Richest man Alexander

"Six... six hundred and thirty trillion?" Both Kassadin Imperial and Edward were momentarily stupefied on the spot. Kassadin Imperial, in particular, was so exhilarated that tears of joy streamed down his face as he muttered, "I'm rich, I'm damned rich!"

Kassadin was undoubtedly a veteran Imperial, having even witnessed the era when Hades existed. 

From the inception of the mist instance, he had been participating as a Ghost King. After several centuries of laborious effort, Kassadin broke through from being a Ghost King to an Imperial, and now, reaching the level of Ghost Emperor seemed within arm's reach. 

At the Imperial level, he was indisputably top-notch.

Despite Kassadin Imperial's hot-tempered nature, he was extremely cautious within the mist instance. If Edward was known for showing off, then Kassadin Imperial could unequivocally be crowned as the most cautious participant in the mist instance—a true survivor.