What could Wu Jingguo's 'good hands' do to Yu Ming's hair? Would they pluck the green strands from the scalp? Or maybe the hands would just do something to start a fire before using them to burn all the hair?

Yu Ming was quite nervous. He was the one who started all the ridicule, but he was suddenly the one who needed to hold his breath when so many possibilities could occur since his opponent was now Wu Jingguo.

However, nothing scary actually happened after Wu Jingguo used his hands to touch Yu Ming's hair. Currently, Yu Ming was still sitting on the chair while Wu Jingguo stood behind him, and the former could feel how the latter was using his long fingers to gently comb through his hair.

Yes, Wu Jingguo was brushing his long hair gently as if his hair was made of fragile and precious gold thread, and it was that one shocking fact that managed to make Yu Ming breathless.