"True love is usually the most inconvenient kind."

Before the story...

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"The plan is set. We have done our part in gathering the information, but now the difficult task begins."

The unknown speaker paused, as if to consider their next words. In the gloom of the alleyway, they shrouded their faces in shadows.

"We must get our hands on Andrew and Addy," they continued, "before they can take their relationship farther than it already has. We must find out where they are and get them away from each other. If we can't locate Andrew and Addy and separate them, then all our plans will be ruined.

The other figure in the shadows nodded. "We must be quick. They could be anywhere by now."The first figure sighed. "Yes, and we must be certain we have all the information before we act. We can't risk them getting away before we find them."

The second figure stepped forward into the light and revealed themselves as a woman. "We have to be careful," she said. "Andrew and Addy are not our only targets. We have to make sure we don't start a scandal that will ruin them before they can."

"But how?" the first figure asked.

"We must find out who Andrew and Addy's friends, family, and associates are," she replied. "We can use them to our advantage. If we can find out who the two of them are associated with, we can spread rumors, twist facts, and spin lies that will turn the public against them and ruin their reputations."

The first figure nodded in agreement. "It will take time and effort, but it's our only chance of success. And once we have ruined them, we will be free to go on with our plans."

The second figure smiled. "Let us begin."

And so the two figures set out on their mission to ruin the lives of Andrew and Addy. With careful planning and precision, they started their work to bring the two lovers to ruin.


Andrew was absent, which worried Addy greatly. She didn't know if she should text him or to leave him be, but considering his foster father abuses him, she was strongly willing to text him. The bell rang for their next class and immediately, she took her phone out and pressed the ringer button. No reply.

Did he only use her? She quickly made her way to the restrooms and into the stall. Maybe he didn't see the call? She called him again. Again, no reply.Addy's heart sank. She couldn't help but think the worst. Maybe something had happened to him. She quickly finished her business and made her way out of the bathroom.

As she walked down the hallway, she noticed a group of girls huddled together, whispering and giggling. She tried to ignore them, but as she passed by, she heard one of them say, "Did you hear about Andrew? Apparently, he's been cheating on Addy."

Addy stopped dead in her tracks. Cheating? It couldn't be true. But as she looked around, she saw other students exchanging knowing glances and whispering among themselves.Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of it all. Was this the work of the two figures who were trying to ruin them? Or was there some truth to the rumors?

She knew she had to confront Andrew and get to the bottom of it. Addy marched down the hallway towards the exit, where she knew Andrew liked to hang out during his free period, hoping to see him, though doubting it also. As she approached, she saw him sitting on a bench, head in his hands, looking utterly defeated.

"Andrew," she said, her voice breaking. "What's going on? People are saying you've been cheating on me."

Andrew looked up at her, his blue eyes filled with tears. "It's not true, Addy," he said, his voice shaking. "I swear to you."

Addy took a deep breath and sat down next to him. "Then why are they saying it?" she asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

"It's those two guys... J-Jake and Evanna...'s take care of them," Addy said, determination in her voice. "We'll show them that they can't mess with us."

Andrew looked at her, admiration in his eyes. "I knew I could count on you, Addy," he said, a small smile forming on his face.

Addy stood up, feeling empowered. She knew what she had to do. She made her way to the classroom where they were known to hang out during their free period. As she approached the door, she took a deep breath and prepared herself for what was to come.

When she walked in, the two guys looked up at her, surprise written all over their faces. They had clearly not expected her to come after them.

"What do you want, Addy?" asked Jake, a smug look on his face.

"I want you to stop spreading rumors about me and Andrew," Addy said, her voice steady and strong. "You have no right to interfere in our relationship."

"Well, well, well," said Evanna. "Looks like little miss perfect finally decided to stand up for herself."

Addy didn't flinch at her words. Instead, she walked closer to them, her eyes blazing with fury."You think you can just say whatever you want about me and get away with it?" she asked, her voice low and dangerous.

Jake and Evanna exchanged a glance, clearly unsure of how to handle Addy's sudden aggression.

"We didn't mean to cause any harm," Jake said, his voice faltering slightly to hide his amusement.

"Too late for that," Addy replied coldly. "You've already caused damage. But I'm not here to negotiate. I'm here to make sure you never mess with us again."

Without another word, Addy lunged at Jake, tackling him to the ground. Evanna tried to intervene, but Andrew had followed Addy and grabbed her from behind, pinning her arms to her side. Addy punched Jake square in the face, causing him to grunt in pain.

"You're going to regret that," he growled, trying to push Addy off of him.

But Addy was too strong. She pinned him to the ground and continued to hit him with all her might. Andrew held Evanna in place, making sure she couldn't interfere with Addy's attack.After a few more punches, Addy stood up, panting heavily. Jake lay on the ground, clutching his face and moaning in pain. Evanna glared at Addy with pure hatred.

"You'll pay for this," she spat.

Addy simply smirked. "I'm not afraid of you," she said, before turning on her heel and leaving the classroom.

Andrew followed her out, a look of admiration and awe on his face.

"I can't believe you did that," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Addy shrugged, feeling a sense of satisfaction in her chest. "They had it coming," she said. "No one talks about us like that."

Andrew chuckled. "I never realized you had such a temper," he said.

Addy smiled wickedly. "Oh, you haven't seen anything yet," she said. "Those two are going to regret ever crossing me."

Andrew raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What are you going to do?"

Addy's smile widened. "Let's just say they'll learn their lesson," she replied cryptically.

As they walked down the hallway, Addy couldn't help but feel a sense of power coursing through her veins. She was no longer the quiet, unassuming girl that everyone ignored. She was a force to be reckoned with, and she was going to make sure everyone knew it.


Jake and Evanna sat side by side on the hard wooden chairs, wincing in pain as they recounted the details of the fight.

"It all started when Addy came up to us," said Jake, his voice a harsh whisper. "She had figured us out and said to stop spreading rumors."

Evanna nodded in agreement. "Andrew was there too, and somehow was able to hold me back when Addy and Jake were fighting," she said.

The boss leaned back in his chair, listening closely. "I'll take care of it," he said. "You two should go home now. I'll get to the bottom of this."

Jake and Evanna stood up, both of them too tired to speak. As they made their way out, Evanna turned to look back at the boss. He had a strange look on his face, as if he already knew who Andrew and Addy were.

Her and Jake staggered back to the outside, their bodies aching from the fight. Jake felt his throat tighten as he remembered the moments with Addy. He wanted to cry, but he held his tears in, determined to remain strong.

Jake flopped down onto his bed, feeling his anger slowly give way to despair. The fight had been too one-sided, and he felt powerless against the two of them. He'd thought he was invincible, but now he was beginning to realize the truth.

No matter how hard he tried, he was still vulnerable, and there were always people who were stronger than him. He'd never be able to defend himself against someone like Addy. He curled up into a ball, his eyes closed as tears streamed down his face. He felt like he was lost in a sea of misery, and he wasn't sure if he'd ever find his way back.