Prepare for the return of our leader!

"James is an orphan? That can't be right. I just saw his sister not long ago!" Alexander exclaimed, his shock evident, even in the face of Selena's previous caution.

"Sister... Impossible!" The Blood Queen asserted firmly. "Don't even mention a sister. James grew up in an orphanage and never saw his parents. There's no way he could have a sister!"

"Could there be a chance," Alexander started cautiously, sensing the Blood Queen's heightened emotions, "that the James you know deceived you?"

"Impossible!" She didn't even hesitate. "I saw that orphanage with my own eyes. James cannot possibly have a sister!"

With her own eyes?

Alexander's eyes widened in shock. According to the Blood Queen, ghosts from the world could never enter reality. 

Unless there was a— Ghost Servant Pact! To his knowledge, no tool existed that allowed one to make such a pact; it seemed to be a unique talent he possessed.