"It was a blunder."

That was the first thing Yu Ming heard right after he closed the door of the hut he and Wu Jingguo shared when they lived in the South Slum.

Of course, the person who had just made that statement was Wu Jingguo, and after the door closed, he let out a heavy sigh before turning his body so he could face Wu Jingguo who was currently pacing back and forth within the building.

"It's no big deal," Yu Ming finally replied as he brought his feet up to the only chair in the room before calmly sitting down on it. "Ji Ba only asked that question out of curiosity, but Bolin didn't even ask us any further about it. He thought it was enough as long as Qing'er was safe, and that's why he didn't question how we managed to defeat those two bastards. To put it even better, Qing'er also didn't say anything even if she witnessed how we defeated those bastards today."