The Ghostly Bus

"I want to buy anti-fear sunglasses!"

Seeing that the ghost with the axe was about to reach him, Cain shouted in a hurry.

Immediately, a thousand ghost coins were deducted, and a pair of sunglasses appeared directly in his hand.

He hurriedly put on the sunglasses.

It doesn't seem like there's any change...

No, the ghost holding the axe in front of him has changed, turning into a short, fat man dressed in a large black robe, with a heart-shaped hairstyle on his head.

"My little darling, don't rush... I'm coming to love you..."

The little black fat man held an axe in his hand and grimaced.

Not only is there no fear, but there's even a bit of wanting to laugh. What's going on?

The progress bar above his head rapidly decreased, and the little black fat man could only stop his axing motion.

Just then, another grimacing figure appeared in the distance and began to walk this way.