117. Trapped...

"It looks like someone is in a hurry." Thyra didn't pull his pants up. It would be better to say he couldn't bend down and pull his pants up himself. 

Although he could somewhat use his abilities, bending down with his excessive belly fat would still be hard. 

However, what he didn't expect was the determination of the woman in front of him. 

Instead of turning her the other way, she clenched her fist and threw her punch. Unexpectedly, yet somewhat understandably, it was aimed at Thyra's family jewel, which he couldn't see from his position. 

Thyra jumped back. Whether it was because he had overestimated the ability of this body or underestimated the reach of Dali, the punch just grazed his sensitive part. It was enough to do critical damage.

Thyra could only cover his family jewel as he fell to her knees. Dali's assault wasn't over yet. She was quick to jump on her feet as she tried to kick Thyra again. However, she couldn't hit his target. 

She paused for a moment as she looked around to find the dagger Thyra had thrown away. 

It was behind Thyra. 

Noticing he was yet to recover, she ran towards the dagger. Alas! It was already too late. She didn't get to pass Thyra.

Thyra's hand wrapped around her waist. Even before she could struggle, Thyra put her on his back and stood up. The tip of her finger touched the handle of the dagger, but she couldn't grab it.

Thyra mercilessly slammed her on the bed. It was the softest bed he had climbed onto. 

Naturally, the fall didn't hurt her much, but it still made her a little dizzy. Again, she didn't get to struggle as Thyra directly sat on her waist.

"Give up. You can't escape." Thyra said while arresting her arms.

But Dali wasn't willing to give up. She looked around to find a way to escape but realised something was wrong with her father-in-law. 

She looked at his crotch, then at his face, to confirm it was still the same degenerate man who had coveted his daughter-in-law's body. 

However, from the point of their bodily contact, she felt that the source of this man's degeneracy was missing.

She stared at Thyra, asking, "You are not my father. Are you?"

Thyra smiled. He had no intention of answering. Yet he couldn't help asking, "You are a proper noble lady, aren't you? Although this individual attempted to subdue you and exert control over you, you continue to address me as 'father'?"

"What are you?" The surprised expression changed into shock, and Thyra noticed a hint of fear was starting to gather in her eyes.

"What are you? Not 'Who are you?'" Thyra asked with a smile, but she didn't return it. Thyra continued smiling, adding, "Of course, I am a human."

"You are not. You are a man, but you don't have…" Thyra noticed that her eyes brushed around her crotch when she hesitated to say, "You don't have a baby wand. Your body is a man, but you are a woman."

In order to protect his family jewel, Thyra quickly replaced his crotch. He had replaced Feitur's family jewel and meat stick with Mayer's pussy. 

He reasoned in her mind that if he didn't have the parts, there was no reason to feel pain. It did work. Although some phantom limb pain remained, it was tolerable.

"Does not having a dick disappoint you?" Thyra smiled, only receiving a glare from her. 

Thyra raised his waist briefly before putting it down on her waist. He rubbed himself against her, reaffirming, "It's back. You can feel it. Your concern makes me question whether you wish to have sex with this elderly man."

"Who are you? You are not… Feitur." She had no intention of laughing.

"Really, you don't have a thing for your 'father'?" Thyra asked.

Instead of answering, Dali started to struggle harder. With the weight of Feitur, there was no way she could get herself free. Alas! The worst was yet to come.

"Then I can return to my real form," Thyra said as her body changed. 

"You are…" She was terrified as the man's body changed. If the transformation scene wasn't terrifying enough, the form was. This man was larger than Feitur. 

He wasn't fat; instead, his body was stacked with muscle. Even Feitur's clothes were reaching their limit. 

A few parts had tears, exposing the muscles hidden beneath the cloth. What frightened her most was the identity of the man.

"You are part of the empire's army, aren't you?"

"How do you know?" Thyra was a little surprised. Thyra didn't revert back to her normal form. Instead, he was now the muscle stud commander named Pat.

Thyra had put up his guard to ensure no one could go to the second or first floors. So, there was no way Dali could recognise that the form he had taken was that of the commander of the empire's army.

"What are you doing?" Dali started to struggle again. She cursed, "If my father knew that you were trying to force yourself on me, do you think he would let you go? He will punish you. Even your commander won't be able to save you."

"What made you think he didn't send me here?" Thyra asked with a smile. Although he did not know it, the way his face was shaped, and his smile made him look like the devil. "Do you really think you are so important to him?"

Dali paused, and the look in her eyes was enough to answer. Yet Thyra smiled, saying,  "Don't worry, he didn't send me here. After all, there was no way a dead man could do such a thing."

Her eyes bulged up as she looked at Thyra in panic. She was sure it wasn't possible. After all, they had joined hands with the empire, and the empire was winning. There was no way they would…

"It looks like you have thoroughly understood your situation. Do you think we need to keep a puppet when we can control the city ourselves?"

"You are lying." 

Thyra smirked, adding, "Our army is a thousand men strong. As soon as you open the gate and invite us in, do you think it will be hard for us to…"

He didn't need to end her words, but she understood what he wanted to say. It sent a chill down her spine. 

When Thyra asked, "Didn't you hear the commotion on the lower floor? What do you think has happened down there?" She knew that her fate was sealed.

It wasn't just her. She had no problem understanding what fate awaited them. All the males will be killed or enslaved, while the women will end up like her. But she couldn't give up just yet. 

Till now, she had been struggling on the bed, not to get free but to inch closer to the other dagger she had hidden beneath the pillow.

"What do you want to do now? Do you want to struggle more?"

Dali looked at him. She knew that she would have to get her hands free in order to get her dagger. She turned her face away as she relaxed the tension in her body, saying, "Just get it done with."

From the side of her eyes, she could see the man smile as he let her hand go, saying, "That's like a good girl."

She didn't dare make any random movements. She slowly moved her hand as the man started to take off his upper garments while saying, "That's a wise choice. After all, I can love you more than your husband. How about becoming my concubine?"

She snorted but didn't say anything as the man continued, "What type of bastard would go to a brothel to spend the night while having such a beautiful wife? Don't worry. He might be dead by now."

Taking her chance, she put her hand under the pillow and grabbed the dagger. However, her hand paused as she heard those words. While holding the dagger beneath the pillow, she looked at him in disbelief. She couldn't help wondering how this man knew about it.

But he wasn't done. "Every man who carried the blood of that fat bastard will be executed. So, if you want to protect your sister and son, I wouldn't have…"

As soon as she noticed the man was looking at her hand under the pillow, she stabbed him with the dagger.