In the end, Yu Ming was kicked out of Wu Jingguo's palace. He didn't even get to see his appearance in the mirror because that bastard Prince was urging him to leave his palace immediately. He only had time to put on his clothes, but he didn't have time to comb his messy hair.

And, who was the culprit behind his messy looks? Of course, it was Wu Jingguo who did that, and that bastard Prince was also the one who caused him to feel pain all over his body.

"He probably would still use his hand to slap a mosquito, but he didn't even want to push me away with his hand. Instead, he used his foot to kick my butt! I'm sure no better than a mosquito in his eyes!" Grumbled angrily, Yu Ming kept bringing his feet left Wu Jingguo's palace.

His back was still sore, and the pain was added by the strong kick on his butt, that was why he kept rubbing the spot while moving away from the palace of the Second Prince. He silently cursed his luck.

"Last night, I didn't only drink with that giant bee but also with Xiao Hai, but how come Xiao Hai didn't try to save me from that monster?" He once again muttered angrily as he couldn't fully remember what happened last night. "Xiao Hai's alcohol tolerance is indeed higher than me and that bastard Wu Jingguo, but I didn't expect him to have the heart to leave me with that monster. He should have brought me back to my pavilion, right?"

He could see several palace maids walking past him. Most of them bowed to him politely since he was often seen as another Prince in the palace, but some of them seemed to be trying to hold back their laughter when they saw the green-haired man walking alone.

Yu Ming didn't even know why the girls looked like they couldn't stop giggling when they saw him, but he paid them no heed as he continued to drag his feet into his pavilion.

Before they returned to Xinyang Imperial Palace two weeks ago, Yu Ming rarely spent any time in the palace, and that was why he didn't have his pavilion back then. He often stayed at the Red Pavilion as the manager of the place, and that was why he only stayed at Wu Jinhai's palace whenever he visited Xinyang Imperial Palace in the past.

But two weeks ago Emperor Wu Shun specially assigned a new pavilion for him, and the pavilion's location was quite close to Wu Jinhai's palace.

"That's right. My pavilion is close to his palace, but Wu Jinhai didn't want to bring me back to mine last night. Instead, he let me stay with that annoying monster," he once again grumbled as he recalled the memory from last night again.

At this time, not only Wu Jingguo annoyed him, but Wu Jinhai also irritated him. It was indeed the Wu brothers who spoiled his mood this morning, and before he knew it, he was already in front of his pavilion.

He stopped walking and stared at the large sign with the Haoren[1] Pavilion's calligraphy written on it. He almost snorted when he read the inscription on the board, but he also didn't want to openly ridicule it since Wu Shun had named the pavilion himself.

Wu Shun said that the pavilion was like a reward for his kindness over the years, and that was why he had named the pavilion that way.

But actually, Yu Ming was just laughing at himself as he read the inscription on the sign. Is he really a kind person? Does he deserve to be called a good person?

Until now, Yu Ming didn't even know his purpose in life. All these years, he had only devoted himself to following Wu Jinhai around, and that was why he didn't know what to do if Wu Jinhai just stayed in the palace as the new Crown Prince.

That was why Yu Ming felt a bit lost, and he believed someone without a purpose in life like him couldn't be called a good person.

"What are you doing there? Maybe you feel like your pavilion lacks statues, and that's why you're standing there as a statue?"

When Yu Ming stupidly looked at the huge sign in front of his pavilion, someone suddenly threw two questions at him, and he stiffly turned his body around, only to find that Wu Jinhai was looking at him lazily.

His pavilion was indeed close to Wu Jinhai's palace, and that was why it was only natural that he would run to the Crown Prince when he was in his pavilion. But Yu Ming actually didn't expect that he would meet the younger man so early.

He expected that Wu Jinhai wouldn't come out of his palace until noon, but when he carefully observed the younger man's appearance, he could tell that the man had washed up, and he looked neat in his new robes.

Not only had Wu Jinhai's status been upgraded, but even his clothes had been upgraded as well. The red robe was made of the finest materials, and the gold thread on the robe only added to the Crown Prince's glamor. Wu Jinhai's long black hair was also neatly tied at the back of his head, and although a few strands of black hair still covered the side of the man's face, Wu Jinhai still looked elegant.

Without his golden mask, one would be able to see how charming the Crown Prince was, and unknowingly, Yu Ming smiled as he could see the difference in Wu Jinhai after he was officially appointed as the new Crown Prince of Wu Li.

Finally, Yu Ming brought his feet to walk closer to the Crown Prince. Stopping in front of the younger man, he commented, "You seem to be in a good mood today, Xiao Hai."

It could be said that Yu Ming's bitterness towards Wu Jinhai simply disappeared after meeting that man. On the contrary, he now looked like a proud mother after seeing the young man.

Unexpectedly, the red-robed man only snorted loudly after hearing his words. "Are you being sarcastic towards me?" He replied in annoyance. "It's been a week since I last saw Bai Chen. He didn't even attend the banquet last night, and that's why I've been in a bad mood since last night, but just now you said that I'm in a good mood? Are you blind, Yu Ming?"



[1] Haoren: a good person.