious body on the floor, there is no purpose in trying to hide it. All I have to do is repeat what I said to Ja Myung lying my way on it and in order to make it sound more believable.

...I was-


hearing the same noise of a multiple scissors cutting through a thread, multiple needle like stabs can be felt over my body making my eyes closed and struggled to fight the sudden want to scream as I rested my back against the headboard of the bed I was seated on. I could feel a hot liquid coursing past my nose.


I could also feel hot liquid in my throat as soon its spilling out into my mouth. Various kinds of pain were coursing through me, but I ignored them and tried to figure out who was to blame for this.

'the second small batch of butterflies was almost wiped out.... who's doing it?!' multiple thoughts run through my head as excruciating pain can be felt all over my body. 


As the after effects of my butterflies' death and power transfer became apparent, I opened my eyes again and looked at Seo Shin who was immediately approaching me with a shock look in his face, feeling uneasy about who had discovered about my butterflies.

'So it wasn't him...i wonder who could it be?.... another s rank from other guild?' i wasn't thinking much of my body while i wonder who really it is since some of my butterflies are still alive managing to escape and they could just get the healer and heal me.

"Ja myung! Call the doctor!" seo shin large voice was muffled as i slowly close my eyes and loose consciousness 

'just what happened....'


My body is totally helpless, my closed eyelids won't open at all, and Im hearing a lot of noises in the background but ignored it. It's absurd to imagine that my butterflies could be eliminated so quickly and cause such harm to my body, but they would be extremely helpful if i would have turned a blind eye to this issue.

'....I wonder who is it?' Even though I find it hard to believe , I have a peculiar gut feeling that it wasn't merely a coincidence and that he not only massacred the first batch of my butterflies but also searched for the second batch to destroy it, thinking that only a crazy bastard would do such a thing.

I hope my intuition is incorrect this time. I don't want to run into a psychotic guy like that any time soon.....

after wishing such thing I lost my consciousness yet again.