Promotion Event at Dining Hall No. 9

With a screech, the sound of bus tires grinding against asphalt filled the air as the No. 45 bus pulled to a stop in front of the 9th Dining Hall. 

One by one, the first wave of ghosts seeking to dine—or perhaps more accurately, to satiate their hunger—stepped off the bus.

"Something seems off," mumbled one of the disembarking ghosts.

Then, the assembled Ghost Kings and Ghost Imperials , their eyes widening as they stood frozen in front of the 9th Dining Hall. Placed at the entrance was an enormous sign, emblazoned with vivid red letters:

"Shock Alert! The owner of the 9th Dining Hall has eloped with a lover, leaving the chefs unpaid. Forced to liquidate massive amounts of ingredients, we are now offering discounted dishes. Our promotional rules are as follows: