What truly good people they were!

"Congratulations, you've unlocked the hidden fifth faction. Please set your faction mission objectives," the instance prompt said.

"Final objective: Eliminate the eldest prince, Hurricane, the third prince, Hong Mu, and the young lady, Anlan, by any means necessary," Alexander declared without hesitation.

"Mission objective confirmed. Please determine how members will join!"

"By my invitation, and they can be members of other factions at the same time!"

"Method of joining confirmed. The hidden fifth faction is now activated. Esteemed participant Alexander, proceed to invite your chosen ones to join your faction!"

So, it was indeed possible to activate a fifth faction. Moreover, Alexander would serve as the temporary leader, holding both the identity of faction leader and the chosen one. 

Even Alice was unaware of this hidden faction, much like the fourth faction. Intriguing indeed!