As long as Alexander lives, the galaxy shall know no chaos

White Clothes, with a sense of awe, exclaimed, "Terrifying civilization, terrifying creativity, terrifying intelligence! What's even more frightening is that a civilization composed of weak individuals can possess such immense cohesion."

"But I don't understand!" she coughed out blood, the long sword specially prepared for her proving effective. Even as a guardian, she couldn't withstand the horrific obsession of trillions of people, especially after leaving her main field to enter the Horror World. 

She had held on until now only because of her unwillingness to yield and her lingering doubts: "You went to great lengths to turn Black Clothes and the others against me, even to kill me. But what does it accomplish? 

Knowing the existence of my father, you should understand we are merely symbionts, or parasites, born from the forbidden that my father derived. Compared to him, we are insignificant.