The robber is back, robbing Undead Street again!

In the Undead Bar, an instance is taking place.

Elegant folk tunes, soft shimmering lights.

Mechanical figures and puppet-like entities move around the bar, each carrying a glass of drink.At a glance, it seems to be a uniquely themed costume bar.

However, the chosen participants of the instance obviously don't think so.

"Sir, what would you like to order?"

A wooden carved puppet approached the ten visibly tense participants and asked,

"We have top-notch engine oil, as well as lubricant and our newly launched maintenance oil. What would you like? I'd recommend this lubricant—it has a distinct taste and can add shine."

As the wooden entity spoke, it took a glass of pale-yellow liquid from its tray, took a delighted sip, and then poured the rest over itself. The originally dull wooden skin instantly looked rejuvenated.

However, the expressions of several participants turned sour.

Engine oil, lubricant, maintenance oil...