The war has officially begun

"Ah, just as I expected! You never disappoint!" Tony exclaimed, as if a lightbulb had suddenly turned on in his mind.

"I knew it!" Edward muttered.

Su Rong and Annie both looked as if they had fully grasped the situation, and even Kassadin appeared to be in the know. 

Abigail and the others, however, were utterly bewildered.

What on Earth was going on? Alexander was acting strangely, but why did everyone else seem just as odd? Had they all gone mad, or had something eluded her?

Despite her bewilderment, orders had to be carried out. Most of the people present, a majority of the Ghost Imperials, had already pledged their loyalty to Alexander. 

The Blood Queen and Emperor Kui stood by his side, and even Blizzard obeyed without question. The others had little say in the matter.

Upon Alexander's command, six million soldiers of the Fierce Ghost Association marched forward in a disciplined formation.