Luo Xiaoli was kidnapped years ago when Wu Jinhai was very small. Emperor Wu Shun was even angry at the palace guards who failed to protect the Empress and allowed the woman to be kidnapped by bad people.

The Emperor also ordered his troops to search for the Empress, and even the commoners in Wu Li helped him search for the missing Empress.

Unfortunately, it was only three days later that the Emperor was finally able to meet the Empress again, but it couldn't be said to be a lucky moment as the Empress's corpse was all he could find at that time.

It was a commoner who first discovered the Empress's corpse by the river, and an arrow stuck in her left chest as if it nailed her to the ground. It was obvious that the arrow was the object that had taken the Empress's life, but unfortunately, it was still unknown who had shot the arrow into the Empress's chest.