I need you to help me put on a performance

Karin had fully regained her memory and power. With her assistance, the two of them left the Mist Instance, even taking with them the forbidden ring. 

Relying on the power of the forbidden ring, Alexander rapidly amassed a large force to attack the Mist world. The outcome, however, was inevitable failure. 

At a critical moment, Karin intervened, saving Alexander. 

White Clothes, intent on pursuing them, was thwarted by several individuals who identified themselves as Chess Players. These Chess Players intervened covertly, inflicting serious injuries on Green Clothes. 

To uncover the identities of these Chess Players, White Clothes abandoned the chase. Instead, the masters from the eighth Ghost Realm, coveting the existence of the forbidden ring, attempted an ambush but were decimated by the power of Karin's ring, devastating the entire Ghost Realm.

Ultimately, Alexander died from severe injuries, and Karin returned to the Mist world.