Alexander's Secret Weapon

Beneath the grey robe was not the wrinkled face of an old crone, as Alexander had imagined. 

Rather, when the robe was lifted, it revealed an exceptionally beautiful visage framed by a cascade of soft, jet-black hair.

The moment the woman beneath the robe revealed her true face, the world seemed to fall into a surreal stillness.

The eyes of all the Ghost Imperials and Ghost Kings flickered with unspeakable horror. Then, almost as if choreographed, faces of Thaddeus, Kassadin, and several other Ghost Imperials lit up with extreme elation. 

They suddenly fell to one knee, exclaiming, "We greet the female Emperor!"

This woman was not Alice. She was the other hidden female Emperor of Dark Hell, the one who had once annihilated an entire city on her own—Blizzard.

"Do you still have reservations when I am here?" Blizzard's eyes swept over the assembly as she gently waved her hand.