Anne's sister

Under Alexander's powerful abilities, even the combined efforts of Su Rong and Annie were no match for him.

The next morning, Alexander woke up feeling full of energy, as if his body was brimming with inexhaustible strength.

As for Su Rong and Anna, they slept until almost noon before they woke up. Last night had indeed exhausted them.

Seeing them wake up, Alexander quickly asked, "Are you two alright? Also, isn't this Su Rong's room? Annie, why are you here?"

Annie walked over, wrapped her arm around Alexander's, and cooed, "Well, of course, I wanted you, brother Alexander, to help me with something."

As she flirted, she habitually rubbed her long leg against Alexander. Soon, she noticed Alexander's arousal, which frightened her and made her quickly step back.

"My God, last night was crazy enough. If we do it again... I can't even imagine!" 

Alexander also quickly moved to the side, bending his body to try and hide his visible arousal.